Guten Abend. Ich bin neu hier und fange gerade erst mit PD an. Ich habe über die Suche schon gesucht, aber nichts passendes gefunden. Meine Frage: was ist die best practice für folgendes Szenario? Ich habe eine eingehende Emailnachricht weil ich die Person „kalt“ angeschrieben habe. Keine Kontakt, kein Unternehmen, kein…
Hi Pipedriver Have you ever wondered who are those magical creatures called Customer Success Managers? What do they do? And how can you catch one for yourself? A Customer Success Manager is a person who is dedicated to helping you have a successful journey with Pipedrive. Here are some main things that they focus on: Helps…
Hallo zusammen, ich möchte gerne handschriftliche Notizen mit dem iPad machen. Hierzu gab es vor ca 2 Wochen eine Mail von PD, dass dies nun als neue Funktion implementiert ist. Bei mir funktioniert es leider nicht, kann mir jemand sagen wie ich das aktivieren kann? Vielen Dank.
Hi all, We're slowly but surely growing our country-specific channels. Please use this channel to connect with local people who work in sales and use Pipedrive. Discuss questions, tips & tricks and above all enjoy the community! 🇬🇧
What do you think the new '20s will be like for businesses in general and your industry in particular? Let us know in the comments 📣 Our CTO Sergei Anikin weighs in on what the coming decade has in store for us, using the growth experienced in the 1920s as a reference. You can catch the full Forbes article here. After the…
Per tutti i nuovi (numerosi) arrivati, vi ricordo che questo gruppo ha l'obiettivo di fornire informazioni oltre che condividere esperienze: fatevi avanti! Se trovate 5 minuti mi piacerebbe che postaste una vostra presentazione, in particolare: * chi siete * cosa fate * perché avete adottato Pipedrive, oppure * perché NON…
Sober in the Country (SITC) is a rural-based grassroots charity creating social impact across Australia by making it “OK2SAYNO to beers in the bush and catching our mates before they fall through the cracks and hurdles of overcoming addiction in isolation." – Shanna Whan, CEO and Founder @Felicity Nolen adds: "Our purpose…
Here is the highly expected, high-energy playlist featuring your musical suggestions from this week 🎺 🎺 🎺 Shout out to @Felicity Nolen @Miguel @Marcelo Silva and @Marco Govoni for your contributions! 🔔 Follow the Fun and Motivation and Productivity topics to never miss out! 🔔
...we'd like to remind you that there's a very divisive poll going on over here and you should go vote. There's also a bonus round. Why are you not following the Fun topic? Scandalous. I'm scheduling a Zoom call about this first thing Monday morning. Image retrieved by our Customer Success Manager extraordinaire @Andri…
The insights feature enable us to create multiple deals analysis. I wanted to have a visibility of how was my sales funil in other past moments. However, Pipedrive does not allow us to see the data disposed in that time, only how it is today. We would like to have this visibility of the sales funil in other periods of time…
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