Join the Pipedrive Roundtable!
Join our Roundtable for Tips and Tricks on Friday, April the 16th at 08:30 - 09:30 PST / 17:30 - 18:30 CET! Join our Roundtable every 2nd Friday where we share tips, insights and help each other with our different use cases! Friday, every two weeks, we get together to improve our Pipedrive Skills! For an invite, send an…
Intégration automatiques de personnes dans OFFRE
Bonjour Pourquoi ne peut on pas intégrer automatiquement autant de personnes que l'on veut dans nos offres ?? Pipedrive permet de suivre des offres pas des orgas alors on veut les informations dans les offres pas dans les orgas sinon je dois ouvrir un onglet pour l'offre et l'orga pour connaitre les différents…
April's New Apps Spotlight!
Check out the 4 new apps featured in this month's App Spotlight. * CallGear - allows you to divert calls to responsible employees, see who is calling or create a new lead card automatically. * FormCrafts - helps you create and share smart lead generation forms. * Scrive - helps drive sales velocity with integrated…
PipeDrive -> Taliscape Integration
Does anyone understand how this integration works? I've just enabled Taliscape in our Pipedrive account, and was expecting to see the deals in my pipeline appearing on the Taliscape side, but no joy. It appears as if I need to enter all the Project data into Taliscape by hand, which makes the integration relatively useless…
Goedemiddag! Ik ben op zoek naar een goede voip integratie. Wij willen graag onze bel resultaten goed kunnen analyseren, en aangezien pipedrive dit heeft verwijderd bij de afgelopen update, ben ik opzoek naar een voip integratie. Echter kan ik nog geen geschikte oplossing vinden in de marketplace. Wij willen onder andere…
Automated Deal Scores
Hi all I'm looking to add an automated "Deal Score" field which depends on some user-entered custom fields. Not a very complicated process, but after a bit of digging, it doesn't seem like it is going to be possible without some sort of added webhook integration from another service. Essentially, I need to take a few…
Time Tracker
Can anyone recommend a time tracker that integrates with Pipedrive?
Google and FB Ads to deals
Hi everyone. We have been using a FB ad for a while now to help generate leads. We are going to begin running several FB and Google ads. We need to be able to track which ad specifically resulted in a deal. Are there any best practices you can recommend or a 3rd party software you are using that is working well for you to…
Who has great suggestions for a predictive dialer that integrates well with PD? Need something intui
Qualifying Repeat Business Leads
How do you qualify repeat business via the pipeline? My company operate through promocodes and we bill monthly on the basis of number of usages - is there a recommended integration for this?
API Token is not Valid
Hello. Our web developer is trying to use our API to integrate our website contact forms with Pipedrive, but when the API and Pipedrive URL is entered into the integration settings, he gets the error API Token is not Valid. Has anyone else come across this, and know how to resolve it? Thank you
Sales Process Tip: Give Your Sales Team an Unfair Advantage with Turbocharger 365 Day Tracking & Ale
We are excited to announce that Turbocharger 365 Day Tracking & Alerts is now available on the Pipedrive Marketplace. This simple addition to your sales process will help you Sales Team close more deals every month. Similar functionality for other CRMs costs thousands of dollars a month. The same powerful technology is now…
Automate set for specific weekdays
I am looking to set up some more automation, but I need help with a piece of it. I do certain work on certain days. Is there a way, if I use automation to create activities for me, can I set them to populate on a specific day of the week? Not just "3 weeks from now" but also "on a friday" or something of the sort. Thanks
Try the Customizable Whatsapp to PipeDrive integration
שלום חברים הוספנו אפשרות של סנכרון הודעות וואטסאפ לקונטקט בפייפדרייב + אפשרות שליחה של הודעות וואטסאפ מפייפדרייב עצמו מצורף הסבר מפורט יותר לנושא באנגלית אתם מוזמנים להרשם ולהתנסות בברכה צוות www.timelines.ai Hi people! Several months ago, we made a post about the WA<>Pipedrive integration that my team and I were working…
Join the Pipedrive Roundtable! (This Friday, 2nd of April, 08:30 PST / 17:30 CEST)
