Would you consider adding the capability of tying more than one organization to a deal?
For example, sometimes there are both partners and clients associated with the same deal.
Select all subfolders in email sync
My email folders structure is pretty neat, it would be nice to be able to choose all the items (subfolders) under a folder at once rather than having to choose them individually.
RE Email Sync - 'Add another account' button
On this page you have the button 'Add another account' (top right in green) but unfortunately this only allows the replacement of the existing email account with a new one. I find this to be very misleading. Surely it should therefore read 'Change current account'. Or (which is my hope) you are planning ahead and will…
Multiple Contacts
It's gonna be great and awesome if we had the possibility to link more than 1 contact to a deal. For a SDR's department it's really essential. In our day to day job we have to reach out several people in one organisation to trigger a conversation :-)
Changed buttons colors.
Is it only me so annoyed of this green button color flip? It used to be light green and when you move the cursor on it, it becomes dark, just like it works here in the community. In the CRM now they are all dark all the time. It feels like they are all pressed. And makes me anxious :D
API: Allow automatic payment schedule changes
Issue: Currently, Payment Schedule can only be changed manually. For long periods it's easier to delete it and generate a new one. This however creates an issue with exported data - ids of payments are changed and old data needs to be removed and new downloaded. First of all it would be great to add possibility to change…
Workflow Automation Trigger: When date expires
The idea is that some fields like start date or payment schedule can expire before a deal is won. These are used for estimations, but once the date passes they need to be manually updated. Ideally, a trigger that would monitor date in a specific field could fire when the date is expired and deal details can be updated then.
Alert Visibility
It would be great if a user/admin could extend the time an Alert pops up in the upper right hand area within PD. As it is the Alert only lasts about 15 seconds and if you are in another app, away from your desk, etc you can easily miss an important Activity or Calendar event. As an example if I'm making use of the Proposed…
Cumulative Progress
It would be great to be able to visually report on cumulative progress toward an annual goal. For example, if a team needs to close $12 million in "WON" deals in a year, the goal would cumulatively grow by $1M per month, then actual progress against that goal could be plotted at monthly intervals. See image as an example.
Acción posterior automatizada, luego de apertura de email por parte del cliente
Me gustaría que haya una automatización, en la cual el ACTIVADOR sea la apertura de un email previamente enviado al cliente. Gracias.
Lier un mail à une organisation/Link an email to an organization
Dans PipeDrive nous pouvons actuellement lier un mail à un contact ou à une affaire. Est-ce que vous pourriez nous offrir la possibilité de lier un mail à une ou plusieurs organisation ? En effet, lorsque nous échangeons des mails en interne concernant une organisation et que le client n'est pas dans les échanges de mails,…
Marketing Automation: increase 30 day restriction
Hi there, We have been using Pipedrive campaigns for a while now & really like it. Well done! Have used quite a few different ones over the years. We this week have been testing marketing automation this week also & its great too. And so made decision to copy all over to Pipedrive. BUT we have hit a road block while…
Projects Searchable
Please included Projects in the search function-
Product - Insights and Import
I know this has been mentioned dozens of times but we desperately need insights for products. Same with import functionality. We are very excited about all of the new projects in beta, but one completed feature is far better than four "work in progress" features.
'Last Contact' field - filter / refine data?
It would be helpful if there was a way to see when a human being in an organisation last contacted a customer. The 'last contact date' data includes automatic emails from the organisation which makes the information far less useful. Ideally you'd be able to filter 'last contact' data down to at least 'role' level (so last…
New value for field "Interval" of the subscription plan: "biannually"
Could you add the value "Biannually" (that is, every 6 months) to the list of possible values for field "Interval" of the subscription plan, please?
Live chat - post chat survey
Build in post chat survey to receive real time feedback on how customers are finding the company's service vice the LC function.
Pipedrive Activity ALL DAY option
Would be so nice to have an ALL DAY option to click instead of just having a time frame for an activity. When syncing with google calendar, it is nice to be able to block off a whole day sometimes. Right now, I have to create the activity in pipedrive then open google cal and change it in settings to be all day. Should be…
Using Projects to create powerfull upselling campaigns.
TL; DR & Sorry for my bad english 😞 Add-on Projects helps users in the after-sales activities providing tools to track all related tasks. In my activity as a security consultant in B2B market, when I sell a product or a service to a client, all related activities are managed by a specified team. Now, I put my focus on a…
Range - Numerical
Hi, we love the range options for custom fields. It would be wonderful to have a range option for numbers, that way we can speak with clients and discuss ranges for budgets. This would be a valuable update as we currently have to rely on two fields, when a range would satisfy this fully. Please consider this as part of an…
Merge multiple organisations and contacts
I have multiple profiles on my company's system, these duplicates aren't picked up due to different variations of the names and missing information. When I need to merge I can only do 2 contacts at a time. It would be more ideal to be able to select a range of contacts and merge all to a single profile. for example if…
Live Chat - Built in Profanity Filter
Hi PipeDrive! My company recently started using the Live Chat feature on some of our website pages. What I would like to see from PipeDrive (& what I know other live chat providers offer), would be a built in profanity filter that did not allow the chatter to submit rude or derogatory words towards staff. Cheers, Greg.
Phone number input validation
When a Contact is created in Pipedrive our sales people are allowed to enter anything. This includes literally just a string of characters. "Pipedrive UK Ltd" obviously isn't a valid phone number but it's perfectly possible in Pipedrive. What i would like is that at the very least the phone number field is limited to…
Having Contacts (Organisations & People) available as entities in Insights
Is there any proposed implementation to be able to report on contacts in future? I'd like to be able to reflect my database in Insights and segment by labels/custom fields/size etc rather than just focussing on leads/deals. This would help reflect opportunities to focus on and present that to members of my team. Eg, I have…
Automation based on whether an activity is overdue
I'm trying to set up an automation workflow that will trigger when an activity is overdue by 1 week. Is that possible without paying a 3rd party such as Zapier? Are there already workarounds in place? Specifically, we'd like to delete or "mark as done" activities that are more than 1 week overdue, but there are lots of…
Merged: Add multiple subscription models, add ramp-up plan models, and edit subscription plan
This discussion has been merged.
Automatização apartir de um data
O Pipe poderia criar atividades apartir de uma data incluida em campos especificos. Ex: preciso que seja contato 56 dias partir desta data, então se nesse campo estiver a data 04/08/2022 ele contaria esses 56 dias e daria a data automatica 29/09/2022 na nova atividade. isso automatizaria para o que utilizamos o Pipe, pois…
Wechat integration to PD
Hello, Any plans to integrate Wechat to Pipedrive?