Events are not activities: getting rid of the need to tick calendar events in Pipedrive

Olivier_81871 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2022 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

Hi there,

Signed up today due to a sales programm where the advisor told me to do so.

I'm amazed how Pipedrive lacks features I thought where basic and that I benefit from in Zoho CRM.

One of them is to treat events differently than tasks. Events are in my Google Calendar. They are how I spend my time: meetings, piano, sport, etc. Tasks have to be done but not necessarily at the time I planned them.
But since I activated calendar sync in Pipedrive, all my calendar events are now tasks in Pipedrive. This means I need to check all of them in order for Pipedrive not to tell me I've got things to do. What a waste of time and energy!! What's the point?

I'm so amazed, I wouldn't think I'm the first to suffer from this behaviour.

Now I'm going to deactivate calendar sync but then I will probably lose something else I don't realize yet.

3 votes

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  • Andreia Freixo
    Andreia Freixo Posts: 158 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments Pipedrive Team
    edited May 2022 #2

    Hi Oliver,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us with your feedback, it's really appreciated.

    Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment, but I can completely understand how it would be useful in your workflow. My best advice would be to synchronize only a "task" calendar from Google so that the other activities (events) don't sync into Pipedrive. 

    I will also forward your feedback directly to our product team through an internal channel, so I can ensure you that it will be valued and taken into consideration.

    To stay updated on new features, you can follow our What's Planned and What's New pages. :)

    Have a great day!

  • Nick Fotache
    Nick Fotache Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment
    edited May 2022 #3

    I just wanted to quickly pop in here and say I completely agree with you. The way Pipedrive handles calendar sync where it creates activates for every calendar event is beyond silly. I found this thread because I was trying to Google how to disable the sync and I can see I am not the only one who thinks the way this is handled in Pipedrive is moronic. 

  • Laurent Gaulhiac
    Laurent Gaulhiac Member Posts: 28 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments 5 Likes
    edited June 2022 #4

    You are not alone, I also noticed this in the first 2h I was giving Pipedrive a shot. It's really sad, even more so that the fix would be super simple : a custom activity "external event" or "read only" for all events synced and obviously without the task checkbox and annoyances that come with it.

    I disable it right after. The problem is that then the Scheduler show me "available" where there is something already in my now unsynced calendar... Obliged to use Calendly where a fix looks so easy and obvisous.

  • Katydid06
    Katydid06 Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Totally agree, I am going to have to unsync my calendar completely, as soon as I figure out how.

  • Brandon Wood
    Brandon Wood Member Posts: 65 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes

    I agree. Yet if you don't have sync turned on, how do you have that meeting with your client inside the deal you were discussing? You would have to duplicate the meeting in Pipedrive manually. Maybe that would take less time than checking off all my overdue non-sales-related appointments.

    The other issue with syncing calendar events is that they become completed sales acitivites. So that meeting I had with my accountant shows as an activity in the reports.😂