Predictions for 2021: Asana, Code First Girls, Fiverr & More

Inês Batata
Inês Batata Posts: 2,002 VERIFIED MEMBER
2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
edited June 2022 in Business Talk #1

With 2021 sharply approaching it’s important to take time to reflect on this turbulent year and identify the trends for next year.

Top Business Tech magazine has collated the thoughts of some of the most exciting tech organisations and have shared their predictions for the upcoming year which will define their industry. Reading time: 6 minutes.


❓ Do you see your company reflected in these predictions? Do you agree with them? Comment below.


  • Ron van Dooren
    Ron van Dooren Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment
    edited February 2022 #2

    I thought this was a Pipedrive community. Now I get an email alert for a poor quality third party article. About time to leave the Pipedrive community?! 

  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,002 VERIFIED MEMBER
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
    edited January 2021 #3

    I thought this was a Pipedrive community. Now I get an email alert for a poor quality third party article. About time to leave the Pipedrive community?! 

    Hi @Ron van Dooren , thank you for your feedback. We're sorry to hear the article we posted was not to your liking and would gladly take your suggestions for sources you recommend - that can help us do better. 

    The community is driven by Pipedrive and it's a Sales and Marketing community, which means our members include Pipedrive users and non-Pipedrive users too. Everyone is welcome, as long as they're interested in these two main topics. 

    Knowing that we're catering to a broader audience, we post not only content that's centered around Pipedrive but also around Sales and Marketing at large, as well as the industries and geographies that our community members work in, as was the case with this post in this particular industry channel.

    We also encourage users themselves to post content that they find relevant - sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas is the core of this community.

    I hope that helped clarify any questions you may have and want to let you know that we're always open to our members' input and suggestions to make the community better.

  • Ron van Dooren
    Ron van Dooren Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment
    edited January 2021 #4

    I thought this was a Pipedrive community. Now I get an email alert for a poor quality third party article. About time to leave the Pipedrive community?! 

    Hi @Inês Batata 

    Thanks for your explanation. I respect that this is a Pipedrive community. The reason I became a member however is to receive info on PPD and marketplace products and exchange ideas with other PPD users. I didn't realize until now that PPD community has a broader "focus". To me that's not interesting so I better unsubscribe. 

    Kind regards,



  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,002 VERIFIED MEMBER
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
    edited January 2021 #5

    I thought this was a Pipedrive community. Now I get an email alert for a poor quality third party article. About time to leave the Pipedrive community?! 

    Thank you for your feedback @Ron van Dooren , it helps us do better. We'd be sad to see you leave, though. You can control what you get updates about by choosing which channels and topics to follow/unfollow.

    For example, according to the interests you've expressed I highly recommend this:

    • Follow What's Planned to know what we're working on currently and what’s to come.
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    • Use the topic "Feedback and Suggestions" to send us... Pipedrive feedback and suggestions :)
    • And, of course, you're always welcome to post or comment in our main page or any channel you join about anything Pipedrive-related; that's what this Community is also about. Type the name of the features you're addressing in the "topics" section and they'll show up for you. 


    You can also control what type of notifications and how often you get them in your User Profile here in Community, see here how:

    I hope this helps and you, we can serve your interests better and hear from you here in Community 🚀

    Community - Notification preferences, following topics and joining
    Community - Notification preferences, following topics and joining
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