Currently, when you want to edit data fields for leads you have to click into the lead before you can edit the field. In the deals view (and also contacts and orgs views) you can edit the deal data fields from the table, not having to click into each deal. This is much faster and more efficient for editing deals quickly.…
I was surprised to find that Pipedrive doesn’t offer a monthly or yearly calendar view, which is a common feature in most CRM software. Even more surprising is the lack of flexibility in choosing custom date ranges, like 3-day, 5-day, or 7-day views. This limitation makes it difficult to manage events efficiently, as I…
Hello, I love the Contact Timeline feature because it helps put things in perspective. Currently the contact timeline only shows future events if the 12-month option is selected, and even then, it only includes events from the same year. It would be very helpful if, along with past events, we could also see future planned…
It would be incredibly useful to have enhanced email filtering options. A few suggestions include: Adding a filter to search for emails from specific dates. Offering a filter to search by subject only, without including the email body (and viceversa) Introducing a filter to find emails associated with specific projects.…
In our process we use wait for conditions so our process can work to suit our business needs. We have an issue with the time limits on these as 5 working days sometimes isn't long enough and our automations stop working. If these time limits can be increased longer than 5 days that would be amazing! Thanks.
I'd love to be able to duplicate email templates. Often I have a number of templates which are very similar but worded a bit differently for different purposes / lead types etc. Currently I have to copy and paste the whole thing into a new one... to be able to quickly duplicate a template would be amazing.
Hi, it would be great if the pop-up showning people's data could be customizable/configurable. In addition to the data shown below, I would like to display the "job title": This would allow me to have immediately a vision of whom to call first. Eg if I want to call the HR director. Presently, this data is not displayed on…
Hi If a prospect schedules an appointment with the scheduler, I want to redirect him to a thank you page on my website. Calendly is doing it perfectly, and I am missing this feature in Pipedrive. Can you please add this redirection possibility? Thank you Dieter
Hi everyone, I wanted to know if there was a way I could hide financial info (i.e deal value etc) without restricting too many permissions for my other team members. I'd like to keep the value numbers just for upper management, but would still like to allow users to edit other deal information. Is there a tool I can use or…
I find myself having to search PipeDrive for company names from information in other systems. The Smart Search is great and usually gets me what I need, but I can only seem to be able to do this via the search input box directly in the PipeDrive UI. It would be very helpful to be able to launch a tab to PipeDrive from…
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