When replying to an email from within Pipedrive, it's possible to add possible timeslots. However, w
When replying to an email from within Pipedrive, it's possible to add possible timeslots. However, when the recipient selects a timeslot, is it possible for this meeting to automatically contain a Hangout link? (We're using Gsuite). Thanks
Scheduler, czyli terminarz Pipedrive. Korzystałeś już?
Właśnie po raz pierwszy korzystam z systemu rezerwacji spotkań przez Pipedrive. Mam się spotkać online, indywidualnie z 11 osobami, więc do tego wykorzystałem Schedulera. Jeśli jeszcze nie korzystałaś lub nie korzystałeś, to podpowiedź: wejść w DZIAŁANIA, a potem ZAPROPONUJ TERMINY. Do uczestników wysyłasz link, oni…
How to improve the signup rate in the scheduler? We seem to lose people on the scheduler page, becau
How to improve the signup rate in the scheduler? We seem to lose people on the scheduler page, because there is no way to make people feel like they are still on our website. The seem to feel lost. Any Ideas?
Hello everyone. I'm new to the community. I am your guy for mastering the CTA that ends in a booked
Hello everyone. I'm new to the community. I am your guy for mastering the CTA that ends in a booked appointment. My question for the community is what are you using for online appointment scheduling?