Unified Client Portal

Simó Magor
Simó Magor Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER


Are you planning to develop a Client portal for PD user companies, which can be accessed by their clients to request and receive a Quote, post an amendment, negotiate, etc.? 


Thank you,


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  • Boris Tsibelman
    Boris Tsibelman Member Posts: 827 VERIFIED MEMBER
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Likes First Answer
    edited October 2020 #2

    I doubt this will be on the short term road map.

  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,011 VERIFIED MEMBER
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
    edited October 2020 #3

    Hello @Simó Magor !

    Currently there are no direct plans for it but the team noted down your suggestion for when they'll work on updates again. We'd like to understand your suggestion a little more in detail. Can you tell me a bit more about why this would be a plus? 

    PS - We'd like to ask you to please not use the "What's New?" or "What's Planned?" topics in your posts: they are read-only topics used by Pipedrive to communicate updates to our community members. We have removed them from your post. Thank you!

    They are, however, the place to be to stay on top of what’s coming down the line: 😉

  • Ricky Munday
    Ricky Munday Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment
    edited February 2022 #4

    This feature would be a huge plus for us. We're a tour operator and we're looking at options to allow clients to access all trip docuemntation & updates in a portal, e-sign waivers etc.

  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,011 VERIFIED MEMBER
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
    edited February 2021 #5

    This feature would be a huge plus for us. We're a tour operator and we're looking at options to allow clients to access all trip docuemntation & updates in a portal, e-sign waivers etc.

    Thank you for your input @Ricky Munday ! I've made sure it gets forwarded internally so the team can take it into consideration in future developments. Here’s how to get notified about what’s coming down the line:

    • Follow What's Planned to know what we're currently working on and what’s to come.
    • Follow What’s New and don’t miss any new release announcements.
    • Join our Research and Beta Testing channel for the chance to try out early versions and give us your opinion about new and improved features before they go live.

    You may also be interested in joining our Travel industry channel. It's a fairly recent one and it could use some movement :)