Workflow automation using emails or text messages
Questioning if Pipedrive has capability to confirm, remind, and follow up on scheduled events via workflow automation? I use this capability with Calendly but would prefer to stay within Pipedrive. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.
Add "Accepted Scheduler Events" to Deals for Workflow Automation
We would like to automate "accepted" scheduler events so they can be utilized by Workflow Automation. Currently, when a scheduler invite is accepted, nothing is logged within the deal, so we are not able to utilize Workflow Automation to do anything specific to the deal...such as move to the next stage. Really weird you…
Strugling to find good meeting scheduler - potential for Pipedrive
I would love to see a scheduler, where my team can combine multiple slots and share them online. We have a callcentre and we have trouble to organise the calls as well as somehow automate reminders and follow ups on meetings. With pipedrive scheduler, it would be everything super easy and meetings would go directly to the…
Outlook to Pipedrive Calendar Zap?
Hello all, I would like to create a Zap when a meeting is scheduled in an Outlook account not associated with Pipedrive to zap over an create an activity in the Pipedrive Calendar. I have tried a number of times but it's not working. Would someone have this Zap created already that they can share with me or another…
When using the Propose Time, I've seen the available hours does not take into account my current eve
When using the Propose Time, I've seen the available hours does not take into account my current events in the calendar. So for example, if I book a demo with a client through a phone call at 10am Friday directly on my calendar, clients can still book with me at that time trough the Propose Time link. It would be nice if…
Sync existing Outlook calendar events with new Pipeline activites?
In order to avoid duplication and to streamline work, is there a way to pick an existing calendar event ( a meeting invite for example) as a Pipedrive scheduled activity? Thanks/Erhan
Outlook Sync
I just noticed...probably should have before...that any recurring Outlook items sync to Pipedrive as LOCKED activities and cannot be removed. This is troublesome when that item may have ended as you cannot remove it from your Pipedrive calendar or use that time for Scheduler. Would love it if there was a way to get that…
New: Google Meet integration in Activities and Scheduler
Update 21/07/2021: Out now for all accounts and users 🎉 Why? To allow scheduling calls using Google Meet seamlessly from inside Pipedrive. Just like you can already do with Microsoft Teams and Zoom. What am I be able to do? Set up and use Google Meet as a video-call integration in Pipedrive. Learn all about this feature…
Planificateur sur seulement 2 mois lissants
Bonjour, Y a-t-il une possibilité de proposer une planification de rdv sur une plage de temps qui puisse dépasser 2 mois lissants ? A ce jour et sauf erreur de ma part, nous pouvons planifier sur notre agenda Pipedrive des propositions de rdv sur une durée infinie, mais... la personne (prospect/client) qui reçoit le lien…
Rescheduler in Scheduler
Does the Scheduler email the client receives after booking come with a reschedule link?
Feature request Scheduler: video call integration
Hi there, I was really perplexed to find that the Scheduler feature doesn't support the integration with video calls like Zoom/MS Teams. I switched from Calendly to Pipedrive to have everything in one place but I guess this is not possible yet (as was confirmed on chat). Please add this feature soon since the integration…
Video call integration with Scheduler (Zoom and Microsoft Teams) - Beta release
Update: We have released this feature to all paying customers of Pipedrive now (6.05.2021) Dear Community members! We're pleased to let you know that the Pipedrive Scheduler is now integrated with video calling (Zoom and Microsoft Teams). * Set up Scheduler meeting links (general availability, pick times) with Zoom/MS…
Planned: Video-call integration for Scheduler in all plans 🎥 📅
Scheduler video call links are generated after the invitee has confirmed a meeting slot on Scheduler. How will it work? * Automatic video call links will soon not be just for manually created activities anymore, they're around the corner for Scheduler-generated activities too! * Have both Zoom and Microsoft Teams…
Question on auto-scheduler for google calendar meetings
Pipedrive's auto-scheduler has stopped adding Google Hangout links to my calendar invites. It used to work automatically. When clients schedule a meeting with me now via Pipedrive's scheduler, there's no meeting link and no way for us to have the meeting. What am I doing wrong here and how do I get google hangout links to…
Customize Scheduler
Availability and bookin meetings with pipedrive feature - how it is working?
