Question: Drag-and-drop file upload sometimes doesn't work
Greetings, I have a problem with drag-and-drop file upload, and I'm wondering anybody have the same problem. When I tried drag-and drop file upload, sometimes it doesn't work as expected—the browser opens the PDF file in a new tab instead of uploading this file to a Pipedrive deal. Steps to reproduce: Under Windows 10, a…
Merged: Please expand Email Templates
This discussion has been merged.
Contact Creation: Use Domain to detect Organization
When creating a contact from an email it would be great if Pipedrive could detect the organization with the domain if other people from the organization are already added: Example: john.doe@nike.com is a contact with the organization "Nike Ltd." When mary.miller@nike.com writes me an email and I add her as a contact, the…
No Ctrl-Enter???
Good evening everyone! I am so surprised that you still can't press ctrl-enter to save whatever screen you're on. Whether it's a new deal or an activity. You have to take your hands off the keyboard and go get the mouse, position it, and click. Every other software I use online accepts a ctrl-click and it saves me tons of…
Reverting to old UI/Requesting change to new UI
Hello, Today I have been swapped me to the new UI, and I am wanting to revert to the old UI. The specific reason that I want to revert is that I use the Documents tab to generate PDF files that use the customer data fields. When sending an email, I will often link these generated documents within the email as hyperlinks or…
New Deal Layout?
Today as I was using Pipedrive in my regular day-to-day work suddenly my heart dropped. The page magically transformed into something new and not at all pleasant. At first, I tried to update the page to fix whatever I was seeing on my screen but without any result. My first thought was that there's no way that this can be…
Call logging android - troubleshooting
Hi, I want to get the answer. If only I have such problem. I'm using the newest version of Android APP I've configured the app accordingly - https://support.pipedrive.com/en/article/calling-and-logging-calls-in-the-mobile-app PROBLEM - some of my call's are not logging in I've exchange 47 emails with pipedrive to resolve…
Download Smart contact Data in bulk
Hi Development Team! It would be amazing to be able to download the smart data contact information all at once to my laptop instead of adding manually one by one all the information to our contact info. This would save me a lot of time, and I'm sure I'm not the only one! Thanks a million!
email verification masquerading as 2FA
The email verification masquerading as 2FA is very inconvenient and relies on the customer to have access to their Pipedrive associated email account on the same device on which they are logging into Pipedrive. Competing applications are smarter and use Authenticator apps or push notifications. When will this be changed as…
Relational Fields
It would be great to have relational fields that only display when a core field is filled with a certain answer. For example: Field 1 is Business Type with Single Option Select of End User, Partner, etc If Partner is selected additional fields 1a and 1b would display for additional information e.g. Accreditations and…
Add all Deal Participants to email with one click of button?
Hello Community, A lot of our communications with clients are either with individuals or in groups. One feature I would really like is: Imagine your email conversations constantly changes between your main contact and a wider group of people (= deal participants). Yes we can directly reply to all once we received an email.…
Have tabs for the fields in the Deal Page
Be able to allocate the fields within the left hand column in a Deal to be categorised and then the left hand column can be tabbed so you can have several shorter lists of info rather than 1 long list as it currently is.
Organising Data Fields in Pipedrive to make it Easier to Find the Correct Info and Improve User Expe
Problem: Lots of data fields; no ability to organise them into sections with headings etc I would like to have the ability to group specific data fields together and add a heading/ sections. WHY? because I find that when there are several data fields including custom fields, I spend too long trying to find the field I'm…
Information not showing up in Deal section
Hello, I have 3 colleagues, we all use Pipedrive. When our deal origination director adds a new deal and links an organisation to that deal, and subsequently adds notes into the Deal, all my colleagues can see these notes in the Deal section of the platform. I do not see these notes/comments unless I click on the…
Project Map functions
Hi I woudlike to suggest the "Show on Map" function that is available in the deal list view is reflected to the projects list view. It would also be useful to have the instant map view option in the Project Details too.
