Feature Request: Ability to exclude Calendar items marked as Private

We use Calendly which allows clients to schedule available time on my work calendar however, there are times when I have a personal appointment during the work day that needs to be on my work calendar but not synched to Pipedrive. Having the ability to exclude calendar items marked as Private would solve this problem. Also, these items are counted towards activities and pollute reports.
Today we were testing calendar sync option and were very surprised when all of the events (INCLUDING PRIVATE ONES) were synced and diplayed to everyone in the organization.
After checking with support, I was told that this is a normal funcionality and not a error as I thought. I was very surprised by this answer, since this is not a very privacy, gdpr friendly way of handling this information.
I think it ir crucial to have an option to hide some events or have a posiblity of what to sync or at least make it that the event would be private if not matched with another object in pipedrive, and NOT public.
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Hi @Robo
Thanks for reaching out.
I reached out to the team working on the calendar sync and although we unfortunately can’t segregate the activities right now we have plans to work on it in the future.Good news, there's some ways to work around it though:
Different angles of tackling it -> Visibility of activities -> They remain private inside PD as well but as long as other users are not allowed to see the items they are linked to, you can hide them.
Another more used workaround is to create 2 calendars, one with private events and one with work events. In Google for example you can easily see those together in one overview where in Pipedrive you can then decide to only sync events from the work calendar.
The reason why it was originally implemented like this, is that in our research people just wanted to sync business calendars and there we decided to sync all events so that you know when you’re available or not -> For planning other activities and for usage of the scheduler for example.
But in short, there's some current workarounds and our team is looking at improving this in the future. Hope it helps you!
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We really need a solution for this. Management might have a meeting that they don't want the details shared. We need to be able to block the event from a scheduling perspective but not have the details public.
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Cassie Wilkinson said:
We really need a solution for this. Management might have a meeting that they don't want the details shared. We need to be able to block the event from a scheduling perspective but not have the details public.
Gotcha @Cassie Wilkinson I've passed it along. In the meantime not ideal but this is what I do personally since I also have a shared calendar with my wife, and my work calendar. If there's something happening in our private calendar I just block off that same time in my work calendar and call it "busy". Not ideal as it's some manual work but it helps me a lot. Nonetheless, I've passed on your feedback to the team.
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I have two-way sync between Pipedrive and my Outlook calendar. It seems that if I have an appointment marked as private in Outlook, it should be hidden from other users in Pipedrive, regardless of user visibility status. Has anyone looked into this?
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Hi @Kyle Eckhart !
This happens because Activities in Pipedrive don't have an equivalent to external calendars' "private/public" setting, so if you as a Pipedrive user are visible to other users, they'll be able to see all events synced into your PIpedrive calendar.
That being said, I completely understand how that could pose some privacy issues and have forwarded your suggestion internally for consideration. We appreciate your feedback!
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Hi, we wanted to use the 2way synchro in our outlook 365 / PipeDrive solution, but had to switch it off because you could click on activities and choose anyone from the team and see all his/her outlook calendar agenda and even the one which was in outlook marked as PRIVATE. That is really weird. We can live with sharing but the privacy option should be functionable also in PipeDrive Activities not only in Outlook 365. Someone told me that in gsuite this is not an issue, but we do not want to switch from outlook to corporate gmail. Funny thing also is that we have privacy in sales on a level that we see only deals where we are owners and followers, but activities from outlook are sharable with everyone? Can we have at least functionable "private" marking of the activity both in PipeDrive/Outlook? Thanks for the reply.
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Hey, Jakub!
Vladimir from Pipedrive support management team is here to hopefully explain how you can impose a limitation for your regular users not to be able to see activities of other users.
You are right - there is no "private" activity option for an activity in Pipedrive and normally, activities of other users are shared within the pipedrive company account, but I will report it as a feedback to the product manager, thank you for the suggestion!
However, if access Settings > Manage users and under "regular user" tab switch off "See other users"
Your regular users will simply be unable to choose you from list of users from Activity section filters.
But that will mean that Regular users will not be able to choose other users from filter areas of Deals and People and organisations either (f.e. to see deals that belong to other users). And Pipedrive account admin will still be able to see all the activities of all users.
Thank you again for the feedback,
Kind regards,
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Vladimir Dubakin said:
Hey, Jakub!
Vladimir from Pipedrive support management team is here to hopefully explain how you can impose a limitation for your regular users not to be able to see activities of other users.
You are right - there is no "private" activity option for an activity in Pipedrive and normally, activities of other users are shared within the pipedrive company account, but I will report it as a feedback to the product manager, thank you for the suggestion!
However, if access Settings > Manage users and under "regular user" tab switch off "See other users"
Your regular users will simply be unable to choose you from list of users from Activity section filters.
