Email Alias



  • DR
    DR Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +1 for the use of aliases in Pipedrive please.

  • Andrew Klotz
    Andrew Klotz Member Posts: 32 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira @Mike van der Valk could you provide an update on domain aliases, or if it's not a priority for development? I know you understand the value and likely how many PD organizations would use this. I have yet to see another highly requested feature request with such a long history as this one that's still unresolved.

    We would like our sales and CS teams to use Pipedrive to communicate with prospects and customers, and simplify tracking/reporting of these activities. However, it's imperative that we email them using the domain alias (managed through Google Workspace). Today, this limitation is the single piece holding us back from moving multiple users over to Pipedrive.

  • jgibbard
    jgibbard Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    The lack of email aliases is a major problem. It would be lovely if Pipedrive could acknowledge this thread that was started almost 2 years ago.

  • zive
    zive Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +1 for this very relevant feature

  • Teresa Hersha
    Teresa Hersha Member Posts: 13 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    The next time there is a new feature webinar, we should all attend and ask for this feature to be pushed to the top of the list.

  • abdteam
    abdteam Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Have the same issue here… please add this feature its already been over a year with 8 pages of replies

  • Phil W.
    Phil W. Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +100 for this feature! We live by our aliases in Google Workspace and I would love to have my team exclusively use PD for email communications. But without supporting aliases this will create frustration and a barrier to adoption of PD.

  • Gregory Krieger
    Gregory Krieger Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Same here, we need this !

  • Phil W.
    Phil W. Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I just figured out how to do this in PD!!

    Here's how I set it up:

    I have 7 aliases in a shared inbox (226). Each alias has a PD account and is connected to the 226 email inbox. Under email settings, they change the From Name and Signature so that it appears to come from that user.

    The last bit of magic to make it work seamlessly utilizes labels in Gmail. When someone emails one of the aliases (e.g., 226+Phil), a Gmail filter will automatically label the email "Phil." In PD, I only synch emails labeled "Phil" in that user account so that I don't see the other alias's emails in my PD inbox.

    Voila! This allows me to see only my emails in the shared inbox (labeled Phil) and send emails from the shared inbox inside of PD while appearing to come from my alias.

  • BP LP
    BP LP Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Adding to the masses of users who really need this feature.

  • Andrew Klotz
    Andrew Klotz Member Posts: 32 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Phil W. can we get some more information and possibly screenshots? Are you using Google Workspace for your email with domain aliases, and is Pipedrive able to send 1:1 emails from the alias email address?

  • Phil W.
    Phil W. Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Andrew Klotz Yes, I'm using Google Workspace with aliases and filters. Here's a screenshot of how I have it set up in Pipedrive. You'll see in the preview that the email shows the alias name in the Sender/From. There's a little bit of setup in Google Workspace and in Pipedrive to make it work seamlessly.

    Google Workspace:
    1.) Create a LABEL for each email alias (e.g., Phil, Brandon, etc.)
    2.) Create a FILTER to automatically label incoming messages (e.g., TO: Phil Warden), then apply "Phil"
    3.) Create a FILTER to automatically label incoming messages for the preexisting aliases (e.g.,

    1.) Connect to the shared email inbox
    2.) Change the Sender Name to the desired alias (e.g., "Phil Warden")
    3.) Setup the signatures for the user's alias
    4.) Change Label settings to "Sync emails with specific labels..." (e.g., "Phil")
    5.) If desired, I also have "Archive the message in my external email client when archiving it in Pipedrive" turn on so that Pipedrive and Google inbox stay current

    This setup allows each user to send an email from Pipedrive that appears to come from the alias. When the response comes back, it's labeled automatically for the appropriate alias/Pipedrive user, and Pipedrive only synchs the emails with that user's label(s) to their Pipedrive inbox.

  • Andrew Klotz
    Andrew Klotz Member Posts: 32 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Thanks for sharing. While I see that you are changing the sender name, from the screenshot showing the connected email address it appears that PD is still sending all 1:1 emails from the email, NOT an alias email address such as

    Have I got that right?

  • jedihacks
    jedihacks Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    One way that we got around it is by setting up a secondary email in the Google Admin console and having it forward to the original. The steps we took for and are this:

    1. Purchase a new domain through cloudflare (or any provider), such as ""
    2. On Google Admin Console —> Domains —> Add a Domain —> choose the "Secondary Domain" option
    3. Refresh and click "Activate Gmail", then signin to your DNS host to automatically add the records
    4. Then click "Add Users", and add yourself (i.e. Note, you'll have to pay for the new seat but it's only $15/month or whatever google charges you on your plan
    5. Sign into the new email using a new chrome profile
    6. Sign into pipedrive with your username + password (not gsuite) on the new profile (This is an important step because you need to keep them separate)
    7. Then, follow Pipedrive steps to link a second domain.

    We did that successfully. It's a little bit of a workaround but it gets a second domain.

    Hope that helps ya'll!

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +1 User that needs this feature.

  • Jdavis1296
    Jdavis1296 Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Come on Pipedrive. Add this! Why are the feature requests for critical google features going un-answered? Multiple calendars, Aliases, shared inboxes. Even your own chat team has this shared inbox ability! They must not be using Pipedrive…

  • Teresa Hersha
    Teresa Hersha Member Posts: 13 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I just went into chat and ased when google business suite email aliases will be supported nd this is the answer I got:

    Unfortunately, email aliases are not currently supported in Pipedrive's email sync feature, and there are no immediate plans to support them. If you attempt to add an email alias, the authentication flow will revert to the main account. This is a limitation of the email sync tool, and there's no workaround available at this time. The email sync feature only supports IMAP or Exchange credentials for establishing the sync, and it's designed to work with the main email account rather than aliases or shared inboxes.


  • Teresa Hersha
    Teresa Hersha Member Posts: 13 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I sent an email to support asking when google business suite email aliases would be supported, this is their reply:

    Currently, we don't support email aliases, including those from Google Business Suite. Email aliases are not compatible with our Email Sync feature due to authentication limitations. This applies to shared email inboxes as well, as our system can only sync with one email connection at a time. We don't have information about future plans to support aliases. If you need to share email visibility, you can adjust settings under Email Sync to make linked emails visible to users who can see the associated deals or contacts.

  • Gian Marco - InCodice
    Gian Marco - InCodice Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +1 on aliases in Pipedrive (365 / Workspace sync)

  • Chance
    Chance Member Posts: 4 NEW MEMBER
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    I came here to figure out how to do this. Sadly, it looks like there is not a solution.

    This is really frustrating.

    A simple solution on PD's side would be to send a link to verify the email rather than forcing a full login. We use GSuite, but our authentication addresses are different from our email addresses. When I try to verify my actual email address, it see's my login address and assumes I'm already set up.

    If you came here to find a solution and find this post, add your comments. At some point, they might get it.

  • Chance
    Chance Member Posts: 4 NEW MEMBER
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    Add me to the list of folks that need this.

    A simple verification link to the email alias would solve this issue. Being forced to authenticate when the login name is different than the email addresses just won't work.

  • MarkJ
    MarkJ Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
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    Just signed up with Pipedrive. Very disappointed to find out this is not possible….