I wanted to inspect more feature of availability and sharing my time slots in emails instead using for example Calendly. Have anyone been using this feature? I have some questions related to it: * can it be synced with my calendar so it will automatically take out slots when I add something to my calendar? * when booking a…
🏆 🇺🇸 Success Story: How Pipedrive can turn struggling reps into all-star salespeople
https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/n83J51K8wuUKZqSi3N1oXr?⚙️ Click the cogwheel for subtitles in English, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese. @Mitch Workman , Digital Marketing Director at Big Dog Solar thinks Pipedrive is “awesome!” Thanks to Pipedrive, the American solar panel installation company now knows…
Looking for a GREAT flexible calendar with Zapier / Integromat connection
Hello All, I'm working with a roofing company that has 2 in house crews and sub contracts work out to various crews depending on the complexity and location of the job. I can't seem to find any great calendar applications that everyone can easily access and I can integrate into Pipedrive via Zapier or Integromat. Anyone…
Har du tröttnat på att hitta ett mötesdatum som passar alla?
Vem har inte mejlat och försökt hitta en mötestid som passar båda parter? Oftast går det några vändor fram och tillbaka innan det är klart. Tar en del onödig tid, ett rent slöseri skulle jag säga. Med Pipedrives funktion SCHEDULER eller FÖRESLÅ TIDER som det heter på svenska förenklas denna hantering. Hur kan du läsa här.
Bug Report: Scheduler email subject doesn't appear as expected in Naver
Greetings, I recently tried Pipedrive Scheduler, but only to find out that its email subject doesn't work as expected in Naver email, a popular Email provider in South Korea. In the Pipedrive Scheduler email notification, as you can see from the attached screenshot, the subject contains unnecessary HTML tags as follows:…
Feedback on a Hackathon Idea (If it wins, we can build it in PD) 💡❗
Hi, I am Ambar, Product Manager at Pipedrive. We are working on a cool idea for Hackathon in Pipedrive. Our idea is called client portal. Basically, salespeople or account managers can share files, notes, documents or invoices with their client. And clients can create an account in PD and see all the communication. Clients…
Propose Times function
Hello Community, a quick question. Is the propose times function, where you can set your own availability no longer available? Thx for your help in advance. Oh and by the way im on the advanced plan. Cheers
Microsoft Teams with Scheduler Link
Hello All, Wanted to get some feedback on how everyone is using Microsoft Teams currently? I love the integration and see how to manually add a meeting through and activity but, I'd like to have a meeting link with scheduler. Is there a way to do this either native or zapier? I have a client that isn't moving away from…
propose times accepted?
I have sent a link to find a time that works for the client through the propose times part of Pipedrive. The link was sent via my work email, not Pipedrive. How will I now know if they have accepted a date/time? Will I get a notification somehow?
Scheduler 2.0 is here! ✏️📒
05/02/2019 Scheduler helps to book meetings with your customers more efficiently by cutting out the unnecessary back-and-forth from the process. It’s accommodated exactly where users need it in their workflows, and it allows to propose times to customers with confidence by taking care of the double bookings on the fly.…
Appointment Scheduler
When using the appointment scheduler, does the scheduled time that you send our via "link" manage the differences in Time zones? i.e. me being in the Central time zone, and a customer in Pacific time setting a meeting for 1pm; would that show on my time for 3pm?
One-click meeting scheduling?
I feel like a tool sending a Calendly-style link because it feels like I'm asking the person to do work. But when I do "manual scheduling" I hate the tabbing back and forth between my email and my calendar, then blocking out all the options I've given that person so I don't accidentally double book a slot, and then finally…
When replying to an email from within Pipedrive, it's possible to add possible timeslots. However, w
When replying to an email from within Pipedrive, it's possible to add possible timeslots. However, when the recipient selects a timeslot, is it possible for this meeting to automatically contain a Hangout link? (We're using Gsuite). Thanks