But that will mean that Regular users will not be able to choose other users from filter areas of Deals and People and organisations either (f.e. to see deals that belong to other users). And Pipedrive account admin will still be able to see all the activities of all users.
Thank you again for the feedback,
Kind regards,
Hi Vladimir, seems insteresting. We have set up a limitation that our users can see only deals or organiizations which they own or follow. So maybe this can help us? Jakub
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Vladimir Dubakin said:
Hey, Jakub!
Vladimir from Pipedrive support management team is here to hopefully explain how you can impose a limitation for your regular users not to be able to see activities of other users.
You are right - there is no "private" activity option for an activity in Pipedrive and normally, activities of other users are shared within the pipedrive company account, but I will report it as a feedback to the product manager, thank you for the suggestion!
However, if access Settings > Manage users and under "regular user" tab switch off "See other users"
Your regular users will simply be unable to choose you from list of users from Activity section filters.
But that will mean that Regular users will not be able to choose other users from filter areas of Deals and People and organisations either (f.e. to see deals that belong to other users). And Pipedrive account admin will still be able to see all the activities of all users.
Thank you again for the feedback,
Kind regards,
Hi @Jakub Salát !
Unfortunately that won't make the activities not visible to other users - it will just hide the deals or organizations linked to the activities from them.
This is because the visibility permissions of activities and of items linked to activities are two separate and independent things in Pipedrive. Like my colleague @Vladimir Dubakin suggested, the best option here would be to turn "See other users" off (keep in mind that this will only work for Regular users, not Admin users, who will still be able to see everybody's activities).
This point has been raised before by some users and we absolutely understand it. Unfortunately up until now we haven't developed a different way of syncing activities, but I have made sure your feedback reaches our team so they can take it into consideration in the future.
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How can I hide (mark as private) the events synced from my personal Gmail calendar in Activities?
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For now the only option unfortunately, is to split your calendar in a personal and business one and only sync the business one to Pipedrive. You can still in Gmail make both visible for you in one overview.
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Are there any solutions / workarounds for that issue?
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Tobias Eberlein said:
Are there any solutions / workarounds for that issue?
Hi @Tobias Eberlein !
Yes, you can create a separate calendar in your Outlook/Google and create your private events there. Then sync only the the public events calendar with Pipedrive.
@Kyle Eckhart Would this workaround make your life easier?
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Tobias Eberlein said:
Are there any solutions / workarounds for that issue?
thanks, that's definitely a way to hide events from PD. however, it creates an issue for people inside my company trying to schedule time on my calendar through Outlook. They can't see time is blocked out on my private calendar. so far, my fix has just been to be extra aware and cautious that all my calendar items are visible to others on my team. Thanks for the suggestions!
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This is actually a common functionality in calendar software.
Especially for those of us who do not work fixed hours, it just comes as natural to use the Pipedrive calendar for both private and work related events. Putting private events in there also ensures availability is reliably presented, esp. when using the Scheduler.
The problem is, everyone in the team can see these private items and we usually do not want our colleagues to need to browse through the "Walking the dog"s and "Uncle's birthday party"s to get to the relevant information.
We can of course just name the private event something like "Private" but then we ourselves lose the ability to see what's exactly on our schedule.
Hence the suggestion:
- a "private" tick box that makes the event visible to the owner, but just appearing as "private" or "busy" to everyone else
- ability to sync another calendar in addition to the primary one; and choose whether all events synced from it are marked as private or public.
That's it! Keep up the good work
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Thank you for illustrating your suggestion so clearly @Darek Młodnicki , we appreciate your input and it really helps us!
We are aware of these current shortcomings and I'd point you to the answers and workarounds suggested in some similar posts here and here.
Right now there are no concrete short term plans to make these improvements. Unfortunately with many customers and requests and with limited development resources we need to prioritise and make choices what to deliver first. We will make sure, however, our team considers your suggestions but we can never make any promises.
Speaking of which, here’s how to stay on top of what’s coming down the line:
- Follow What’s New and don’t miss any new releases.
- Follow What's Planned to know what we're working on currently and what’s to come.
- Join our Research and Beta Testing channel for the chance to try out early versions of new and improved features.
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I agree this is a very big problem.
In addition to this, it also screws up the reporting on activities.
For example, if I want to create a report on how many activities my team has completed this week, it will be pulling in all of their private activities as well (doctor appt at noon, etc) and throwing off the report, rendering the activities report essentially unusable.
There should be something in calendar sync settings that differentiates between calendar events that originate on corporate calendars vs those that are created in Pipedrive directly, and allows us to turn off the sync of those private events that originated on the calendar.
For calendar events synced to Pipedrive from calendar...
Sync "Private" events? [Y/N]
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Eileen Romito said:
I agree this is a very big problem.
In addition to this, it also screws up the reporting on activities.
