multiple labels in a deal

Hi @Guille
Unfortunately this is not possible with the default labels in Pipedrive. However, you can set up multiple option custom fields for this. You can then add multiple options per field on a deal and then later if you'd like also filter on it. Check out this video here for a bit more detail:
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It would be awesome to be able to add MULTIPLE labels to a deal like you can to a lead. That way we don't have to have a million custom fields.
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anything to this? what if we are selling multiple product lines to one customer
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Is this on the road map for the future? Custom fields are great, but can be rather cluttering. Tags help alleviate that aspect.
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Hello, we use labels for our deals but often run into an issue where a deal meets multiple criteria and we would very much appreciate the ability to have multiple labels for a deal.
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Thank you for your feedback! It has been shared internally.
As a workaround, you could create a multiple option custom field and use it to label deals. You can learn more about custom fields here. If you'd like to explore this further and have any doubts, please reach out to our support - Contacting Pipedrive support
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Helio said:
Thank you for your feedback! It has been shared internally.
As a workaround, you could create a multiple option custom field and use it to label deals. You can learn more about custom fields here. If you'd like to explore this further and have any doubts, please reach out to our support - Contacting Pipedrive support
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This has been requested so many times by so many people... It just does not make sense to me, why you should only be able to apply one label to a Deal.
Could we please get some more feedback on this, @Helio ?0 -
Multiple Labels per Deal! (please Vote)0
You could create a custom field of type multiple options?0
The only thing I understand the label field to do vs a custom deal details field is apply a color to the deal tile. And I would not want multiple colors displayed on the deal tile. It would lose all its value and be way too confusing. We use the deal label field to identify what divisional/departmental service is related to the deal: Landscape construction, yellow. Landscape maintenance, Green. Snow and Ice removal, Blue. For us it's perfect and having additional labels and colors would bring no value. A person can use a multiple entry custom deal details field to accomplish something similar to tagging. Multiple colors for multiple labels being displayed on the deal tile doesn't make sense to me.
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I could, but that is not the same. I want to see multiple colors and give Deals multiple Labels if necessary, just having the option of one Label limits the use to very rare and therefore not "labelworthy" info, which is unfortunate.1
Not only for Deals but also very interesting to be applied also to Organizations.
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The possibility to tag deals, organizations and customers would be great! :-) #taglovers #taggingisbeautiful
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Agreed - please make deal labels like lead labels
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+1 on this feature request 🙋♂️
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Hello everyone, this feature has been requested so many times, and it still is not here. I am using Pipedrive with 3 different accounts, and in each one this would be a very helpful feature. Check out an app like Clickup, with probably the same level of complexity as Pipedrive, and see how helpful the multiple label option is. The "multiple option custom field" is really a bad workaround. //.,..+1 for this request.
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As far as I know you can only have one label at a time for deals, contacts and leads. One way to work around it is to create multiple custom fields. In your case "product 1", "product 2", "product 3", etc