In Deals "List View" can I change the font colour
In Deals List view, my eyes have great trouble differentiating between the black and green font colour. Am I able to change the font colours. Is it possible to remove completed deals from the List View, can they be Archived? Thanks
Let us change the background color / give us more visual cues
VISUAL CUES: please give us more visual cues. All pipelines look the same, deals, organisations, people cards look the same. As a result, we're likely to make mistakes like paste our call notes into a People card when we meant to paste them into the Deal card. Org/people/deal cards tend to be text-heavy; please make our…
Filtering by column in Tabular view
Currently, the Pipedrive tabular view UI only allows sorting alphabetically. I would absolutely love if I could bring up my deals page in the tabular view and filter the results. The only way to filter currently is to create a custom one each time - which is time consuming. If Pipedrive would change this UI to an excel…
Company Financial Year setting
Hi - it would be really useful if, in settings" I could tell pipedrive when my financial year started and finished (which is not the same as the calendar year. Is this possible or on the list to be done?
Expand All / Collapse All for Field Groups in a Deal
Our users are complaining how much scrolling they need to do on a Deal because we have added a lot of custom fields. They have asked for a 'Collapse all' button at the top of the left pane on Deals, and/or for the Details section as that's where the custom fields and multiple fields groups are of course. To give you an…
Suggestion: The "Deals" and "Leads"
Suggestion: The "Deals" and "Leads" should be in the "Focus" section
Convert Organisations/ People into Deals
it seems strange that I need to bulk convert my data as excel and then import it. that is something that should be native to pipedrive does anyone else feel like that?
Add a List view option to All templates screen in Smart Docs
Please add a List view option to the ‘All templates’ screen for Smart Docs. Many of our templates start a with standard prefix and the (only available) 'masonry' view truncates nearly all template names. This makes it difficult for our users to ascertain which template they want to use each time, and requires them to open…
NEXT STEPS are refreshing to original after page refresh.
yup. when making a change on "next steps" our changes are not saving. all of us are global ADMIN
GMail Add-On Needs Email Logging for Essential Users
I want the GMail Add-On to display a "Log Email" Button on all inbound and outbound emails. How this would work, is within the Add-On settings, you enter in your unique Pipedrive BCC Email Logging Address. Then, when I click "Log Email", the Add-On will automatically use that address and forward the email to Pipedrive AND…
Security feature request
It's great that PD has some level of two factor security but receiving an email everyday to login is feeling painful. Is that just me or does everyone have to do that? Does it not store a cookie for 30 days or similar? I've been using a password manager for a decade which can very ably do OTP right in my workflow. That…
Group organisation contact details in one place
I'm finding it frustrating that I'm not currently able to group an organisation's contact details in one place. I want the phone number, address, email and website in one field group. At the moment address appears in Summary and there does not appear to be an override to that. (Screenshot is our customer demo account) Note…
A new entity? Brand?
I have been a Pipedrive user for more than 10 years, and I have always asked myself the following: Considering that there are many companies (I would say the majority) that manage brands (either their own or as a representative...e.g. Nestlé) or entire categories (e.g. department stores) And there are more and more people…
Ocultar a barra lateral de insights
Gostaria de saber se é possível ocultar essa a barra lateral da pagina de Insights. Não se faz necessário ficar essa barra lateral aberta o tempo tempo, nas outras paginas essa opção já existe, como por exemplo, na pagina de organização.
