Email Activity - Duplication Frustrations
For 3 years I've been using this software and I'm super frustrated that despite using the bcc when sending emails I then need to create that email as an activity then clear the activity so that it registers when I want to track the activity. This is very painful as I'm carrying out 2 actions for each activity. I was told…
Why can't we search any keyword in Activity Notes?
I cannot search anything from the notes I have taken in activities. I have taken lots of notes in several meetings but after a while when I make a search for some keyword in several activities, search doesn't find any result? Why is that? Is there any way to enable it? Thank you..
Planned: Interactive app panels 🗒 🔗
Why? To make it possible to interact with apps & integrations directly via app panels. For whom? All plans. What will I be able to do with it? Perform actions on third-party integrations without leaving Pipedrive. 🧠🔔 Learn all about App Panels from our Knowledge base here, and follow What’s Planned? to get notified about…
New: Insights side navigation menu revamp 📊
What? It is now possible to: * Create new sections in sidenav menu for reports and dashboards * Add items to newly created sections * Rename sections * Delete sections * Bulk delete several reports at once * UI change - there is now a single button for creating Dashboard, Reports and Goals (located next to search) For…
Changing the data shown in Pipeline view
I am a Pipedrive newbie and would like to know if the data displayed for each deal in the pipeline can be changed. It looks like the default is the name of the deal and the dollar amount, but I would find it helpful to display other fields, including custom fields. Is this possible? Thanks!
Pipeline/Stage bulk update in list view
I would suggest to restore a simple but useful feature: in list view bulk updating the pipeline/stage box always start with the first database row of available pipeline, instead it would be nice to show directly the pipeline where most deals are already. It's simply a feature in micro-operations, but if list views are used…
New: updated Permission Sets page 🚦
What? The Permissions interface has received a number of improvements to make user management easier: * Click a permission set to find a preview sidebar panel, with the detailed permissions * Add users to a permission set directly from the sidebar * Customize individual settings inside the Regular or Manager permission…
Usability testers wanted: Adding Products to Deals [deadline: June 25]
Hi everyone! We have been working on a solution to fix some of the issues reported about Products, more specifically when adding products to deals, and to make sure we are building the right solution, we would like to have 30 minutes of your time to test a prototype! Can we count you in? If so please pick your time slot…
🎨 🪄Drag-and-Drop Editor: Creating a campaign doesn't need to be a drag
❓What's your favorite drag-and-drop option❓ 🗣️ Tell us and your fellow beta-testers in the comments. 💬 Pipedrive's drag-and-drop editor is an easy-to-use tool to help you create attention-grabbing designs and engaging content for your contacts. This can be used to create email campaigns, newsletters, or templates for…
Blocked items
New to this, so sorry if the questions are stupid. I am looking for two functionalities: * Change the language of the mandatory footer (I want to have the unsubscribe-thingy in German) * Change the sender address to a generic company address and not have a user-specific one. Also: is there a way to have text just span the…
The new Sales assistant 👎
I am not a fan of the new format for sales assistant. I used to like being able to "Click all" and view within my current window, it now created a new window which seems like a clunky step backwards in terms of keeping a clean tidy user experience. I can't be the only one who feels like this?
Non Relevant Features
It is likely we will probably never use the Invoices and Documents feature. It would be very nice and more user friendly if we did not have to look at things that were not relevant. It would be easier to train people as well. It would be great if non relevant features could be turned off in settings.
New: Contextual View in Activity List 🗓 🔎
For whom? All users in all plans. What can I do with it? You can now get contextual information such as the linked Deal/Person/Organization and take actions on them, without having to leave the Activity List view. You can also toggle this view ON or OFF based on your needs and workflow. When? Available to all accounts by…
New: Insights Navigation Update 📊
What? The Pipedrive Insights feature has a couple new tricks up its sleeve: Users can now choose a table-type chart for Activity reports And clicking the scorecard inside a given report now brings up a detailed list For whom? Available now for all users in all plans. 🔔 Follow What’s New? to get notified about all new…
Test the new Detail View concept (deadline: April 8th)
We are improving our Detail View! If you are interested in testing the new concept, book a time with me: find a suitable time for you here. Open to all users in all plans. Multiple timeslots are available on Tuesday/ Wed/ Thursday of this week.
