Double Opt In Webform for Campaigns



  • M.
    M. Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Any updates regarding the automatic double opt-in on form submission ? We use our own webforms and not Pipedrive's solution and we have users that already opted-in with our previous CRM that don't receive our campaigns as I don't want to bother them with another manual opt-in.


  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,415 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hello everyone, Thank you for all your feedback and continued interest in this feature! I appreciate that quite a few of you have been asking for an update on this matter.

    This capability is outside the plans for 2023 at least, mainly for technical reasons and our team's focus on delivering other core features that had been proposed for this year. You can watch a recap of what our focus areas are for 2023 from our earlier Product Talk sessions here (January 2023) and here (June 2023).

    There will be one more Product Talk session later this year, where we will share some of the things we are working on for 2024 and beyond. Keep an eye out for a community announcement soon!

  • M.
    M. Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2023 #64


    Thanks for your feedback but it's still a bummer. I guess I'll have to use a different campaign provider but it's annoying that you guys won't listen to the many people asking for the same feature for years (since 2021 if I remember correctly), while we've been told that it was on the way...

  • Chris from Hamburg
    Chris from Hamburg Member Posts: 16 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hello @Manuel Oliveira,

    It's absolutely great that you're writing on the subject here. But this is not about the development of an extension. It is simply about the fact that Pipedrive has designed and implemented a product poorly. This is not only my opinion but the opinion of many users. We as customers have had problems with the wrong opt-in functions in different constellations for over 2 years. Pipedrive unfortunately sets the wrong priorities and loses more and more customers. I don't know if you have grasped the scope of this problem here and in other messages. Many people responsible for Pipedrive have already been tagged in this and other posts. But no one is interested and no one gives any feedback (@Kreete K@Aleksandrs Vilums@Markus Funk@Janis Rozenblats and others)

    I strongly recommend to revise Opt-in in Campains. At least we won't pay any more money for such a bad product!

    @M. I am absolutly with you

  • Reinhard Puntigam
    Reinhard Puntigam Member Posts: 19 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I hear you, @Manuel Oliveira . After absorbing the ill-fated Mailigen App and its customers, Pipedrive isn't going to compete in the MailChimp space anymore and Campaigns will remain your poor boy's go-to for mass messaging without much compliance ado. Technical reasons, come on. This decision is testament to a product management which tries to maximize development profits by cozying up to the big tickets, who essentially don't care because they'll have the capacity to spend extra on additional software and human resources for standard solutions anyway.

    Pipedrive isn't the first going down this road. It will work a while, until it doesn't.

  • Todd
    Todd Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    If I were to read between the lines, this tells me that mail campaigns is definitely not, and never will be a core feature of pipedrive. So it will never get the attention of the developers it needs to function as it should in terms of compliance. What you're telling us is that Pipedrive has added a feature simply for the sake of marketing with no intention of ever making it a fully functioning component.

    There is a technical name for that type of business practice, it's called "bait and switch". We'll definitely be looking for a different CRM tool that at least attempts a more honest business practice.

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Janis Rozenblats Is the expected date to have this feature in place still october? I'll be happy to test it as soon as it is ready (Account name: "PD Experts" and "PD Experts - Testumgebung" just in case somebody wants to enable it ;-)

  • Pipes
    Pipes Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited October 2023 #69

    Recap so far: No built-in double-opt-in process for leads who signup via web forms?

    Any work arounds? How are you all getting around this currently?

    1. Possible to create our own "confirm email" after each webform submission with a "Click to confirm email" link that is tracked. And in automations we have a condition "if link clicked, change Person's "marketing status" to "subscribed"?
    2. Cancelling Automations / Campaigns and using a marketing automation platform?
    3. Some needlessly complicated Zapier or Make or other routing of the lead to some other system, that sends confirmation email and then updates the lead's "marketing status" in Pipedrive via API (data.marketing_status)?
    4. Using single opt-in?


