Adding multiple Contacts/People to a Lead



  • Veronika Danielova
    Veronika Danielova Pipedrive Team Posts: 18 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hey hey @Edddddd, thank you for sharing your thoughts and suggestions for improvements.

    Unfortunately, this is not on our roadmap at the moment as we had to prioritize other features and functionalities.

    Thank you


  • Alex Fleming
    Alex Fleming Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 2024 #33

    @Veronika Danielova thanks for responding. This is the single biggest pain point for the Pipedrive platform right now on our end (and sounds like many others in this thread - I share @Edddddd's frustration). The workarounds that are required here (creating a "lead" stage for deals or creating new deal pipelines that are just leads etc.) essentially make the entire Leads module worthless for us (and any B2B company). Not sure what other features are ahead of this on the roadmap for the Leads module / Leads team but at least on our end, they are not going to be utilized until there is an option for multiple contacts on a Lead. I know it's always more complicated on the backend than it appears but the multiple-contact functionality already exists for Deals, can't imagine this is such a heavy lift that it isn't even on the roadmap.

  • Edddddd
    Edddddd Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Veronika Danielova - thank you for your reply. While we all understand what priorities mean, may I kindly ask if at least your team recognises what we're talking about? It our request understood?

  • Lobotoja
    Lobotoja Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Just say you dont care about usability and customers. You dont want to build a usable CRM you want to be a games developer and not care about end users only about putting more stuff behind paywalls. @Veronika Danielova I`m looking for a new CRM thanks to your snarky and dismissive reply. My boss in not interested in dealing with a company like that, 2 years to add a basic feature. We don't care about your roadmap. Give us the features we need to do basic work not new features you can charge for. What are you developing if you dont have the basics done correctly? It not more than 40h of developers time with extensive testing (If not 15 minutes if you have the right guy), your attitude stinks and that is the end of that.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,393 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi everyone, thank you for all the continued feedback, which we encourage sharing and will always want to hear more of. Your use cases help us better define how to prioritize the future development of Pipedrive’s features.

    This feedback has reached our product team, who continue monitoring your use cases. As @Veronika Danielova mentioned, features are being worked on at the moment, both performance-related and user-facing, that we found to be fundamental to improving the Pipedrive experience in the short to medium term. Since our team needs to prioritize, and resources will always be more limited than everything we would like to build, some things will inevitably be developed before others can.

    We’ll share all about it as these features become ready for release to all users. Once again, we thank you for all your feedback and understanding and ask that you please observe the community guidelines.

  • Cierra Rider
    Cierra Rider Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +43298527345098247985 for this feature!

  • buddy
    buddy Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi all, I don't usually comment in these types of discussions, but I want to reiterate that this is a feature I know a lot of people are looking for. I, for one, would also like to know why its not on the roadmap.

    It seems logical that keeping track of the many contacts and people and communications with those people that go into closing a deal is a very important. And Leads is where it all starts. So many different things happen at this stage and it makes sense to manage that within Pipedrive...

  • Alex Fleming
    Alex Fleming Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira this has been a request for nearly two years now - #5 most voted for feature and probably the simplest one on the board. Your customers are telling you what WE find fundamental for short to medium term usability. Some general feedback: having a public forum for customer input like this is great but only if you actually plan to act on the feedback otherwise it just creates frustration (see above). Solving small but crucial features like this is what would make me (and I'm sure others) love a start-up built CRM like Pipedrive and be excited about it. Lack of (or refusal to build) these simple functionalities for B2B customers simply leave us no option but to start thinking about when we have to bite the bullet and implement SF or another B2B tailored solution.

  • evandelp
    evandelp Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2024 #41

    Hello! Is it not possible to create a new lead with several (or many) individuals listed as contacts within the lead of that same organization? For example, my team got back from a conference and we have 12 people from one overall org to follow up with. The way we conceptualize that is as one organization-level lead, but it seems to me I can't link multiple people to the same lead until it gets to the deal stage and there are multiple participants within the deal. Ideally, I don't want my table view cluttered with 12 individual lead items (not to mention then the organizational level relationship is broken). Has anyone figured out a better way to do this? Is this just a methodology difference in the way my team operates vs. how Pipedrive is programmed?

