Looking for early users for Required fields feature



  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,037 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited April 2020 #32

    @Mike van der Valk Am I supposed to see something that I don't? Or has this not been enabled in my org yet?

    @Kirill Grebtsov have we enabled it already for Jan and others?

  • Mikk Märtmaa
    Mikk Märtmaa Member Posts: 25 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #33

    Hi, I'm very much interested in this! Could I try this out?

  • Kirill Grebtsov
    Kirill Grebtsov Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2020 #34

    @Mike van der Valk Am I supposed to see something that I don't? Or has this not been enabled in my org yet?

    @Jan Visser I will post an update to this thread once the functionality has been rolled out to the users

  • Nick Landauer
    Nick Landauer Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2020 #35

    Excited for this!



  • Sina Kagieni
    Sina Kagieni Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary First Comment Photogenic
    edited April 2020 #36

    Please add me sina.kagieni@autoipacket.com


  • Mikk Märtmaa
    Mikk Märtmaa Member Posts: 25 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2020 #37

    Hi, I'm very much interested in this! Could I try this out?


  • Karel Pavlicek
    Karel Pavlicek Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2020 #38


  • Jordan Wagner_74
    Jordan Wagner_74 Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2020 #39

    @Kirill Grebtsov  has this started yet? I would really like to get in on this if possible, I promise great feedback :)

  • Marcin Cichoń
    Marcin Cichoń Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2020 #40


  • Daniel Castro_688
    Daniel Castro_688 Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2020 #41

    Please enable daniel@brcharge.com

  • Kirill Grebtsov
    Kirill Grebtsov Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #42

    Just to make sure it doesn't seem like we've forgotten about sing-ups for testing - we are looking to start rolling out feature in the second half of this week!

    While we're waiting to do so, I was wondering what are everyone's reasons to need required fields?

  • Luis Miguel
    Luis Miguel Member Posts: 22 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #43


  • Christoph Suwelack
    Christoph Suwelack Member Posts: 27 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #44

    Please enable


  • Leandro Basso
    Leandro Basso Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited May 2020 #45

    Hi! Please! leandrobasso@crbassoconsultoria.com.br

  • Rodrigo Afonso
    Rodrigo Afonso Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #46

    Hi Kirill,


    I would like to test this new functionality.



  • Mikk Märtmaa
    Mikk Märtmaa Member Posts: 25 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #47

    Just to make sure it doesn't seem like we've forgotten about sing-ups for testing - we are looking to start rolling out feature in the second half of this week!

    While we're waiting to do so, I was wondering what are everyone's reasons to need required fields?

    Hey Kirill, thanks for the update. Looking forward to trying out and using the feature. 


    Why are required fields required - there are several use cases for this, I believe the most common one would be that "if it's not mandatory, I don't need to do it". Even when something is enforced in the team, it doesn't mean that it will be followed 100%, or sometimes even 50%. For team members whose main goal is to make the number and close a deal, the data fields in pipedrive do not always help achieving that goal, but are rather something suggested. 

    In my use case, the important fields are a guide to progressing in the pipeline - if you get this and that information from the client, you should move the deal to the next stage. They're guidelines in an SOP. 

    Another thing to mention is that when you use many pipelines that have different requirements for stages, the required fields should be there to guide the process. The CSM or Sales exec should not need to think if they're just suggestions or are they there for all stages. 

    I'm generalising a lot here, but the main idea is that the data fields on deals can be used as a guidance system to advance in the deal, if they're not filled as required, I'd have doubts if the deal should be at 10%, 50% or 95% at all. 

  • Benji Watters_2268
    Benji Watters_2268 Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #48

    If possible, I am very much interested.


  • Kirill Grebtsov
    Kirill Grebtsov Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #49

    Just to make sure it doesn't seem like we've forgotten about sing-ups for testing - we are looking to start rolling out feature in the second half of this week!

    While we're waiting to do so, I was wondering what are everyone's reasons to need required fields?

    Thank you for sharing this generalized details! I fully support the approach that such fields should be enabling sales people, not be hurdles and hoops to jump through

  • Sam Karim
    Sam Karim Member Posts: 22 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #50


  • Kirill Grebtsov
    Kirill Grebtsov Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #51

    As of today we started to enable the Required fields for those of singed up who are on a Professional plan. 

    Along with Required field you are also getting the updated Add deal modal, there is no functional changes, but if you notice some weird behaviour, please don't hesitate to mention it so that our engineering team knows what to investigate and to fix.

    Important note to early users:

    In the current release you can only set required fields per Pipeline, that being said if you currently add 20 fields as required your sales reps are gonna have to go through the process of filling 20 fields when adding deal. 

    Please consider this while setting up the required fields, so that workflows of your salespeople are not disturbed.

    On that note it is worth to mention that we are also gonna add in near future stage, win/lose deal options as well, but it's gonna take some time for us to add this functionality.

    As usual, you can set the required setting for a filed from the Data fields page in your Pipedrive settings.

  • Marcelo Silva
    Marcelo Silva Member Posts: 223 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments Photogenic
    edited February 2022 #52

    Gostei muito do campo obrigatório, mas eu não posso escolher quando ele é obrigatório.
    Então fica estranho, um campo obrigatório em todas as etapas, se for assim, eu já trago essa informação antes de virar um negocio.