  • Janis Rozenblats
    Janis Rozenblats Posts: 160 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Bernd Auer are you referring to Double Optin? If so, then unfortunately, we will not have this feature in place in October.

    We are well aware of the importance of the solution and the critical workflow. There is no timeline I can give, however, we have it already marked as the highest priority improvement for Campaigns.

  • David Picard
    David Picard Member Posts: 51 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Bernd Auer thanks for this, and are you working on right now. It would be great to see some of the road map.

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Janis Rozenblats Yes, I heared "rumors" during the summer that the DOI would be available still in October :-) I'll be patient

    If you want to do me (and our customers) a huge favor, your colleagues allow to trigger a DOI email also by automation.

    We do have a workaround at the moment but this would be the needed usecase: The Data Protection Officer wants a specific text for a newsletter subscription. And we are using a custom field for achieving this. Have a look at this webform:

    I am referring to this "Einwilligung zur Kommunikation".

    This is the custom field in our live system:

    And the workflow which sends our "work around DOI mail" looks like this:

    Would be great to have a "Send Double OptIn Request" instead of our step 3. We need a "Wait for condition":

    And this creates an activity like "set marketing status to subcribed". So if the customer clicks in this email on the "yes, I want to receive Newsletter"-Link, we change the Marketing Status manually.

    Make sense to you? I'll be happy to meet your responsible colleague to show the needs on the GDPR sensitive German speaking market.

  • Reinhard Puntigam
    Reinhard Puntigam Member Posts: 19 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Thank you @Bernd Auer, you're doing God's work here. It is still a bit surreal that a power user needs to be storyboarding a key feature of an application that Pipedrive has released into a regulated market without offering a perspective on when they plan to make it compliant with law.

  • M.
    M. Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hey @Bernd Auer

    Thanks for your explanations! So there is a way to create an email model to activate the double optin ? Could you share this ? I haven't found a way to do it on my own.

    Thanks !

  • LauraLachnerDG3
    LauraLachnerDG3 Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Bernd Auer Thank you so much for the insight, really appreciate that!!!

    However, I don't understand your process 100%. The automation you describe here changes the marketing status. Did I understand that correctly? What happens afterwards to give you a double opt-in for the contact?

    We currently use two web forms for marketing status and for double opt-in (as a custom field in contacts). But this also means that the contact has to fill out two forms. Of course, I would prefer to do the second step with just one click, as you describe here. But I don't quite understand your approach yet.

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @LauraLachnerDG3 and @Reinhard Puntigam I would guess you are speaking German, right? :) May I invite you to the 1stday Pipedrive Club? As member you will get access to the video plattform. And there you will find a video - in German. By the way: The membership is for free ;-)

    @M. If you write an email to I will send you a screenshot of the automation, ok?

  • Local Brand X
    Local Brand X Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hello everyone, 

    We would like to have a function for our newsletter that automatically sends out double opt-in requests as soon as a web form is filled out. Currently, we have to send out the requests manually after someone has registered for our newsletter via the web form. This is very inconvenient.

    When can we expect this new function to be implemented?

  • Timo Koalect
    Timo Koalect Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 2024 #78

    Hey community!

    Is there already a solution to this issue?

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,415 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    edited January 2024 #79

    Hi there @Timo Koalect , it is not planned for the immediate future at least. But to lend weight to this feedback for our product team, I will merge it with the main feedback thread on Double Opt-in webform for campaigns.

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This pet peeve becomes more and more a real issue. I already had some customers who churned because Pipedrive doesn't deliver this function. And you can not call yourself "Email Software" with Marketing Automations without a DOI! There is no viable excuse for this. All other software solutions that offer some kind of "Campaigns" are offering a way which doesn't involve manual work.

  • Chris from Hamburg
    Chris from Hamburg Member Posts: 16 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Manuel Oliveira, please don't put it together. Please leave many critical posts alone. It would be much more important for you to bring this to the attention of the product managers so that they finally do the right thing and don't just work on product shows and never fix old mistakes !! Thank you and also thanks to all of you for your comments ...