  • Aleksandr
    Aleksandr Member Posts: 48 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited October 2024 #42

    This issue was mentioned on G2 - impossible.

  • Alex Fleming
    Alex Fleming Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited October 2024 #43

    This feature has been requested for nearly 3 years on the thread below… Pipedrive showing no interest in responding to customer feedback.

  • Alex Fleming
    Alex Fleming Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Veronika Danielova @Manuel Oliveira Just checking in as it's been 2.5 years since this simple feature request started and you / Pipedrive have still not addressed it. Onboarded another person today and gave my usual line - "The entire leads module is useless because it's limited to one contact so we don't use it at all"

    How many more upvotes do you need before this goes on your roadmap?

  • MC
    MC Member Posts: 97 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Pipedrive continue to ignore the obvious quick wins for improving the app.

  • Simon_Burgoyne
    Simon_Burgoyne Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
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    New Customer to Pipedrive - This is an issue for us for large B2B leads. Just raised by the sales team as an issue for us !! Any update would be great.. Will upvote now !!

  • davidwhite
    davidwhite Member Posts: 3 NEW MEMBER
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    Relatively new Pipedrive user here.

    For months I've thought I was going crazy, but it turns out Pipedrive just has a fundamentally broken model around leads!

    Previously I've had a pipe stage for leads, but with a few hundreds leads it doesn't scale at all.

    Without this feature, I might talk to two different people at the same company without being able to cross-reference. The only way to avoid that is to check for other people at the company every single time I take any action, open up their lead, and see what's happened. For simple actions like calling leads, this is completely unscalable.

    I've been actively looking for alternative CRMs - can anyone suggest one that has a good approach around leads? I want to have a company as a lead, then have a group of people on that lead, so that I can see all communication around that lead.

  • Amanda K
    Amanda K Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @davidwhite One idea is to have a separate pipeline (or filtered Pipeline view) for leads, create them as Deals yet tag/label them as "Lead/pre-deal", and put all call notes in the Deal object instead of in the Contact or Organization object.
    I, too, am looking for a tool optimized for relationship selling to a larger enterprise, where there may be many conversations with many people at a single org, and potential for various engagements at that org.

  • davidwhite
    davidwhite Member Posts: 3 NEW MEMBER
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    Thanks for the tip Amanda!

    It's not just for enterprise. I might have 3 prospects at a company likely to be interested, and I contact all three. Most of the time 0 or 1 reply, but sometimes I get a few responding at the same company and Pipedrive makes it very likely I won't connect the two conversations.

    My current solution is to batch prospects, then show them in a contact list ordered by company name, and hope that I'm alert enough to spot adjacent ones from the same company and then manually check them all to see if anything's happened with the others before contact the current one. It's slow and error-prone.

  • MC
    MC Member Posts: 97 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Any business that receives referrals from professionals (e.g. from accountants, as we do) needs the ability to add the referrer and the prospect(s) to the same lead. Often we don't know (are not told) the name of the potential prospect (the client of the accountant) in the first phone call or two, as what we do requires a high level of trust and rapport to be established before the referrer is happy to do the introduction to their client (we help small businesses that have extremely large tax debts, which is 'dirty laundry' many company directors don't want to be known, reputation-wise). Please Pipedrive management… direct your product team(s) to improve existing functionality and stop adding new features. We don't need feature bloat, we need feature excellence.

  • James7
    James7 Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hey everyone, after struggling with this lack of many contacts per lead/deal feature, which creates an absolute mess and makes it hard to track deals, I finally took the leap and moved to HubSpot. It is AWESOME. It is the same price as Pipedrive and has totally solved this need to track many different contacts and conversations per lead and deal. And it integrates with my Gmail where it tells me when people have opened my emails!

