What would be the feature on Pipedrive that would save you loads of time, but it's not (yet) availab

Evaldas Taroza
Evaldas Taroza Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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edited July 2022 in Apps and Integrations #1
What would be the feature on Pipedrive that would save you loads of time, but it's not (yet) available?


  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,386 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    edited July 2022 #2

    Hi @Evaldas Taroza , please keep from using the What's New? or What's Planned? topics in your posts: they are read-only topics used by Pipedrive to communicate updates to our community members. 
    I have removed that topic, from the post and replaced them with more pertinent topics for you 🙂

  • Kilian Heide
    Kilian Heide Member Posts: 18 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2022 #3

    To use and synchronize group-mail adresses. In our company we have mail adresses like support@pipedrive.com for example. And many people work with this mail. Right now it is not possible to work with mail adresses like this in Pipedrive because only one person can manage it in Pipedrive. Would be a big game changer for us.

  • Nancy Vamvakas
    Nancy Vamvakas Member Posts: 29 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #4

    Probably not stand-out features for PD but I find a real bottleneck is in the mail PD mail client and the scheduling of activities that are created ad-hoc (and therefore are not suitable for automation by PD).  

    1. ) We auto-sync across from G-Suite and one feature I would love to see within the PD mail list view is the ability to 'star' ⭐ emails (similar to the way Gmail provides this facility).  Even adaptation of the existing tagging function that is available for deals and people. 

    We filter out a lot of 'noise' using the PD address blocking functionality found in user settings, but often through the day, I have my head stuck in mail finding I need to return to individual mail items for action (This despite the fact that they are already matched to deals).    Adding a 'starring' function would just be really helpful and make our large inbound mail volume just that much more manageable and more efficient. 

    2.) We also use PD for our supply chain communications, so while an email is automatically mapped to a supplier org/person,  we receive a lot of comms from suppliers that directly relates to our customer deals.  ... So we have additional demands on our time in associating mail items to deals 'manually.' 

    As a lot of this supply-chain email that needs to be manually associated to customer deals always carries a numerical customer deal reference embedded in the subject line of emails, perhaps the ability to match on a user-defined text string in the subject line could be used to 'automatch' mail items that need to be associated to deals.  (of course, this has a much broader application than just our specific bucket-list item)

    Together these suggestions would dramatically improve our mail handling efficiency.  We perform 80+% of our comms in PD at the moment, despite having g-suite Gmail clients open.  .. As far as I am concerned the more work we can do within PD the better. 

    3.) When scheduling followups, I find a real 'slow-down is having to manually schedule activities with no shorthand way of scheduling activities forward.   eg;   days/weeks/months  > +3d,  +3w,  +3m respectively. 


    Similar functionality exists within the automation editor but the interface is quite different with selections being standard pulldowns.    .. What I'm talking about is the ability to be able to enter +3w directly into the date field and having the calendar auto-schedule 3 weeks forward (by way of example)


  • Amit Sarda (AmitSarda.xyz)
    Amit Sarda (AmitSarda.xyz) Member Posts: 1,603 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2022 #5

    Activity outcomes.

  • Tom - Data Analyst
    Tom - Data Analyst Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited August 2021 #6
    Uploading a PDF and being able to add variables for contact names, product information etc.
  • Bobby_37242
    Bobby_37242 Member Posts: 21 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2021 #7
    1. A way to remove the follower feature. For cleaner owner only pipelines.
    2. A "Trigger Webhook" action in workflow automation. For cleaner webhooks.
  • Amit Sarda (AmitSarda.xyz)
    Amit Sarda (AmitSarda.xyz) Member Posts: 1,603 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2021 #8
    Also a way to hide unnecessary fields that are not useful for making a sale (Lead ID, Ad ID, Referring URL, etc.)
  • Evaldas Taroza
    Evaldas Taroza Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2021 #9
    It seems like many things are about UI changes. With one client I had it resolved in a very hacky way - browser extension. It's the only way to modify the DOM.
  • Bobby_37242
    Bobby_37242 Member Posts: 21 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2022 #10

    In order of priority 🤠 

    1. ADVANCED LEAD/DEAL ROUTING (some competitor examples 😉 Example 1, Example 2, Example 3).
    2. Smart Lead/Deal Scoring
    3. Ability to Completely Remove the Followers feature. This is a broken feature for owner-only workflows...
    4. More control over custom fields. Detail Sections, by Pipeline, Lock by User Permissions, etc...
    5. Workflow Automation "Send/Trigger Webhook" Action
    6. Better admin control of user onboarding and environment setup. (company default Connect email/calendar settings, signature, apps, sidebar options, User Name, User Profile picture)
    7. Remove UI elements that users don't need or don't have permissions for. Example- Leads, Leadbooster, Products, Invoice, Followers, Workflow Automation.
    8. Sync contact (person) owner down to all associated deals, same for if a deal owner changes.
    9. Better native email templates/Automation/Sequences, add Mailigen into Pipedrive natively.
    10. Better visibility controls.
    11. Fixed "See other users" permission
    12. Email Signature API endpoint. To sync gmail signatures

  • Chris.Potter
    Chris.Potter Member Posts: 10 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2022 #11

    The ability to import multiple prices/currencies for products, as well as the associated costs. Manually having to go into a product to add currency options or to add the cost is time-consuming when you have more than hundreds of products.

  • Rhys Fidler
    Rhys Fidler Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #12

    Being able to use the 'Call with a calling app' feature straight from the Lead Inbox.