Augmenting Activity List - Join the Beta test!
Bring LINKED Deal/Person/Organisation to your Activity List and take actions without leaving your context. All that with our new Contextual Views! All Users All Plans Join this channel in our community or mention your interest with a comment Deadline to join: 13 NOV Testing starts: 16 Nov 23rd November Conditions: Be on…
New: Caller one-click button (gradual rollout) 📞 ☎️
What? The new Caller button saves you clicks and time: just one click to make a call. For whom? Professional and Enterprise plan (gradual rollout until end of April). How can I use it? * Start from Detail view or List view. * Initiate a call by clicking the phone number or the 📞 icon: the call starts immediately via your…
Allow for detailed address editing in the organization view
Currently, the address field in the organization view (page of an individual organization) is show as a single field (full address). The only way to edit address detail fields is in list view, which is a major hassle in my opinion. Two possible solutions: * Add the ability to add address detail views in the organization…
Planned: Global Search 🔎 💫
Prototype. Final version may look different. We are improving the way our Search feature works and looks, to give you a smoother and more thorough experience: * Search look-and-feel will be improved * See recently modified, viewed and added items * Differentiating between similar search names will become a lot easier with…
Why do my Insights "Goals" graphics look wonky? The 1. picture is great but in the 2. picture everyt
Here everything looks great! The goal is at the upper part of the display. Here everything is pressed to the lower end of the graphic.
🎥 Pipedrive users wanted for promotional video (and get Pipedrive swag!)
Hey everyone! I'm a content producer here at Pipedrive and I'm looking to talk to Pipedrive users for a promotional video. I'm looking for: * users in Germany or Brazil 🇩🇪 🇧🇷 * who have switched over from another CRM platform (mainly HubSpot or Salesforce) * to talk about why they switched, features that they really…
🎥 Pipedrive-Nutzer für Werbevideo gesucht (und Pipedrive-Merch gibt es auch!)
Hallo zusammen! Ich bin Content Producer hier bei Pipedrive und suche Kunden für ein Werbevideo, speziell Kunden aus dem deutschsprachigen Markt, die entweder von HubSpot oder Salesforce gewechselt haben. Wenn Ihr interessiert seid, folgt bitte diesem Link zum Beitrag, den ich bereits im Pipedrive Community Research…
New: Community notifications and Product updates in Sales Assistant 📝
What? We've made your life easier and now you can keep track of what's going on here in Community without leaving Pipedrive, including product updates: they will show up as notifications in your Sales Assistant (SA). For whom? All plans, all users with the new Sales Assistant Beta enabled. How does it work? * Community…
Please fix. I need to reply to the email I'm CC'd.
Please fix. I need to reply to the email I'm CC'd. I'm CC'd on the email. But I can't hit the reply button. Of course I want to reply within the CRM. * Reply to Email <--- PLEASE FIX. NOTE: Why can't I upload an image to the forum? I'm trying to upload a screenshot, it requires a video type or pdf type, ugg. So I made a…
1-click edit for Notes/Activities etc.
Hi Pipedrive team, In order to edit an Activity, you have to click in the top right-hand corner > find the Modify button > then type. Can we have sth like * double-clicking an Activity/note... edits it * maybe a keyboard shortcut like "e" in Confluence that lets you Edit a document * Or at least a quick Edit button I…
Please fix: phone pop-up
Hi, When phoning straight from PD: I'm on the Organisation card, I click on the phone number > call from my phone > a very handy pop-up appears. When I'm done, I I click "mark as done" and then "save", PD navigates away from the current Org page - thereby denying me the possiblity to add a follow-up activity. Poor UX.…