pipedrive add-ins for outlook



  • clementc
    clementc Member Posts: 29 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

    Yeah, I understand this. Pipedrive team clearly stated they are not going to develop the add-in. Yet, there's still a need for this, so I created it. The tool brings value and unfortunately there is no free lunch.

  • SaySync
    SaySync Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment Photogenic

    Hey Pipedrive Community,

    we've finally developed the Outlook add-in for Pipedrive you've been waiting for. The Outlook add-in is ready to use and covers all the features you need to work directly from Outlook.

    When you open an email, the contact who sent the email is automatically loaded based on the email data. Select the contact, and see all deals, activities, and notes related to that contact at a glance. Easily create new deals and update the stage and status of your deals. Create new activities and notes to keep all team members up to date.

    No more annoying switching between Outlook and Pipedrive windows. Test SaySync free for 7 days at www.saysync.co or download SaySync directly from the Pipedrive Marketplace.

  • SaySync
    SaySync Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment Photogenic

    Hey guys,

    We’ve developed an Outlook add-in for Pipedrive and, based on a lot of great feedback, have created an integration that makes working with Outlook and Pipedrive much easier. We want to continuously improve our Outlook add-in and are therefore looking for companies willing to test new features and share feedback in exchange for free usage.

    If you're interested, I'd love to hear from you via email at torge@saysync.co.

    Best regards!