Test out user-experience improvements on the Calendar and Activities!
Edit: This is live for all users and new signups now! We invite you to test out improvements on the Calendar and Activity view. Please fill in your account name and registered email address on this form -> https://forms.gle/Qw1kpS67YQx8KuTM8 What are the improvements? * Quickly access activity information on the calendar *…
Help us pick a name for a new Leads section in Pipedrive! ✅
We will release a new Leads “umbrella section” that will consist of different lead generation features and would love some input from you, our users. Will you help us out? It shouldn’t take more than 4 minutes of your time. If you can spare the time, please add your input in this survey. The answers are anonymous,…
See your Deal Detail without leaving the Deal List
Maybe even navigation between different deals according to the deal list you have selected. If this is something interesting to you, let us know, and you can be part of testing our proof of concept that allows you to do all that and a bit more!
unlink an email from a deal and link it to another one
Hi, When unlinking an email inside a deal, we should have an automatic pop up to link it to another deal. Instead, presently, the email disappears from the deal as expected but if you want it to be linked to another deal, you have to look for it back into the Inbox or the archive in Pipedrive mail... Not very practical.…
Monta käyttäjää samalla sähköpostilla
Tervehdys kaikille! Olemme uusia pipedrive käyttäjiä ja ongelmaksi on muodostunut se, että samalla sähköpostilla on useita käyttäjiä. Millä tavalla olette järjestäneet tämän? Haluaisimme yhdestä sähköpostista, johon ohjautuu useasta eri lokaatiosta tarjouspyyntöjä, pitää sellaisenaan ja ohjata täältä pipen avulla…
Does anyone know how can I turn off the animation when I mark a deal won?
Does anyone know how can I turn off the animation when I mark a deal won?
User Experience and View/Context Switching!
Have you ever felt this urge of grouping two pages inside Pipedrive in one view? like OMG how helpful it would be to see the Deal Details without leaving my pipeline! Or it would be amazing to keep an activity view open and take it with me while writing an email! If you had such experience of feeling before, please share…