Who here Needs a Gantt chart for their Projects?

Zach Garrison
Zach Garrison Member Posts: 17 VERIFIED MEMBER
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Who here Needs a Gantt chart for their Projects with in deals? A way for each project to have its own Gantt chart but then also all projects in the deals could flow to a the MAIN Gantt chart which could be in the Calendar area and you could get a quick overview of all deals slash projects timeframes and what's overlapping each other and such and such and such.

22 votes

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  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited September 2021 #2
    @Zachariah Garrison great question. We're working on a project management area in Pipedrive and Gantt has been mentioned before. We don't have anything live yet but join this channel to get the latest on it: https://community.pipedrive.com/group/project-management-delivery-management
  • Joe_1462
    Joe_1462 Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2021 #3
    I would love to see a gantt chart. Is this still in the plans for the future? how long is this away?
  • Gary_87987
    Gary_87987 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Love the idea of a gantt chart. Would be really helpful for Real Estate as a lot goes into our listings before we ever get to the market.

  • Adrian King
    Adrian King Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2023 #5

    We use TeamGantt for our project management, which is awesome. It helps us visualise and communicate project plans to clients and our team. And I've tried lots of them, and TeamGantt is my fave by far.

    In Pipedrive's Projects, I can create most of what I need for project management, except for the Gantt chart. The core most useful feature of Gantt chart type apps that Pipedrive projects does not have, is 'task dependencies', making it impractical to use Pipedrive for my projects. Here's why...

    Currently every task in Pipedrive Projects is relative to project start date. If a task slips due to client delays for example, it's a very fiddly and error prone process to update all the task 'due by dates' one by one in Pipedrive Projects.

    Gantt chart applications with dependencies can automatically update the entire schedule when one task slips (or gets done early). That is a hugely beneficial feature that is not currently in Pipedrive Projects, which in my view is essential for project management. It's worth noting that there are also several methods to handle auto-updating of scheduled tasks if something changes and some people might prefer to manually adjust the Gantt chart to fix issues that happen from slippage, and others might just want it to automatically re-arrange task start/end dates. TeamGantt does a great job of giving options for handling this.

    By the way I am not affiliated with TeamGantt - just a paying use and a fan :)

    Also, we use baselines for our schedules. This is a very useful feature that allows us to store a snapshot of a project schedule at a certain date, and then compare our schedule as it changes with the baseline (older versions of the schedule). Scheduled start/end dates of tasks always change throughout the life of a project. This is helpful for us to understand how a project schedule has evolved, and see what tasks and assignees are responsible for it (team members or clients for example).

    I think it's potentially possible for Pipedrive to create the task dependency feature without needing to create a full visual Gantt chart. Just doing the dependency feature would be a great help for the above reasons. But the Gantt chart really helps visualise all that in ways that a table view would find limiting, and provides an intuitive means of editing the schedule (dragging the ends of the tasks in the chart) and seeing how it affects the rest of the schedule.

    The ability to export a PDF of schedules is very useful too.

    Something I love about Pipedrive Projects is the ability to see the overview of all projects in 'Phases' in both Kansan and table view. This is gold!! But without task dependencies, Pipedrive Projects is a sophisticated set of 'To Do' lists.

    I hope Pipedrive does dependencies, baselines and Gantt charts. I would be able to do all my project management in here. And then if Pipedrive adds similar reporting stuff it does for sales to projects, it will be a killer platform! Full life-cycle... Marketing, Sales, Production all under one roof! Pipedrive's roof :)

  • SaraAtRCCO
    SaraAtRCCO Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    It doesn't even have to be a Gantt for me -- I would settle for any kind of within-project view that's more useful than a list (e.g. that shows tasks against time -- a Gantt, or a calendar view)(and/or why on earth isn't there a Kanban view within the project)? I agree that with its current functionality, Pipedrive Projects is just a set of "To Do" lists, not an actual project management tool.

  • Bronwyn
    Bronwyn Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #7

    Hi, is there any chance that a Gantt Chart view or similar long term project planning visualisation tool will be available soon. Currently, to get that feature I would have to use Asana which, as Pipedrive Projects and Asana have overlapping features would mean that I would rather not use Pipedrive Projects and simply link Asana to my Pipedrive. I would really love to keep everything as simple as possible and under one roof but a visualisation and planning tool is essential. Is this something that we can expect to see soon or at all or would it make sense to just establish our project management on another linked product and unsubscribe from Projects.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,393 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    edited January 17 #8

    Hi @Bronwyn thanks for your feedback! There are no plans in the very short term to add such a feature to Pipedrive's project management feature. However, I will convert your question into product feedback so our team can research this possibility 🙂

  • Timo Panke
    Timo Panke Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    The introduction of Projects was a great add-on for Pipedrive. However, in order to further enhance the usage of Projects it would be great if a Gantt-Chart view of the respective projects could be introduced. Gantt-Chart view in this case means that all tasks and subtasks are shown on a timeline. Furthermore, it would be great if one could add weights (meaning efforts / time needed for tasks and subtasks), which could be summed up for each project, in order to facilitate capacity planning

  • JayC
    JayC Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 17 #10

    I would love a Gantt Chart option!