  • Katie Haystead
    Katie Haystead Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited March 2022 #13

    Ability to create more automations for emails based on fields (ie. t-10 months from contract start date, send renewal email).

  • Miranda Ilechukwu
    Miranda Ilechukwu Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited August 2021 #14
    Improving how a workflow automation can be shared would be best especially for sending emails. Right now, "sharing" isn't useful if the action involves sending an email. The email always comes from the user that authored the automation. The workaround for this (duplicating the automation across every users' account) is untenable: it gives automation access to all of our users, which isn't in the spirit of the Pipedrive Academy's video, "With great power comes great responsibility." And for making any changes or corrections, having a single automation to tweak and correct is far better than asking every user to go into his/her automations to make changes.
  • Jarek Rydz
    Jarek Rydz Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2021 #15
    Mail alias function. Then I could send emails directly from pipedrive and not keep switching between pipedrive and gmail.
  • Graziano Masia
    Graziano Masia Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2022 #16

    as we have returned back to manual sync for emails, it would be very useful to let us assign deal to multiple emails a t once. Actually, we need to select one email , assign to a dela, come bak and repeat: mass update  could save many time!

  • jams
    jams Member Posts: 16 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2022 #17
    1. Contact based lead routing and ability to sync ownership for related items (i.e. deals, leads, etc)
    2. Webhook as workflow action 
    3. Math calculations between fields 
    4. Universal Inbox - team email, web chat, Facebook Messenger/comments, IG comments, Twitter, etc all in one place 
    5. Better support for B2C - lead booster and website visitor features are really geared toward B2B. We don't really use the Company field, so we need to capture customer data on webform submit 
    6. Revamp smart docs and email templates to allow for placement of product variables anywhere (not just in the product table) and use them in email templates 
    7. Move user comments to a right side panel to keep all deal related internal communication in Pipedrive (picture a right side panel that functions like Slack) 
  • Javier Hernández_33791
    Javier Hernández_33791 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #18

    Buenas noches.

    Creo que hay una funcionalidad importante que se os ha pasado. No tenemos forma de controlar las horas en las que están conectados nuestros empleados. Que pudiéramos tener control sobre las horas de trabajo, es fundamental hoy día, ya que el teletrabajo lo tenemos incluido en nuestro día a día.

    Creo que es algo que debería actualizarse rápidamente.

    Muchas gracias.

  • Jodi Gray
    Jodi Gray Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #19

    Ability to make the 'Attach products' in the deal form mandatory

    edited August 2021 #20
    This is Noora from GISGRO marketing team. Simply exporting leads as csv/excel. Already this would help us a lot with lead analytics. Insights would be a great addition, but already exporting would save us a punch of time & allow many additional functions to be performed and tracked in Pipedrive.
  • John Edwards
    John Edwards Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2021 #21
    1. Adding Contacts/Leads from Website easier (Auto-populate)
    2. Adding imessage/Text integrated with Timeline History
    3. Contact Hierarchy or Escalation chart under Organization
    4. Set Default/Preferred/Starred Email and Phone number for each person
    5. Gantt Chart for Deal/Project
    6. Editable Excel Spreadsheets in Smart Documents not just Word with table
    7. Add @person in all notes and activity notes
    8. Add more formatting options to emails
    9. Add Insights to the mobile app to match desktop version
    10. Add Scribble pad/ Whiteboard ability to notes and Activity notes
  • John Edwards
    John Edwards Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2022 #22

    1. Adding Contacts/Leads from Website easier (Auto-populate)
    2. Adding imessage/Text integrated with Timeline History
    3. Contact Hierarchy or Escalation chart under Organization
    4. Set Default/Preferred/Starred Email and Phone number for each person
    5. Gantt Chart for Deal/Project
    6. Editable Excel Spreadsheets in Smart Documents not just Word with table
    7. Add @person in all notes and activity notes
    8. Add more formatting options to emails
    9. Add Insights to the mobile app to match desktop version
    10. Add Scribble pad/ Whiteboard ability to notes and Activity notes

  • Daniel_29404
    Daniel_29404 Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2022 #23

    Email related:

    1. Ability to filter at the company level which emails are pulled in via email sync. Adding manual rules is pain, having to do it per user is worse. Ideally a rule like "sync all emails (including history) to/from any contact in Pipedrive" would be available. That way, if I add a new contact to Pipedrive as a new lead or deal I can pull in the email history, and my email in Pipedrive doesn't fill up with non sales emails.
    2. Ability to have sales@mycompany.com go to Pipedrive instead of having to either: (a) include this in a salesperson's mail where it can get lost; or (b) use a Zapier rule.
    3. Integration with ConvertKit instead of Mailchimp.
  • Patrick Maldonado
    Patrick Maldonado Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited September 2021 #24
    1. When editing a "multiple options" field, give the option to add a value instead of replace existing value (adding another option vs overwriting everything in there.)
    2. Multiple owners/shared ownership of deals so it will show up in 2 people's pipelines.
    3. Improvement on insights tab, specifically for email tracking. Would be nice to see how many emails have been sent to specific companies/people. As it is right now you can only track them by users in your company, and even then just amount sent and received.
    4. Include (or give option to include) emails and notes as activities on deals. Would help keep track of what needs follow up more.
    5. Make notifications more visible, maybe a quantity showing how many notifications you have.
    6. Give option to reply to emails that weren't sent to you if they are linked with a deal.
    7. Add option to set up away messages from pipedrive, or for admin to oversee emails of a user while they are away.
This discussion has been closed.