Community Tip: update your profile, advertise your services, connect with others, do business 🤝 💰 🚀

Inês Batata
Inês Batata Posts: 2,002 VERIFIED MEMBER
2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
edited July 2022 in Apps and Integrations #1
❓ Are you sure you're squeezing all the juice from your community member profile ❓

Optimize your member profile for success. Let other members know what you're all about every time you post, facilitating knowledge sharing and business connections. 

Go to upper right corner > click your photo/initials > Edit Profile: 

  • “About You” tab:
    • Photo: put a face to the name, upload a picture of you or your company logo. Minimum size: 200 x 200 pixels.
    • Title: what’s your job role? It will be visible when you post.
    • About You: let other community know a little about you as a person, details about your work experience, or your company’s values and mission statement. Two good examples: @Shobhit Gaur and @Bernd Auer .
    • Banner: upload an image that inspires you, you identify with, or your company logo. Minimum size: 1600 x 300 pixels,  also supports GIFs!
  • "Social Media" tab:
    • Let other members know where they can find you or your company online. You never know who’s looking and we do have a topic for members looking to hire people and services. 😉

Now  you're all set up! Happy new business! 


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