Multiple organizations tied to the same person



  • Roland Meents
    Roland Meents Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #32

    I'd love to have this feature too. We are orking with hotels, and we have several contacts that have multiple hotels which all have their own deals

  • Josh Monifi
    Josh Monifi Member Posts: 131 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2020 #33
    Coming across this need again! It's a common occurrence to have one person responsible for work at multiple facilities.
  • Bret Kobel
    Bret Kobel Member Posts: 13 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #34

    Agree.  We work with customers where an employee also belongs to an industry group.  We sell to both the company and the industry group.  Decision-maker for both is the same person.

  • Pam Gallinger
    Pam Gallinger Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2020 #35
    This would be a huge help! We're in the affiliate marketing industry and we'll have one contact who represents multiple brands/organisations
  • Joris Vermeulen
    Joris Vermeulen Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #36

    Agree, this would be helpfull for us too! 

  • Brendan Myers
    Brendan Myers Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited December 2021 #37

    Property Managers are an example in our case.  They have multiple locations that we treat as separate organizations.

  • Erwin Cammelbeeck
    Erwin Cammelbeeck Member Posts: 24 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2022 #38

    I would really like to see the possibility of connecting a contactperson to multiple organizations. We work with free lancers who work for multiple clients of us. We can make a custom field but when a contact works for 6 different organizations we need to create 6 custom fields. 

    Can the Pipedrive development team create the possibility of connecting a contactperson to multiple organizations? 

  • Georg Wässa
    Georg Wässa Member Posts: 15 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #39

    Same here. I am a M&A Advisors and a lot of my contacts are CEO of a holding and a subsidiary!

  • Sara Gipton
    Sara Gipton Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #40

    I agree, we have Seniro Exec's of one organisation who sit on multiple industry Boards/think tanks (often where deals are generated) so it would be good to:

    1. be able to put one person against multiple organisations
    2. have functionality that allows the relationships between peak organisations, customers and competitors better understood.
  • Peter_20463
    Peter_20463 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #41

    How can this not be a function yet? It was brought up over 8 months ago, and is extremely important to smaller (and I suspect, larger) businesess. Many of our contacts work at 2 or more organizations, and might be a board member of many more. 

    It is extremely important that we know which organisations we have a "way in" to, via one of our existing contacts, and keep track of who we are talking to at one particular organization, even if one of them primarily works for another organization.


    So many missed possibilities just because you cant add a second and third organization field to a contact

  • Mark Daniels
    Mark Daniels Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #42

    Hi @Haley Peloquin !

    This is a question that comes up every now and then and I can see you've already seen the answers here ;)

    Unfortunately at the time there's no way to achieve what you're looking for without a downside like the ones mentioned in the link above.

    I understand this is a hassle for users in your situation and we appreciate your feedback. I've made sure it reaches our team for consideration in future developments. Unfortunately with many customers and requests and with limited development resources we need to prioritise and make choices what to deliver first. Thank you for your understanding!

    Speaking of which, here are some pro tips to stay on top of what’s coming down the line:

    I'd like to add my vote for adding this. We have this type of need too.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,041 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2023 #43

    Hi @Peter thanks for chiming in. I understand the disappointment,  changing this behaviour however is a huge change for the architecture of Pipedrive and when it comes to contact relationships. I know our team is having this in the backlog but it isn't as simple as it may seem unfortunately and there's many dependencies and priorities related to this.

  • Mike Sorensen
    Mike Sorensen Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #44

    Same, I need this functionality too.  A contact can often work at many different companies (e.g. a contractor/consultant), or own multiple companies.  This is a core competency that Pipedrive needs to have !

  • Mike Sorensen
    Mike Sorensen Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #45

    Same, I need this functionality too.  A contact can often work at many different companies (e.g. a contractor/consultant), or own multiple companies.  This is a core competency that Pipedrive needs to have !

    By the way, I'm a CTO and startup business owner.  This is not hard functionality to add...  Simple mapping table with Organization related fields (e.g. their title is likely different, email address, etc.).  

    Being able to look at an individual and see all of the related companies would also be extremely powerful!

  • Rock Stevens
    Rock Stevens Member Posts: 24 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #46

    @Mike van der Valk this is an issue for hundreds of Pipedrive users, and dozens have already chimed in through various threads. PipeDrive doesn't accurately resemble how businesses work in the real world. One person can (and oftentimes) does belong to more than one organization. PipeDrive is meant to serve as a CRM to make the PipeDrive user's job easier. I love the platform and strongly urge the PipeDrive team to prioritize this. @Mike Sorensen is correct, the backend mapping is not as difficult as you're making it out to be, and even if so, this is a highly requested feature that merely models the way business works in the real world.... a CRM should support reality not the limitations of a software engineer's imagination/creativity. Please find a solution to this issue, it largely affects how several users handle PipeDrive, and nesting custom fields is not the correct solution... that's a bandaid. Thanks for all your help and support, I look forward to the next level of PipeDrive! 

