It seems that there is no way for a colleague and I to "share" a contact in both of our address books if we both have two-way sync enabled. Let's make up a contact, say "Gary" that both I and my colleague interact with and we both want Gary in our Google (gmail) address books. Both my colleague and I have two-way contact…
It would be great to have the custom email message stored in the deal history, as the message may sometimes contain valuable information. Currently copying and pasting the message as a note is a workaround.
It would be nice if we could auto assign or round robin assign Deals to specific users based on the day of the week. Not the date, but the actual day (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, etc.). I want to set up a rule for this scenario: Condition - new deals created on a specific day of the week, like Monday. We have 3 out of 5…
Dear pipedrive team, unfortunately, with Onedrive it is only possible to edit documents. The web version of Word is unfortunately very poor, so designs using images are very limited. Presentations and spreadsheets can be used as templates via GoogleDrive. Microsoft offers the possibility with PowerPoint, but unfortunately…
Hello - Wondering if there is a way to duplicate or clone an activity so that we do not have to add the people and deal name every time.
As on the activities page, we'd love the "OPEN DETAILS IN FULL VIEW" option to be available so that we don't have to click into the deal or open a new tab to access the deal. Reason for this is we're looking to transition to following up on our Deals in the "Deals, Pipeline view page "instead of the activities page. I'd…
It would be very helpful if there was a Field setting that allowed us to "exclude from Changelog". The Changelog is an awesome tool. I rely on it A LOT to see the history with a record. But, we do have some data that is sensitive in our CRM. And when a contract ends, some of this data needs to be wiped from our systems. Of…
In our process we use wait for conditions so our process can work to suit our business needs. We have an issue with the time limits on these as 5 working days sometimes isn't long enough and our automations stop working. If these time limits can be increased longer than 5 days that would be amazing! Thanks.
When you start the contact synchronisation, fields are automatically created. For example, birthday, instant messenger or postal address. For various reasons, these fields often make no sense in the CRM and are just confusing. You can't remove them yourself and according to the support team, the colleagues from the…
A company use Pipedrive Projects for different purposes. Could be service, delivery and more. The idea is to hide boards for those users that are not working in that area. For example, service users will only see the Service board with projects. Delivery users will only see delivery board with projects. This functionality…
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