For example, if I want to create a report on how many activities my team has completed this week, it will be pulling in all of their private activities as well (doctor appt at noon, etc) and throwing off the report, rendering the activities report essentially unusable.
There should be something in calendar sync settings that differentiates between calendar events that originate on corporate calendars vs those that are created in Pipedrive directly, and allows us to turn off the sync of those private events that originated on the calendar.
For calendar events synced to Pipedrive from calendar...
Sync "Private" events? [Y/N]
Hi @Eileen Romito thanks for passing on the feedback, I'll make sure our product managers take a look at your comments.
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Eileen Romito said:
I agree this is a very big problem.
In addition to this, it also screws up the reporting on activities.
For example, if I want to create a report on how many activities my team has completed this week, it will be pulling in all of their private activities as well (doctor appt at noon, etc) and throwing off the report, rendering the activities report essentially unusable.
There should be something in calendar sync settings that differentiates between calendar events that originate on corporate calendars vs those that are created in Pipedrive directly, and allows us to turn off the sync of those private events that originated on the calendar.
For calendar events synced to Pipedrive from calendar...
Sync "Private" events? [Y/N]
@Eileen Romito @Robo and @Cassie Wilkinson good news, our team has a tasks in our backlog to work on this 🚀
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Thanks for sharing @Jenn Anderson-Logas passing this on to our team here
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Hi Ines,
We have a similar requirement where we want users to have a two-way calendar sync with their Outlook calendar, but the calendar should remain private so that other users can't see someone's diary. (We all use our Outlook calendars for personal appointments as well)
I understand that the 'See other users' function relates only to activities and being able to select other user filters.
By switching off 'See other users' can a regular user still select a contact person or organisation that is owned by someone else? That is, will they still have access to the full set of contacts and organisations?
And will everyone still be able to see each others entries in a Deal, or only the entries that they make?
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Kelly Borskjaer said:
Hi Ines,
We have a similar requirement where we want users to have a two-way calendar sync with their Outlook calendar, but the calendar should remain private so that other users can't see someone's diary. (We all use our Outlook calendars for personal appointments as well)
I understand that the 'See other users' function relates only to activities and being able to select other user filters.
By switching off 'See other users' can a regular user still select a contact person or organisation that is owned by someone else? That is, will they still have access to the full set of contacts and organisations?
And will everyone still be able to see each others entries in a Deal, or only the entries that they make?
Hi @Kelly Borskjaer !
Turning off the "See other users" setting means that if a deal/person/organization belongs to another user, I can see the item itself but the name of its owner will show up as "hidden" both in the list view and in the detail view for me.
I encourage you to try it out to see the effect for yourself, it's nothing you can't quickly revert
This tutorial is a great cheat sheet for the effects of all permission settings: Permission Sets.
If after that you still find yourself struggling, please reach out to our Support team and they will help you. For urgent or technical issues Support is always the most adequate and quickest channel of communication. Thank you!
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Hello, I would like to sync my outlook calendar to pipedrive to make the best use of the scheduler feature. Some of my meetings in my outlook are locked (marked as private) . Are they going to be hidden/marked as private to other users also in pipedrive?
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Eileen Romito said:
I agree this is a very big problem.
In addition to this, it also screws up the reporting on activities.
For example, if I want to create a report on how many activities my team has completed this week, it will be pulling in all of their private activities as well (doctor appt at noon, etc) and throwing off the report, rendering the activities report essentially unusable.
There should be something in calendar sync settings that differentiates between calendar events that originate on corporate calendars vs those that are created in Pipedrive directly, and allows us to turn off the sync of those private events that originated on the calendar.
For calendar events synced to Pipedrive from calendar...
Sync "Private" events? [Y/N]
hi @Mike van der Valk , when can we expect an update on this? This might be stopping our employees to go for a calendar sync which basically makes it impossible to use the scheduler feature...
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Eileen Romito said:
I agree this is a very big problem.
In addition to this, it also screws up the reporting on activities.
For example, if I want to create a report on how many activities my team has completed this week, it will be pulling in all of their private activities as well (doctor appt at noon, etc) and throwing off the report, rendering the activities report essentially unusable.
There should be something in calendar sync settings that differentiates between calendar events that originate on corporate calendars vs those that are created in Pipedrive directly, and allows us to turn off the sync of those private events that originated on the calendar.
For calendar events synced to Pipedrive from calendar...
Sync "Private" events? [Y/N]
Hi @Kacper Pupin unfortunately it hasn't been prioritised out of our backlog yet
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If I'm not mistaken this depends on the setup of the sync and Outlook itself. I'd recommend to reach out to our support team who are experts at the sync so they can assist you with your questions.
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Any update about this topic?
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elie kobaiter said:
Any update about this topic?
No update yet besides that we've started a research last week on task/project management
so this is something that I'll pass on to the team working on that!
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Hi, are there any updates on this post?