    Seria bom se houvesse uma de dizer quando e hoje, assim como nos campos importantes

  • Kirill Grebtsov
    Kirill Grebtsov Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #53

    Gostei muito do campo obrigatório, mas eu não posso escolher quando ele é obrigatório.
    Então fica estranho, um campo obrigatório em todas as etapas, se for assim, eu já trago essa informação antes de virar um negocio.


    Seria bom se houvesse uma de dizer quando e hoje, assim como nos campos importantes

    Hi Marcelo,

    As I mentioned in the previous post this is a limitation we have currently, we will add stage setting soon!

  • Diego Majlis
    Diego Majlis Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2022 #54

    Hi!! I´m!! Diego@alephcrm.com

  • Sam Karim
    Sam Karim Member Posts: 22 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2022 #55

    @Kirill Soloviev - can you please activate for samk@mypioneerroofing.com


    Suggestion: when a deal is won, we make the won reason a required field so we can report on it later.

  • Mikk Märtmaa
    Mikk Märtmaa Member Posts: 25 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #56

    Super good feature! The accuracy of data fields filled certainly improved when I turned this on for my team. A lot! 

    However, I disabled it after a week as it kind of messed up our Slack automation. The reason is that whenever a deal was lost or moved to another stage, the dealbot posted an update, however, as this feature does not allow deals progressing further until all required data fields are filled, the dealbot posts every single data field update as an update about the deal to Slack. This got quite out of hand. 


    This behavior will probably be removed with the stage setting or by somehow changing when the updates are done (in bulk, after all fields have been filled versus one-by-one). 

  • Kirill Grebtsov
    Kirill Grebtsov Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #57

    Super good feature! The accuracy of data fields filled certainly improved when I turned this on for my team. A lot! 

    However, I disabled it after a week as it kind of messed up our Slack automation. The reason is that whenever a deal was lost or moved to another stage, the dealbot posted an update, however, as this feature does not allow deals progressing further until all required data fields are filled, the dealbot posts every single data field update as an update about the deal to Slack. This got quite out of hand. 


    This behavior will probably be removed with the stage setting or by somehow changing when the updates are done (in bulk, after all fields have been filled versus one-by-one). 

    Hello Mikk! Thank you for the feedback. Indeed, right now once required field will be required in all stages. Sorry to hear it messed up your slack automation. I will discuss with my team if there is any workaround for the slack issue. 

    How did salespeople feel about the required fields? I know it may be difficult for team to adapt to a new setting.

  • Kirill Grebtsov
    Kirill Grebtsov Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #58

    Super good feature! The accuracy of data fields filled certainly improved when I turned this on for my team. A lot! 

    However, I disabled it after a week as it kind of messed up our Slack automation. The reason is that whenever a deal was lost or moved to another stage, the dealbot posted an update, however, as this feature does not allow deals progressing further until all required data fields are filled, the dealbot posts every single data field update as an update about the deal to Slack. This got quite out of hand. 


    This behavior will probably be removed with the stage setting or by somehow changing when the updates are done (in bulk, after all fields have been filled versus one-by-one). 

    @Mikk Märtmaa  any chance you can share more details on how is the slack atuomation set up and what did the deal bot post exactly? You can send these details to kirill.grebtsov@pipedrive.com


    Thank you!

  • Mikk Märtmaa
    Mikk Märtmaa Member Posts: 25 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #59

    Super good feature! The accuracy of data fields filled certainly improved when I turned this on for my team. A lot! 

    However, I disabled it after a week as it kind of messed up our Slack automation. The reason is that whenever a deal was lost or moved to another stage, the dealbot posted an update, however, as this feature does not allow deals progressing further until all required data fields are filled, the dealbot posts every single data field update as an update about the deal to Slack. This got quite out of hand. 


    This behavior will probably be removed with the stage setting or by somehow changing when the updates are done (in bulk, after all fields have been filled versus one-by-one). 

    The only feedback I've got so far is quite positive. The UI (popup) was liked and the fact that it's now more clear than the "suggested fields" is way more useful. There's no need to go back and change something. 



  • Mikk Märtmaa
    Mikk Märtmaa Member Posts: 25 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #60

    Super good feature! The accuracy of data fields filled certainly improved when I turned this on for my team. A lot! 

    However, I disabled it after a week as it kind of messed up our Slack automation. The reason is that whenever a deal was lost or moved to another stage, the dealbot posted an update, however, as this feature does not allow deals progressing further until all required data fields are filled, the dealbot posts every single data field update as an update about the deal to Slack. This got quite out of hand. 


    This behavior will probably be removed with the stage setting or by somehow changing when the updates are done (in bulk, after all fields have been filled versus one-by-one). 

    An example - The Slack automation posts every time a deal is Lost. There are required fields for this Pipeline - e.g. "Country" and "Category". 

    When a deal is marked as lost and the required fields + slack automation are enabled, it makes the three following posts:

    1. a post about the deal being lost
    2. a post about the deal being lost + the update about the required "Country" field being filled
    3. a post about the deal being lost , the country + the required "Category" field being filled. 


    As I saw it, the automation was triggered for each unique update to the deal, and it treated each update as if fulfilling the condition of "deal status is lost". 

    Hope this made sense. 


  • David Spear
    David Spear Member Posts: 16 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2022 #61

    Absolutely!  I just posted a request for this feature here today after talking to Support about it many weeks ago. dave@mymedicalshopper.com

This discussion has been closed.