Alguien sabe si se puede poner primero, hasta arriba el modulo de Persona y posteriormente el de Det

Yes, Go to an organization and in the upper right click the elipsis and choose manage sidebar sections. They will appear on the left. change the order by dragging them on the right side. Sorry I don't speak Portuguese. English is the best I can do. That translation. feature is nice.
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Hi @Administrador ! I hope you don't mind that I reply in English, as unfortunately I don't speak Spanish.
You can do that by following these instructions: Barra lateral Vista detallada.
PS - We'd like to ask you to please not use the "What's New?" or "What's Planned?" topics in your posts: they are read-only topics used by Pipedrive to communicate updates to our community members. I have removed them from your post and replaced them with more pertinent topics. Thank you!
They are, however, the place to be to stay on top of what’s coming down the line: 😉
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