  • Danny (VP SALES)
    Danny (VP SALES) Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 17 #11

    Gantt chart is a must. Should be a priority for Pipedrive. Companies who use Pipedrive get other suppliers for their Gantt chart view. Pipedrive should upsell this service.

  • BillC
    BillC Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2024 #12

    Pipedrive CRM user for Sales Tracking but New to the Community.

    I'm familiar w Gantt charts, not Kanban. Is there an easy and inexpensive workaround...Make)?

    If not, I will try hard to like it and avoid the temptation to use Notion for free.

    Thanks in advance for yr comments.

  • Andreia Costa
    Andreia Costa Pipedrive Team Posts: 167 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited January 17 #13 Answer ✓

    Hey @BillC 👋

    Indeed we don't currently have a timeline view in our Projects add-on. I honestly think this would be a great addition to the tool - please share this in the "Ideas and Product Feedback" section so that other users can upvote that feature request.

    The fact is we don't have that option, but if you prefer to maybe check out a list view option, we do have that. So you can toggle between the Kanban view and a list view - hopefully, it will just offer another way of working, but please do share the feedback in the other section!


    Photogenic First Comment
    edited December 2023 #14

    We Currently use pipedrive and Asana, a few weeks ago I had the bright idea to trial pipedrive for not just CRM but for projects too. So I trialled projects with my self and couple of members of my team!

    what I found:

    -There is no start dates for individual tasks / activities? This seems insane to me.. is anyone else having this problem or is there a work around I don’t know about? 😂 For example we may have a task that needs to start and end on a particular date… e.g engineer to site 18-22 July for example… currently on pipedrive projects we can only give a due date for tasks which just doesn’t work with any projects requiring variable start/end dates / custom time periods.

    -There is no timeline or gant views for tasks?

    -Theres no easy way to get a high level view of all the tasks / activities accross all the projects, apart from a long list which isn’t very user friendly at all and soon gets horrible to look at when you have a lot of staff/activities/tasks… a gant / calendar / timeline view for all the tasks would be amazing, and the ability to view tasks / activities by staff member would be amazing… as a MD I look after a large team and having easy high level visibility of what my teams doing throughout the day is a must for me.

    Because Of these reasons I have not been able to use projects for my organisation and will be sticking with asana as pipedrive projects is lacking some fundamental functionality which I would consider a project management software would need as a bare minimum. I would love to give pipedrive projects another try within my organisation but before I can do this I would need the following functionalities taking into consideration:

    -Resource management (the ability to see easily high level what staff are doing through our the work day)

    -More views in projects, tasks, and activities (Gant, Timeline, Calendar, List, Kanban etc)

    -Support for custom time periods, start and end dates on tasks, and activities.

    -The ability to assign additional agents / staff to tasks (sometimes you may have two people working on a task)

    -Custom forms for data input in projects (I know you can do this in leads right? But not sure if you can in projects)

    Il keep an eye out for any future pipedrive releases and I hope my experience and feedback allows pipedrive to improve their projects area a little more to enable more organisations to make use of it, as it stands I don’t feel like it’s usable as a project management software but I really hope it’s improved on as I’d love to give it another try in the future!

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,393 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    edited January 17 #15

    Hi @BPAVTG , thank you for your feedback! I have moved it to the Ideas and Product Feedback section so it can reach our product team.

  • hbpasley
    hbpasley Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 17 #16

    I am 100% percent behind Timeline tracking for Projects. We need it.

    I just had to create a goofy workaround trying to show timeline for aging won deals. Not great.

    I am formally requesting upgrading any of the great features that are focused only on Deals to include Projects. For those of us managing complex deals and sales cycles, I think it is an absolute, mission critical MUST have.

    For us Projects is not an "add on" it is the reason we pay for this CRM.

    Thank you!

  • Stephan
    Stephan Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 17 #17

    Dear Pipedrive-Team,

    we are also interested to use Projects in Pipedrive. As we are organising huge Events, a gant chart function is necessary for us.
    Is there any update regarding this topic?
    Thanks a lot and best regards

  • TX Wildman
    TX Wildman Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 17 #18

    I too think that a timeline view is ESSENTIAL for anyone in project management which I can only assume those would be the main people targeted for a "projects" module🤔

  • EVOK3D
    EVOK3D Member Posts: 1 NEW MEMBER
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    edited January 17 #19

    We love pipedrive for our CRM, e-marketing and systems integration project management. But we use MS project for gantt charts which unfortunately duplicates much of the PD Project functionality but also lacks integration with our users and contacts.

    We are currently looking at alternatives that may replace Pipedrive Projects unfortunately.

    Pipedrive needs gantt charts!

  • Thomas.Dahl
    Thomas.Dahl Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 17 #20

    I think the point is that the project feaure is till in its infancy. Infact calling it "project management" is a bit premature. I can only use it like a glorified to-do list.

    It is not even available in the Mobile App. This makes it pretty uselss for me..

  • weisseflotte
    weisseflotte Member Posts: 1 NEW MEMBER
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    edited December 2024 #21

    I'd love to see a calendar view primarily for projects to have a better oversight of upcoming weeks and months.

    I could be useful to include the project calendar in the activity tab as well.