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,041 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2023 #47

    Same, I need this functionality too.  A contact can often work at many different companies (e.g. a contractor/consultant), or own multiple companies.  This is a core competency that Pipedrive needs to have !

    Hi @Mike Sorensen thanks for your comments. I've looped in our PM on that area, hopefully we can improve this!

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,041 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2023 #48

    @Mike van der Valk this is an issue for hundreds of Pipedrive users, and dozens have already chimed in through various threads. PipeDrive doesn't accurately resemble how businesses work in the real world. One person can (and oftentimes) does belong to more than one organization. PipeDrive is meant to serve as a CRM to make the PipeDrive user's job easier. I love the platform and strongly urge the PipeDrive team to prioritize this. @Mike Sorensen is correct, the backend mapping is not as difficult as you're making it out to be, and even if so, this is a highly requested feature that merely models the way business works in the real world.... a CRM should support reality not the limitations of a software engineer's imagination/creativity. Please find a solution to this issue, it largely affects how several users handle PipeDrive, and nesting custom fields is not the correct solution... that's a bandaid. Thanks for all your help and support, I look forward to the next level of PipeDrive! 

    Hi @Rock Stevens 

    Thanks for chiming in, I appreciate it. I've making some noice internally to get attention on this, hopefully we can accomplish improvements here!

  • Rock Stevens
    Rock Stevens Member Posts: 24 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #49

    @Mike van der Valk this is an issue for hundreds of Pipedrive users, and dozens have already chimed in through various threads. PipeDrive doesn't accurately resemble how businesses work in the real world. One person can (and oftentimes) does belong to more than one organization. PipeDrive is meant to serve as a CRM to make the PipeDrive user's job easier. I love the platform and strongly urge the PipeDrive team to prioritize this. @Mike Sorensen is correct, the backend mapping is not as difficult as you're making it out to be, and even if so, this is a highly requested feature that merely models the way business works in the real world.... a CRM should support reality not the limitations of a software engineer's imagination/creativity. Please find a solution to this issue, it largely affects how several users handle PipeDrive, and nesting custom fields is not the correct solution... that's a bandaid. Thanks for all your help and support, I look forward to the next level of PipeDrive! 

    @Mike van der Valk thank you for your diligence. Any escalation process available would be greatly appreciated! 

  • Hero TI
    Hero TI Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #50

    Please, this limitation of one organization one user, just doesn't make sense.
    I already request this feature about two years ago :(

    • Some customers have more than one company
    • Some organizations, we have more than one contact that we need to contact.
  • Victor_26599
    Victor_26599 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #51

    I can definitely see how something so core to the current system would be difficult to alter. 

    That having been said, I'd like to express my desire for this feature too. I will likely be moving to a professional plan in the coming months, but encountering this issue has caused me second thoughts as a large minority of my potential clients are owners of/participants in multiple businesses. 

    On merit of automation I still plan to go ahead with upgrade, but this is a serious flaw. I hope this moves very quickly from a backlog issue to a major concern as I see Pipedrive has bells and whistles in beta but has an unresolved core problem at a foundational level. The more these issues are built on top of, the more difficult they will be to improve. As such, the more this fix is deferred in favour of new features, the bigger a thorn in the side it will become when the issue becomes unavoidable. Please act on this issue.

    Thank you to the team for their ongoing hard work, and I hope to experience this flexibility soon. 

    Best wishes.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,041 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2023 #52
    Victor said:

    I can definitely see how something so core to the current system would be difficult to alter. 

    That having been said, I'd like to express my desire for this feature too. I will likely be moving to a professional plan in the coming months, but encountering this issue has caused me second thoughts as a large minority of my potential clients are owners of/participants in multiple businesses. 

    On merit of automation I still plan to go ahead with upgrade, but this is a serious flaw. I hope this moves very quickly from a backlog issue to a major concern as I see Pipedrive has bells and whistles in beta but has an unresolved core problem at a foundational level. The more these issues are built on top of, the more difficult they will be to improve. As such, the more this fix is deferred in favour of new features, the bigger a thorn in the side it will become when the issue becomes unavoidable. Please act on this issue.

    Thank you to the team for their ongoing hard work, and I hope to experience this flexibility soon. 

    Best wishes.