Bulk add products to Deals
Can pipedrive add a feature that allows users to add products to deals in bulk edit mode? Currently, our only option for adding products to a group of deals is to update each individual record. Seems like a fairly easy step to add this ability. User selects deals that they would like to edit (add products to) In the "Bulk…
How are you using ChatGPT in your work with Pipedrive?
Hey 👋 How are you currently using ChatGPT in your everyday work with Pipedrive? Do you see ways to integrate AI with Pipedrive in a way that would be beneficial to your work? Thank You ☀️ Eva
File management Within A Deal
This is a topic I see across numerous discussions and regarded in a few idea submissions but seems like no progress or solution had been created within the Pipedrive System. The organization of files within a deal is severely lacking. Selection to only view files includes every single email that has an attachment which is…
Please Enable The Ability to Indent With the Tab Key!!!
It is VERY irritating that we can no longer use the TAB key to indent bullets to the right!!! Having to click the "indent" icon in the editor to indent is a pain in the ass. Pipedrive used to be able to move/indent a bullet to the right by hitting the tab key! This capability was disabled months ago when you rolled out a…
Hover over email to have copy option
Hello, very simple UI/UX idea, could you please add the Copy button when we hover on an email? Or, have a copy button right next to every email. Would save time!
Could not save draft.
Hi! While typing emails a 'could not save draft' notification keeps popping up every few seconds, does anyone know how to turn the notification off? Many thanks!
Save multiple changes to a record at once
If a user needs to make multiple updates to a record, they currently have to hit the save button after each change or lose the other changes. This is annoying and anti-intuitive. A secondary problem with this is that after every save, a "Record Changed" webhook will trigger, causing subsequent api floods with essentially…
Help us help you BUILD BETTER APPS: Share your feedback in our survey! (CLOSED)
EDIT: This survey is now closed, thank you all for your input. Hello! I want to invite you to participate in our first Developer Success survey📋️. We seek feedback from people who built, are currently building, or plan to build an app/integration with Pipedrive. The survey aims to understand how we at Pipedrive can better…
Improve the UX by removing "sales spam dots"
There is constantly a dot taking my attention when I look at the menubar. When I click on for example Projects I cannot remove the alert or better remove the project button as I am never gonna use this feature. Same applies for Campaigns. The dot indicates that there is an alert for the section but there is not. Only…
[Closed] 🧠 🛠️ Pipedrive Hackathon: Generative AI | May 3rd-5th
EDIT: this session has closed; thank you all for your interest. Hey there, community members 👋 Helena from Pipedrive's Research Team here with some exciting news! We're thrilled to announce our upcoming Generative AI Hackathon, and we'd love for you to participate in it. As our valued partners and customers, your input is…
Insights (Reports/ Dashboards/ Goals) Duplication Feature
Duplication Feature is now available to all insights users 🚀 Say goodbye to manually creating copies of Dashboards, Reports or Goals! Starting today, all Pipedrive users can easily and simply use the duplication feature instead to save you time and energy. For all the details, check out our Knowledge Base article here.…
[Feature request] Send later - allow customization of morning/afternoon hours
It would be great to have an option to customize (somewhere in the user settings) the morning and afternoon hours. In my case "Tomorrow morning" would be tomorrow at 7:00AM, not 9:00 AM. For now I have to select every time "Custom date and time" and adjust the "morning" hour.
Completed Activity filtering on Deals
Having a filter on each deal to filter completed activities by type for that specific deal. This would help to further streamline account review / lookup time. I.e. reviewing particular milestone activities on account vs. scrolling through 3+ months of activities on the account
File Uploads for webforms
Hi there, the new design of webforms is now very good, but I am missing the option to upload files. Any plans to add the function? If yes, when? Regards Robert
New Pipedrive UX Issues
Hi Pipedrive Team, I have noticed there has been some update to the Pipedrive UI/UX recently (I believe, visible for me from today). I would like to point out that in the Deal view the new UI/UX is extremely inconvenient. Now, I can see way less information on past emails/notes in my screen as the right part (Summary) has…