New Details screen for Deals
Well, that was a nasty morning for me. I think I have received a nastygram from each and every Sales Rep this morning about the rearranged details screen for deals. Looking at it, I think they have a point. Pipedrive is already pretty "left-leaning" with its information and now more information is on the left, less at the…
enable instant editing w/ blinking cursor - after click on EDIT button in inline editing
Hi, I am often using inline editing of all deals in an organisation. When clicking on [see all deals] popup menu, I can edit various entries. That's nice. But after clicking on the edit button right hand side in the line item, I have to klick one more time into this field I want to edit. Until then the keyboard…
Turn Off Leadbooster Section - Remove Campaigns and Projects icons
Hoping someone can help here. I am not interested (at the moment ) in Leadbooster nor am I interested in the Campaigns or Projects which are all paid service options. I would like the option to hide these as they are just eye graffiti to me that I don't want, and, I don't need to be reminded constantly about paid services…
Choosing "Save" on any field, clears all the unsaved data entered in all fields now
If you type in a phone number title email address we used to hit save 3 times and 3 fields would be saved now we have to hit save, then enter another field, then hit save, etc. if you hit save with data in other fields it is wiped away an annoying change in the recent code. it takes a lot longer to work now.
Unable to reach the button to manage the email templates
Does anyone else find they are unable to scroll down and reach the Manage Templates button when they reach a certain number of templates? For example, you can see in the image below that I am unable to scroll down further using the right-hand scrollbar. I am thus unable to manage my templates unless I make the browser…
I don't know if the Pipedrive team has already put the Dark Mode feature on, it has been two years since this query has been raised, and I don't see any option on Pipedrive. Please add a night mode or dark mode option, it would be great especially for those who are sensitive to light."LIKE" 👍 if you want the dark mode…
As a service provider, I monitor multiple clients. Is there a way to quickly get into each instance?
Other tools have the ability to switch quickly between instances as a power user/reseller or service provider. Does Pipedrive have this too? It usually has some sort of a choose instance button on the top right (Asana/Fareharbor) or in the left hand side (Slack) where I can switch instances. Best if I as a supporter of…
Field Definition Hovering
As I have spent time building out a training website for our team... this idea came to mind. If we could define fields (built-in and custom) in Settings, and then have those definitions show up either by hovering over a field or displayed right underneath a field, this would really help new and experienced users! Even…
Leads - missing column "Expected close date"
Hello, the Leads inbox (/leads/inbox) is IMHO missing at least the "Expected close date" column. Would be great to have it there :-)
Keyboard shortcuts for Notes
Hi, I really love using keyboard shortcuts, and I know a lot of other users do too - it helps with workflow and reduces friction when it comes to performing various actions. The less steps/clicks, the better. I basically make a note to every deal, every time I do anything with that deal, be it a call, email, reply, I get…
Can the note edit bar with Cancel/Save buttons be pinned to the note screen?
I have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the note to press Save or Cancel. The same to choose Italic, add a link or image. If the bar was pinned and followed my writing it would save me a lot of time and significantly increase my productivity. If I cannot see the SAVE button, I do not know if the note is saved or…
Editable custom data fields from org/deal/person page
This one bothers me, like a lot. Let's say I have a custom field under organization to be filled out in qualification that lists the prospective org's current system used, let's call it "Current System Used". This is a drop down select list field. I go an find the top 50 systems list somewhere online and paste those in as…
Merging improvement: Check if the only difference is http & https
Hi there! First off: Love the software. The one thing I found gives me quite some work and I belive is easy to fix is this: When getting data from different places, sometimes I end up with duplicate people or companies. It is fine, the merge works quite well. One of my custom fields, I use to store a url. In my case…
DARK MODE for Pipedrive?
I have a "crazy" idea: DARK MODE for Pipedrive??
Sign up for the Dark Theme Beta testing group 🌓
Hello, Community! We've received numerous feedback requests for the option to have a dark theme to better align with your working preferences. I'm excited to announce that a beta version of this feature is now available! In addition to other customizable features like custom navigation and a customizable landing page, you…
New: Dark Theme in web app 🌓
Hey Pipedrivers! Some of you have been testing it already, and now it’s official: the Dark Theme, 2023’s most popular feature request in the Pipedrive community, is scheduled to reach all users by the end of January / early February 2024. This is a personal setting for each user, with three theme options: Light Theme –…