Organize and Optimize your Account for Success webinar Q&A

Dear Pipedriver, 💎
we would like to thank you for attending our Organize and Optimize your Account for Success webinar that happened last week. We hope you liked it.
If you missed our event then the recording can be found ➡️ HERE ⬅️
All your questions have been answered and you can see them here under the replies. We kindly ask you to openly give your further thoughts on those topics by replying in the threads.
Have a great day!
- I would like to know what you think the pros and cons are about managing delay / deferred deals. I am thinking the best thing is to move these to a seperate pipeline because I want to see what stage these deals got to before the client disengaged.
- Best practice is to create a “on hold” or “deferred” Pipeline to keep/manage these deals so they don’t affect deal velocity reports on other Pipelines!
0 - I would like to know what you think the pros and cons are about managing delay / deferred deals. I am thinking the best thing is to move these to a seperate pipeline because I want to see what stage these deals got to before the client disengaged.
- Issue about "person created date", which is in the future (2035)... anyway we can change it directly in Pipedrive?
- Contact with person contact info and date you would like updated. Alternatively you can create a New Person and merge previous contact as shown here:
0 - Issue about "person created date", which is in the future (2035)... anyway we can change it directly in Pipedrive?
- What about hiding and unhiding certain stages from default view?
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- Is there an integration with ZoomInfo/EngageOS?
- Not at this time, suggestion has been forwarded to our Integrations team!
0 - Is there an integration with ZoomInfo/EngageOS?
- messaging also available for linkedIn ? or planned ?
- Not at this time as it is in Beta, all suggestions in this Q&A are being submitted to Product so hope to have updates for you soon!
0 - messaging also available for linkedIn ? or planned ?
- Is there a way to merge a person to an organization?
No, they can be linked to an org. But the contact merge only works for like entities i.e. Person to Person or Org to Org:
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- Starting as a new overall record, (contact, customer location is it best to start at the deals?
- If a qualified deal/opportunity exists for that contact then yes. If not it is best to start by creating contact and Org they belong to or linking contact to existing org. Then once an opportunity develops creating a deal off of that contact.
0 - Starting as a new overall record, (contact, customer location is it best to start at the deals?
- Is there a preferable API for integrating Pipedrive with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central?
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- Dashboard sharing password and information who access it? Making dashboard sharing link feels very insecure as anyone with link can see it. (For example ex employee of company)
- Create new link for dashboard and revoke access to previous one as shown here:
0 - Dashboard sharing password and information who access it? Making dashboard sharing link feels very insecure as anyone with link can see it. (For example ex employee of company)
- Is it possible to have the exact ammount of minutes, seconds from a phone call made through Pipedrive when exporting activity?
- Feedback reported, please see community post:
0 - Is it possible to have the exact ammount of minutes, seconds from a phone call made through Pipedrive when exporting activity?
- In marketing and dislike having the system show me as a Follower of the leads I import for sales follow up. Has the system been updated to allow for these not to be followed or do we still need to contact PipeDrive personnel to remove me from following?
- Feedback reported and is a common request on Community page.
0 - In marketing and dislike having the system show me as a Follower of the leads I import for sales follow up. Has the system been updated to allow for these not to be followed or do we still need to contact PipeDrive personnel to remove me from following?
- How can we see email threads from other colleagues within a deal - is there a privicy setting that we need to turn off? Thank you
- Users need to have “share within your company” setting activated to show emails to linked deals/orgs/contacts as shown here:
0 - How can we see email threads from other colleagues within a deal - is there a privicy setting that we need to turn off? Thank you
- How do we copy all the mail addresses when you have several in 1 deal?
- Not currently possible with one click but has been escalated to our product team and hope to have update for you soon!
0 - How do we copy all the mail addresses when you have several in 1 deal?
- Is there a way to have a pipeline that does not immediately start the clock until it is placed into the "contact made" column?
- Have the entry stage of that Pipeline excluded from any deal progress or duration reports. This can be configured in the report conditions to only include certain stages.
0 - Is there a way to have a pipeline that does not immediately start the clock until it is placed into the "contact made" column?
- Are Labels only supported on Organisations or can they be used for People and Deals too?
- Org, People, and Deal labels are all individual to each entity. However you can create the same label name and color for varying entities if you need to filter/sort them together
0 - Are Labels only supported on Organisations or can they be used for People and Deals too?
- If I choose to filter on Last Activity, would it include email / text / phone?
- If that email/txt/phone activity type is selected within your Pipedrive account then yes it will be included!
0 - If I choose to filter on Last Activity, would it include email / text / phone?
- I wish to get some better understanding on the reports and analytics. If you can help me with that, currently the data is not always correct with the reports in the pipe.
- This video series will give you a deep dive into Insights reporting:
If some of the data does not look right in your reports, please contact support through the chat or and provide screenshots of discrepancies and they will investigate and resolve
0 - I wish to get some better understanding on the reports and analytics. If you can help me with that, currently the data is not always correct with the reports in the pipe.
- Are there any features specifically useful for businesses who use a subscription/reoccurring sales model?
- Recurring revenue feature!
0 - Are there any features specifically useful for businesses who use a subscription/reoccurring sales model?
- We have 5year contracts, with updated paperwork expected to fund each year. We are currently copying from first year to each subsequent year. Is there a better way to keep this continuity, especially when we want to look at 2,3,4 or all five years at once?
- Subscription or Payment plan feature on deals!
0 - We have 5year contracts, with updated paperwork expected to fund each year. We are currently copying from first year to each subsequent year. Is there a better way to keep this continuity, especially when we want to look at 2,3,4 or all five years at once?
- How can I as a CEO receive weekly discipline / data hygiene email? I'm interested to get summary of certain things like number of deals rotten in late stages by sales rep, number of deals above 100k with no activity in past 60 day's, deals with expected close time in past.
- Best way would be to create a new dashboard and add those three reports to it. Once added, all reports can be filtered to “this week” timeframe and include all users or specified teams. All reports would update automatically and you would simply have to look at dashboard or have the Public link open in a tab to view at any time.
0 - How can I as a CEO receive weekly discipline / data hygiene email? I'm interested to get summary of certain things like number of deals rotten in late stages by sales rep, number of deals above 100k with no activity in past 60 day's, deals with expected close time in past.
- I assume that linking to your emails is a cost plus option? is that correct?
- Email sync is included on Advanced, Professional, and Enterprise Plans at no charge
0 - I assume that linking to your emails is a cost plus option? is that correct?
- I missed how to change the "rotting" date.
- You can edit the rotting time as shown here
. Any activity created for that rotten deal, or edits of custom fields, expected close dates, value, etc. will reset the rotting cycle
0 - I missed how to change the "rotting" date.
- How come My team cant see my emails in pipe, tho I can see them on clients ?
- Be sure to have “share within your company” setting activated to show emails to linked deals/orgs/contacts as shown here:
0 - How come My team cant see my emails in pipe, tho I can see them on clients ?