    Anyway, my strong recommendation would be to move to HubSpot. It feels luxurious and seamless when compared to Pipedrive, which just feels like a glorified spreadsheet. Good luck!

  • MC
    MC Member Posts: 97 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @James7 if you have just started with HubSpot you might not have yet experienced the many upgrades required as you progress and want the useful features, more contacts, etc. When I last ran the numbers, it was 3X more expensive than Pipedrive. I'll be interested to hear if your "same price as Pipedrive" ends up being the case for you. We used to use HubSpot and moved to Pipedrive, with the cost being the initial catalyst for the move.

  • wonders
    wonders Member Posts: 55 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    We're definitely going to be exploring new CRM's as well. Sometimes money isn't everything. I would rather pay 5x the price of Pipedrive and know that the company I'm supporting is supporting it's users too. Reading through pages and pages of amazing suggestions & the need for essential features that have sat dormant and unacknowledged for years has begun to really bother me. When we chose Pipedrive we believed it was an actively developed CRM that would continually be improved. This couldn't be further from the truth. I'd love to know what their 1,000+ employees do, they're certainly not developing the platform.

  • James7
    James7 Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @MC thanks for the reply. Revenue is oxygen for my company, and I need a tool that works for me vs. me working for it. HubSpot is currently the same price for how I use it. But honestly it is worth multiples of what I am paying without needing any new features. Depending on mediocre tools that don’t improve over years for the most important function of my company is penny wise and pound foolish. Thanks.

  • EmilGH
    EmilGH Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
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    Wow. I'm just running in to this, too. Mind boggling, really, that I can't attach multiple people or organizations to a lead. I mean, I can create custom fields and drop URLs in there, but that seems… not great. 😓

  • MC
    MC Member Posts: 97 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira checking if management at Pipedrive get these threads put in front of them. So many users crying out for simple (but important) improvements in the current features, and yet all we hear from Pipedrive management and marketing are announcement of fancy new features that don't add nearly as much value as improving fundamental issues with the existing (incomplete) features. It's becoming astonishing to me as a user of multiple CRMs over the years (HubSpot, Infusionsoft/Keap, ActiveCampaign among others). Pipedrive seems tone deaf to its users.

  • Rene H
    Rene H Pipedrive Team Posts: 45 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi everyone!
    Appreciate all the feedback - and specifically those who took the time to explain the specific use cases.

    While we don't directly support this right now, I'll try to share some ideas that might serve as workaround until we do start supporting this functionality.

    • Convert those Leads to Deals instead (perhaps create a new "Leads" pipeline for them to separate them from qualified ones) and use the Participants functionality to add additional Persons
    • Go to "Settings" → "Data fields" page. On the Lead/Deal tab, create a new Custom Field of type "Person" and use that field for additional contacts. For example the case @MC made earlier you might have this field called "Referrer"
    • Rely on the linked Organization and have the Persons attached to the organization (might not work the best if you have many Leads/Deals related to a single Organization)

    And rest assured, we do review feedback like this every day, and there are plans for focus on Leads space in the next 12 months more than we have recently.

  • MC
    MC Member Posts: 97 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Thanks for your reply @Rene H. Feedback/thoughts regarding your suggested workarounds…

    • I have now set a pipeline up called Leads (with the stages Cold - Prospect them > Warm referred - Expecting us to call > Very warm - Inbound lead to qualify > Hot - Qualified Lead > Move to appropriate pipeline) and will talk to our Engagement (Sales) Team about using this in the short-/medium-term as we wait for Pipedrive's Leads functionality to improve (i.e. allow multiple contacts to be linked)
    • We had that set up already. Thanks for suggestion though.
    • This one seems too clunky for our users to grapple with.

    I hope there are plans for focus on Leads, as you say, in the next 12 months, and they're not just (to quote Trump), "concepts of a plan" :)

    If I could wave a magic wand, the product development team for 2025 would adopt a Quick Wins focus and improve the existing features each release cycle, and not add new features.

  • Sabrina Doucette
    Sabrina Doucette Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
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    This would be EXTREMELY useful for our companies.