Assign Financial Products as Products or Labels
Hello all, Do any FS people use Products in PD for industry products, let's say Life Assurance or Investment Portfolio set up as products within PD or do they just label their clients relating to the business the client has with their firm? Either way best practices and ideas are always welcome. Thanks!
When merging contacts, is it possible to have the participation tags merge? I am often merging two d
When merging contacts, is it possible to have the participation tags merge? I am often merging two different people and I want to capture all of the participation tags on both profiles; currently one is overwriting the other.
Once an Organization or Contact has been labeled, everyone associated with that Deal is labeled the
Once an Organization or Contact has been labeled, everyone associated with that Deal is labeled the same.....Don't have to change labels for everyone to match.
Hey, We have some questions of how to tag existing customers in Pipdrive. How to build this segmenta
@Mike van der Valk how can i track and report using labels please. cant find anyway of doing this..
Can you add multiple tags to people, deals or organizations?
Can you add multiple tags to people, deals or organizations?
How can I add a label to a contact entering through a webform?
Hi, I have a webform embedded on my site and want to add a label to people who come through this. Have been unable to work out a simple way to do this that did not end up with me creating 2 contacts. Am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks
Creare automatismo con etichetta degli affari.
E' possibile creare una attività partendo dalla etichetta di un affare? gb :-)
Is there a way to add a label (Cold, Warm, Hot) to leads generated via LeadBooster?