ADD Taxes into the total amount of the deal

If I select a product with tax included in my products, the tax appears to be included, but the partial and total amount always remains the same! In this way, every single value of the deal will be wrong because the taxes are not correctly marked in the total.
In this case the amounts of the products must necessarily be added with taxes included and this could cause problems. It would be useful to be able to enter the products as a list price and, after calculating the taxes on the products, obtain the final price. This would save a lot of time for business management and reporting accuracy

Yes I totally agree, we would be able to make offer templates much better this way.
It should be Net price , Tax and total price
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Hello @Ahmed Khattab , thank you for your feedback! By using the topic Feedback & Suggestions , your request has been automatically forwarded internally to our developers as a note for consideration 📝
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🛠Feel free to join Research and Beta Testing for the chance to try out early versions and give us your opinion about new and improved features before they go live 🛠
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Hello, still now news ??
In france we need that the table of the products can output three lines :
total ht : (without tax)
TVA : (only tax)
TOTAL TTC (total ht+TVA/tax)
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@Ahmed Khattab , @Theresa Shepherd , @jmusialek , and @Sami People Vox: I am happy to share that we are working on the functionality, where the tax is added on top of the product price. The feature is due to be released soon. React with a like if you would like to be included in the Beta release for early access.
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@Kätlin Sandvik super news :) when do you think we will have access to this beta ? Thankss
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We will send you an email in the coming weeks when Beta is live in your account, @Sami People Vox :)
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I am using the products feature for the first time and this functionality is essential. I would like to be included in the beta or have updates on it's roll out if possible please.
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@Kätlin Sandvik is this fixed in and implemented or still in Beta mode?
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On my side it is implemented but i was included in the beta i think. It works very well for our french documents :) (proper HT / TVA ONLY / TTC (HT+TAX) on the last part of the smardoc / product now !!) only problem is that they have included a "global discount" field, very cool, but they didn't include this field in the API...... so a bit useless without the possibility to transfer it to a proper invoice software...
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That sounds great. From another thread it looks like the feature might get released next month (July23). If that's all true then I might be able to wait for the proper tool to be available and not work on some convoluted workaround (which I've not quite thought how to do yet).
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Yes i think they have annonced the release date during their last webinar :)