Join our Roundtable for Tips and Tricks on Friday, April the 2nd at 08:30 - 09:30 PST / 17:30 - 18:30 CET! Join our Roundtable every 2nd Friday where we share tips, insights and help each other with our different use cases! Friday, every two weeks, we get together to improve our Pipedrive Skills! For an invite, send an…
Bulk update columns with value of another column
Hi. I am very new to Pipedrive and our team has (4 days ago) made a migration from Salesforce. We created a column to capture the original Deal Date and now we want to update the default "Deal Created" date in Pipedrive with the value from the column we created for the input. What is the best, fastest, and most secure way…
Siri and Pipedrive
I wish I can ask Siri to do actions in Pipedrive, Regards. F. Razeq Siri
New app for integrating Pipedrive data into Gmail emails
If you use Gmail I have an extension adds some Pipedrive functionality: * easily attach emails to Pipedrive contacts * easily choose deals to attach emails to * select addressees directly from the your Pipedrive contacts * use merge codes to put Pipedrive contact data in emails Still testing but if you would like to try it…
Does anyone using Notion in sales? How do you use it in combination with Pipedrive?
Pipedrive and Microsoft Teams Meeting link
Hi! I'm using Teams for video meeting with clients. I'm using Pipedrive to schedule meeting: often my client book a slot using my pipedrive schedule function. Is is possible to create a Teams Meeting when someone book ad appointment with me using Pipedrive Schedule and send the Teams Meeting link? Any ideas? Thaks!
App for automatically documenting Linkedin acivities in Pipedrive
Hello! Does anyone know an apps which does "really" connect Linkedin and Pipedrive? I found various apps which could import contacts. But I would like an app which also automatically documents my acitivies on Linkedin in Pipedrive (e.g. when I messaged someone who is both contacts). Does anyone know such an app? Thanks in…
Tapahtumiin ja webinaareihin ilmoittautuneet suoraan Pipedriveen
Me kaipaisimme tätä ja jos tekin kaipaisitte niin, Eventilla nimellä löytyy nyt Marketplacesta integraatio jonka avulla tapahtumiin ilmoittautuneet, heidän osallistumis-status ja ennakkoon valitut ilmoittautumislomake kenttien tiedot siirtyvät suoraan Pipedriveen. Ennakkoon tunnetut henkilöt saavat merkinnän, uudet…
March's New Apps Spotlight!
Check out 5 new apps featured in this month's App Spotlight. * LabelCall - Highlight your brand with a personalized approach and make your clients feel welcome. Provide an individual experience for your customers. * LinkPort - Import LinkedIn contacts to Pipedrive in a click. Save hours from manually copy-pasting contacts.…
what is the best call center app that integrates with PD ?
We are in between JustCall and CloudTalk, anybody have any experience with either? Thoughts, comments?
Data Validation by Stage
Hi All, Does anyone know if it's possible / how to implement field data validation based on a deal moving to a specific stage of a pipeline. For example, if I add a custom person field to an organisation, how could I ensure that the email address for that custom person object is populated when it moves to a specific stage.…
Privacy Policy Forms Check Box and Mailigen Integration
Because of current EU data privacy laws, your web forms MUST have a privacy policy check box option in them, otherwise no EU clients can really legally use them. Much less want to pay for as an extra service? This is really frustrating because it forces us to custom build this with a 3rd party forms plugin in order to be…
Integrations with Clover
I have a client who has a online e-commerce store that is linked to Clover for payment processing. The website will not export customer data. Clover allows some exporting, but it is not great. Has anyone found a way to integrate customer data from Clover into Pipedrive?
Anyone using FluentForms? Or posting from a non integrated Form application?I'm just getting famili
Anyone using FluentForms? Or posting from a non integrated Form application?I'm just getting familiar with Pipedrive, and I'm using FluentForms on my site. I'd like to submit the new leads and their coorisponding collected data into Pipedrive. It looks like there are a few integration options, primarily Zapier, but also I…