Mutliple LABELS

Is there a way to put multiple lables on a project? We are currently using labels to track and report on projects based on product manufacturer, but sometimes there are multiple manufacturers on a project.
Thanks in advance!
Hello you will have to create a field of multiple options to be able to put different values, the labels is possible to use only one.
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Hello you will have to create a field of multiple options to be able to put different values, the labels is possible to use only one.
Any plans on adding more than one label per deal? It'd be super helpful.
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Hello you will have to create a field of multiple options to be able to put different values, the labels is possible to use only one.
Junior, I assume you're saying I would create a new custom field?
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Yes, Rodrigo is right, it is super important to have multipole label per deal.
this way you can instantly see the status of each deal:
- label 1 - green - got quotation.
- label 2 - yellow - saw a remote demo
- label 3 - pink - meet us in an exhibition
- label 4 - blue - good looking production site- they are willing to invest
- .......
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Nadav Leshem said:
Yes, Rodrigo is right, it is super important to have multipole label per deal.
this way you can instantly see the status of each deal:
- label 1 - green - got quotation.
- label 2 - yellow - saw a remote demo
- label 3 - pink - meet us in an exhibition
- label 4 - blue - good looking production site- they are willing to invest
- .......
Exactly, our to track the provenance ie Mkt campaign X, outreach strategy Y, etc
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Hello you will have to create a field of multiple options to be able to put different values, the labels is possible to use only one.
@Rodrigo Russell currently there are no direct plans for it but the team noted down your suggestion for when they'll work on updates again.
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Yes please for this functionality!
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Please, please, please introduce this feature. It's so basic, and should be incredibly easy to implement. This isn't the only community request for this feature - there are others dating back years - the demand is there! Please listen to your customers!!!
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@Inês Batata @Junior França - Pipe Digital see additional comments on this subject left here. Recently did some updates to our Pipedrive processes, but this functionality would still fulfill a fairly important need for us in reporting! Thanks!