Automations - small, but sweet improvement! 🥳

After reviewing customer feedback, we noticed that a lot of you are requesting functionality to add automatic notes to Deals, Persons or Organisations
I am happy to announce, that we are now providing a new type of Action within Automations. Whenever Person, Deal or Organisation is triggered, create an Note with content of your choice - like a reminder to the team about discount, special details about the customer or any other extra information you wish to share!
If you choose so, you can also pin Note to the top for extra visibility ✅
Feature is already rolled out to all customers, go and try it out!
@Dace Kraučuka that´s great and thanks for that. There is another topic where there is already a lot of customer feedback. Can you please prioritize this topic accordingly at Pipdrive. By not dealing with it, Pipedrive is losing customers and soon Pipedrive will probably lose ourselves as well. It´s about "Double Opt In Webform for Campaigns" with a lot of ticktes about that and and and and and and and I am sure there are more 😡
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Awesome !! 🔥
Will be helpfull
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Finally!! Thank you so much!!
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Hi, it sounds amazing, but where can I active it? Thanks
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@Dace Kraučuka thanks! very helpful. I can't see it in our account though, have you rolled it out to everyone?
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Hi @Chris from Hamburg , thank you for your feedback. That is a separate request that I am gathering into a single feedback request to present to our developers, so they can investigate further. All the use cases provided will be very useful.
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@Manuel Oliveira Thank you for raising the issue and making it more visible on Pipedrive. It's just frustrating that Pipedrive doesn't care about the real customer issues that have been open for more than 2 years now. Even if the responsible product and service managers are mentioned in the psot, nothing happens. This is the same as with the feedback to the support chat, also there nothing happens.
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I appreciate what you mean @Chris from Hamburg , and I can assure you the team pays attention to this and every feedback. Even if we sometimes are not able to be as responsive as we would like. But steps are also being taken about that, and whenever possible, the product manager in charge of the feature might share some details here in the community.
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Hi Manuel, it's just ridiculous that we need to point this stuff out to PD though and that you need to raise it with the developers. Sending an automatic double opt-in is so basic, it's like selling a car without a steering wheel and then waiting 2 years for customer feedback to tell you need one before you put one in the car. It's just staggering to me that PD operate in this way. Complete silence for years and then eventually you'll get around to implementing it at some point.
Re your comment about not being as responsive as you'd like? Why is that? I'm genuinely curious why PD have this weird customer support thing where they ignore feature requests for years and then suddenly announce, to great fanfare as though thhey're doing us a favour, that the feature has been implemented. Can you not see how annoying this is to your customers? That's a genuine question, not meant to be facetious.
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Also, if there's about 10 posts all asking for the same feature, isn't that a pretty good indicator you need to prioritise it?
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I say all this because PD in many ways are brilliant, and the main CRM is improving all the time. But when you bring out new products like Campaigns, either do them properly or not at all. Not having an automatic way to send double opt-in emails is just plain amateurish. Sorry to be so blunt, I know you're only the messenger but I just find PD's lack of communication and releasing half-baked products so weird.