    Hi @Hero TI and @Victor 

    Thanks for your contributions. What makes it tricky is indeed the fact that it's part of our core setup of Pipedrive. Changing it means changing the whole way Pipedrive works.

    Having said that, it doesn't mean it won't happen. I know some developers are looking into it. We understand the value and as with everything else in Pipedrive we want to improve your experience and value of the tool over time. I can't promise anything here as I hope you understand but we're definitely not ignoring these requests and are looking at our options.

  • Georgina Maud
    Georgina Maud Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2022 #53

    It would be awesome to be able to assign multiple organisations to a single contact to be able to keep track of the contact between the person across various organisations.

    We are a fertiliser company, and many of our farmers have multiple farms that we deal with, but we cannot assign the farms under organisations to the same person. This would be the same for a director of multiple business e.g. John Smith has FarmA and FarmB but can only be assigned to one.


    I understand that the organisations can be related, but this still won't allow the same person on both.


    Note that we are using Pipedrive for keeping track of customer relations so this is unfortunately not a case of adding a person to multiple deals 


    Cheers :) 

  • Brad Krause_13404
    Brad Krause_13404 Member Posts: 366 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #54

    @Georgina Maud So you couldn't add the following fields to deal details?

    Site name: (Specific farm name)

    Site address (specific farm address) 

    This is how we addressed the constraint. We have clients that are property managers and manage multiple sites that we can or do sell to. 

  • Georgina Maud
    Georgina Maud Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #55

    Hi @Brad Krause,

    The issue isn't in deals, as we are just wanted to attach organisations to one person.

    We use another software for our 'deals' as we do our trucking and placement proof (fertiliser) separately. 

  • Brad Krause_13404
    Brad Krause_13404 Member Posts: 366 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #56

    Hi @Brad Krause,

    The issue isn't in deals, as we are just wanted to attach organisations to one person.

    We use another software for our 'deals' as we do our trucking and placement proof (fertiliser) separately. 

    If you can't use a deal as a 'site' what about adding a unique character at the end of the persons name in each organization record.?

    John Smith 1

    John Smith  2

    John Smith 3


    Allowing multiple people at the same organisation I think would render the duplicate identification feature useless. I suppose they may be able to create an off switch for that. 

  • Georgina Maud
    Georgina Maud Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #57

    Hi @Brad Krause,

    The issue isn't in deals, as we are just wanted to attach organisations to one person.

    We use another software for our 'deals' as we do our trucking and placement proof (fertiliser) separately. 

    That would work, but would render the duplicate feature useless as you mentioned, as well as have any notes/activities under each person be split around the place. I found this thread here from around a year ago that explains the same issue:

    Thank you for your input!

  • Brad Krause_13404
    Brad Krause_13404 Member Posts: 366 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #58

    We kinda have a similar situation but we have been able to make due just fine by adding a 'site name' and 'site address' field to deal details. 

    We have property management clients that have multiple properties around town and the person that manages those is at a central office. So adding the site name and address to the deal was a any fix. 

    In some cases we keep separate organisations for the properties. in the name of the organisation we have the corporate name and then the property name in parentheses. We do this mostly when we deal with the property people more than the main office and want the people associated with the property to be more prominent. 

    No matter how you slice it there is going to be constraints and compromise/ work arounds. 

    I'm not a big fan of the 'related organizations' thing just because it's another thing to manage and make sure is set.

    Oh, and I know I'm one to talk about feature suggestions. I'm guilty. 

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,041 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2023 #59

    Hi @Georgina Maud thanks for sharing, I've passed it on to our team as well. And thanks Brad for helping Georgina! :) 

  • Brad Krause_13404
    Brad Krause_13404 Member Posts: 366 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #60

    I may have a solution @Georgina Maud . One that we are implementing ourselves. @Mike van der Valk 

    We deal with companies that have multiple sites we work and seek business at. In some cases they are owned by the parent company and in some cases they are a 3rd party management company.


    Parent company name (Site /Farm name)


    Management company name (site/farm name)


    For the main organization record that will hold your multi site contact person:

    Parent company name   (Corporate)

    put multiple spaces between the parent company name and corporate in parentheses on this record and it will be forced to the top of that group of records.

    Link the main multisite person from the corporate record to each site organization by adding a custom autofill 'person' field to the organization detail section.

    This structure now allows you to keep people records of the people specific to the sit/farm as well in that site/farm organization record. 





    Contact from corporate record hyperlinked to site/farm record:




    Field type to add to organization detail:



  • Jed Chrisman
    Jed Chrisman Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2022 #61

    I am probably doing this wrong, but I am trying to create multiple organizations for a single contact.  Is this possible?  If it is, how would I go about do it?