Scheduler is very limited
You cannot embed it on a homepage. There is no dark mode available. You cannot get rid of the pipedrive logo.
Add a Time Stamp when you complete an activity
I am encountering a very inefficient problem. Here's what I currently do for my leads/activities: -Set a date To follow up with a lead -Call that lead 4 days after the date I set (Yes, I know it's not the best, but I'm being real here). -Checkbox, I'm done The Problem is this: (Let's say I set the due date for 5/2/23 and I…
Color Activities in Calendar
I would love to be able to see more boldness to "Activity Types". For example: If we could apply different colors to each "Activity type" I could see very clearly and quickly in my calendar which activity is a meeting or which one is only a task. I have attached an image of where all the colors should appear... but the…
Clickable/Linkable custom fields
Right now the only way to have something clickable - it has to be organization types, anyway to make it something else? Multiple raw that are not available for Organizations so I can't link multiple organizations
Product - allow for a default duration - example 12 months
When we add products to a deal we have options to change quantity, price and duration. Both quantity and price can be set as default values on the product setup. However I do not think there is a default for product duration. Many of the products that we sell are 12 month subscriptions. It would be great if we could set…
Request for activities without dates
Hi there! We make avid use of templates for our projects. I would like to be able to include activities (not tasks) in these templates WITHOUT a set date. That way I can create placeholders for meetings that occur within each step of the project, without having to assign dates before they are set and just simply fill in…
Smart Docs not just in the deal but also in contacts and organisations
If you are creating a Smart Doc you can find it in the deal. But it is not assigned automatically to the contact person or the organisation like activities, mails etc. If you want to see all Smart Docs from one organisation you have to open each deal individually and search for it.
Please add the ability to share tasks with clients
Please add the ability to share project phases and tasks with a client for action items and planning events. I'm slowly working to use PD projects for all my efforts and this would be very valuable to work with. PLEASE Add this feature Thanks
Show products from all deals on customer/organisation
I would love to have a list of all the products that has been sold trough deals to be show on the organisation. Then we could easily see what kind of products the org. has bought and what we need to have support on. Maybe some of the products need to have an SLA or warranty on them. You are working on a support system…
Rotting Projects
Has the team considered doing something similar to "rotting deals" but on the project level? It would be helpful for people in charge of account management teams, like myself.
Use organization/person custom fields in conditions for Deal Automations
Hello pipedrive team, it would be a great addition, if we could use custom created fields in a person or an organization, for the automation of deals ("Deal updated", etc). Custom fields can be changed in the deal automation, but they cannot be accessed for conditions. At the moment only custom deal fields can be used for…
View that blends Leads and Deals
Can a view be created that shows my leads and deals on the same page? I like to give my referral partners a weekly update, and I need to pull the data from both. Right now I have to export both and merge them in Excel.
Syncing Emails: A new setting to allow "Sync Only with Pipedrive Contact"
We have recently discovered a major breach of confidentiality with syncing emails, and the workaround involves setting up numerous folders to choose which you want to sync with Pipedrive. This is a bit of a hassle with Inbox folders but a real problem with Sent emails. Either all sent emails appear in Pipedrive or none.…
Improve the UX by removing "sales spam dots"
There is constantly a dot taking my attention when I look at the menubar. When I click on for example Projects I cannot remove the alert or better remove the project button as I am never gonna use this feature. Same applies for Campaigns. The dot indicates that there is an alert for the section but there is not. Only…
Interactive Map on web
Hello, I do most of my work out in the field, but I use my laptop as well as my tablet and phone. I like how there's a GPS/map feature on the phone, but not on the computer/laptop. This would aid in my scheduling and routing my days when I'm at my computer scheduling my next week(s). Thank you
Email message count needs to be able to trigger Workflow Automation
I want to the able to trigger Workflow Automations when the Email Message Count on a person changes. However, it doesn't work because a sent or received email does not count as "Person Updated" trigger for the Workflow Automation. I chatted with Pipedrive Support, and they were very helpful in clarifying why the Automation…
TASK sync with outlook or any other calendar
Tasks are visible. that is not the problem. However they are visible as an event. And that is a problem. Marking a task done in Pipedrive does not change the status in Outlook or any other calendar.
Products with Attributes (options)
Please add that each Product shall have the option from attributes each attribute shall have the option to add an amount (if picking this attribute the cost will adjust) Someone shall have the option to see by the deal the Product/s and the attributes listed If a attribute is discontinued you shall be able to disabled it…
Community hygiene - how to suggest topics that should be merged?
Hey Pipedrive Community team, What's the right process when you've found several threads on the forums that are about the same topic? Is there a specific person to tag when a few feature request threads are similar and should be merged? Super happy to help with this if there is a way to crowdsource and make the job of…
Option to move left menubar items to More
We use Leads, Deals, Mail, Activities, and Contacts. The other fields (Projects, Campaigns, Insights, Products, and Marketplace) are rarely used. For new employee onboarding, it would be nice to only have the relevant items on the menubar. The remaining items could still be accessible under More.
Team Planning for the meeting planner
I would love to be able to use the meeting planner for teams too. Calendly has the missing functions. 2 perspectives: 1) send a link which offers a slot as soon as ONE sales rep is available. 2) send a link which offers a slot when ALL defined colleages are available. Besides that from customer perspective: Beeing able to…
Team Email Distribution
Hi, We need an email disctribution option for automations to be able to select a team as a group and those members receive the communication. Currently not an option. Dax
Add button for Date/Time in Activity Notes
Could you please add a button for Date/Time in the Note field for activities? Often you call ord do a task and need to log what you have done or agreed, because the task is not yet completed. It would be awesome if you could click on a button and e.g. select Date, Time or Date & Time to be inserted. Like e.g.: 20/04/23:…
Related Organizations Improvement
I'm using the Related Organizations feature to build out a complex organizational structure (20+ components). It's not very workable for large structures, with 10+ s load times for each org search and common hanging issues. A few ideas: Filter currently selected Related Organizations from the queryset Multi-select…
Merged: Adding multiple Contacts/People to a Task
This discussion has been merged.
Detect which contact open the mail with the mail tracking
Hi, it would be nice, in addition to the mail counter, to add which mail contact opened the mail you send (not just how many time it was opened). Really interesting when you have multiple recipients, or one recipients but many in cc. Thanks, cheers !
Client files to sidebar
pipedrive is a good place to store customer data I would like more support for file management We have several clients whose files we need every day It would be nice to have a files section in the company information sidebar where you could choose which files to display, for example by folder. USE FILES - file - file -…
Allow activities list to show both activities and tasks
My team's daily todo list combines deal activities and project tasks but it's not possible to view a combined list for the day anywhere. It would be great to be able to see daily people assigned tasks alongside activities on the activity list
Possibility to upload your company logo in the top left corner
For example the video below is of phoneburner ( a dailing software) that allows you to change out the logo so the company thats choosing to use their software feels more pride in using it over competitor dialing softwares. I was thinking of how companies can make this platform (pipedrive) feel more "at home" for the entire…
Smart Docs can't save signature/text/checkbox fields on documents?!
We'd love to be able to use Smart Docs in place of DocuSign but were surprised to find out that we can't save signature/text/checkbox fields on documents for future use. At the moment, this happens right before you send (after clicking "Request signatures"). Saving these fields is a standard feature in DocuSign and is…