  • Graham Cox
    Graham Cox Member Posts: 149 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 2024 #82

    Pipedrive are the weirdest company I've ever come across. Brilliant one minute, diabolically bad the next. To release an email marketing add-on with no automated double opt-in functionality is akin to releasing a car without a steering wheel.

    Beggars belief.

    And yet, no sense of urgency from Pipedrive to do anything about it.

    It's like they don't properly understand how important this functionality is. Like they're not interested in addressing feedback from their customers, who've been screaming at them for years for a fix.

    It's like they don't care.

    Just tumbleweed.

    Nothing to see here, right Pipedrive?

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,415 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi everyone, thank you for all your comments! Your use cases are appreciated and do keep sharing more of them, as they’re always essential for our research.

    I want you to know that our product team knows about all your feedback regarding double opt-in for campaigns. When building a CRM to help businesses grow, some tough decisions on what to work on next have to be made. At the time of this comment (January 2024), the team focuses on critical improvements to the core CRM product. You’ll gradually see the results of our work in upcoming announcements throughout the following months. New features to add-ons, such as Campaigns, are not planned for the very near future, but this and other add-ons will remain in maintenance.

    We appreciate your understanding and are excited for you all to see the improvements we’re working on next. We’ll reveal more details as soon as possible!

  • Christoph
    Christoph Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Let me translate: DOI is not going to be implemented in 2024.

    FWIW: We've integrated Outfunnel to handle DOI between Mailchimp and Pipedrive. Makes only sense if you're sending out campaigns via Mailchimp, but this solutions keeps the subscription status and other trackable events up-to-date in Pipedrive. Even allows for lead scoring and subsequent automations in Pipedrive.

  • David Picard
    David Picard Member Posts: 51 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Manuel Oliveira

    I've read all the comments, and I know it takes work to receive them. I know you and all your colleagues work hard. What is challenging to endure is when you pay and do not receive communication from Pipedrive. 

    Seeing all the comments, how could I convince my customers to use Pipedrive when it is not evolving?

    Also, not having a public road map is tricky, because it's like we are waiting on a boat and hoping the waves will guide us to a better place.

    So launching Campaign and Projects was a great idea, but not pushing it to make it evolve is a mistake.

    Even yesterday, I couldn't advise you to use Pipedrive for those, but just for CRM for sales. And do you know what the first criteria were? Have less software! One price for many features. Bundle the pain, unbundle the gain! :)

    I hope you will be able to upgrade your communication, having a public road and features that evolve monthly!

  • Lou
    Lou Member Posts: 15 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This needs to happen soon !

  • pergatto
    pergatto Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    F4 basito !! 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨

  • Chris from Hamburg
    Chris from Hamburg Member Posts: 16 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira can you please give an update on that topic. I can not understand, why the Pipedrive Team is not able to take care of the multible customer feedback about that topic.

  • Danilo77
    Danilo77 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited May 2024 #89

    Reading these threads I still miss the automated double-opt in feature?
    I just setup a campaign and have to trigger these double-opt in mails manually - is there a solution, yet?

  • Chris from Hamburg
    Chris from Hamburg Member Posts: 16 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Danilo77 yes, that is still the very sad truth !

    @Manuel Oliveira can you tell us, whey nobody from the product team is really taking care of important customer feedback?

  • MaratOmarov
    MaratOmarov Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Honestly this is just a next level bullshit.
    Guys from Pipedrive, cmon.
    Why all of us are paying to the "one stop solution" CRM, INCLUDING campaigns, when our managers have to MANUALLY do DOI contact per contact?!?
    We are sending people to space, there's AI full on rolling out and you are FORCING us to do manual work and waste our resources just because we chose to work with you.
    If this is not happening in a month, we'll switch the CRM and maybe all of us should do this and tell them that this is the reason, maybe then they will understand that it's CRUCIALLY important to all of us