Subject Filter on Activity Insights
Hi, Just explored the activity insights and found that I couldn't find the "subject" filter. Would it be possible to add this filter to it? Thanks in advance Best regards Rizky
¿Como puedo obtener el tiempo y ruta que permanece un negocio en cada etapa del embudo ?
Necesito el tiempo que pasa cada negocio que se encuentre en un embudo específico, en estado abierto y que su fecha de proceso sea el de este mes.
Monthly summary where leads come from???
Hello, Is there a way to run a monthly report of my leads summary. I am specifically looking to see which leads came from referrals. Any assistance would be appreciated! Thank you
Looking for feedback to AI report generation in Insights
Hello everybody! 👋 We are currently in the middle of process of rolling out AI report generation feature to our customer base. If you have tried out the feature, I would love to hear your feedback on it- what was good, what wasn't, what do you expect it to do differently. Thanks 💪
Total Completed Activities Duration per Deal
Hi, It would be good to see a total duration of completed activities easily on each deal page. In order for me to track the amount of effort that is spent on an individual deal I have to currently pull all activities out in a .csv and total up in Excel. We are keen to be able to see how much time is being spent on deals…
Insights and reporting for Projects
The previous topic has been closed. Can we have an update about Insight and reporting for projects ?
Filtering options on goals reports!
It'd be great to be able to apply filters to goals like you can with other insights reports. Such as if we wanted a forecast with goals but only allowing for deals with a probability above 80%.
Feature Idea: User-determined Y-Axis scale cap for Bar Graph Reports
I have a Reports Dashboard that highlights Year-over-Year changes in my company's Inbound Lead Generation data. For each year we've been using Pipedrive, there's a bar graph with 12 bars, showing the monthly totals of inbound leads. We've been using Pipedrive for four years, so that's four bar graphs in this dashboard.…
New products Feature Unusable for Large-Scale Customers, and missing the subscription feature
Hello Pipedrive, The new recurring products feature is a huge step backward and makes it practically unworkable for us to manage subscriptions. We manage over 500 subscriptions per month, and with the current functionality, we now have to manually enter every change by adding new products. This means that: Everything is…
Accurate MRR reporting for Tiered Pricing Business Models
With the dropping of support for Subscription Revenue we are now encouraged to use Revenue forecast based on Product only. Our Business Model is an Annual License Fee for Software that often has a Tiered pricing option whereby the price increases each year for the first 3 years than stabilises on that 3rd year payment. I…
Product recurring feature is not good for reports or handling subscriptions
Hi Pipedrive, The new recurring product feature feels like a downgrade and operates very clunkily. Subscriptions – When a client updates their subscription (e.g., price or user count changes), the system dynamically adjusts. However, why does it retroactively alter past records as well? Reporting – Revenue is not evenly…
Report to monitor Pipeline value & weighted pipeline value over time
We are logging these numbers on a weekly basis and plot it in excel and report to our shareholders. It would be great to have a graph that automatically produces this.
Help Creating an Insights Report | Tracking Active & Inactive Organizations
I have been researching how to create an Insights report that compares organizations that have had a new deal enter our sales pipeline within the last 30 days to those that have not had any new deals enter the pipeline during the same period. Is that possible? Or are there any creative workarounds you suggest? Thank You
Product feature is not good for reports or handling subscriptions
Hi Pipedrive, The new recurring product feature feels like a downgrade and operates very clunkily. Subscriptions – When a client updates their subscription (e.g., price or user count changes), the system dynamically adjusts. However, why does it retroactively alter past records as well? Reporting – Revenue is not evenly…
It should be possible to make columns narrower in report tables
The minimum width for columns in Reports (Insights) is far too wide. This prevents seeing all relevant columns at the same time. Please fix this. Please make columns' width automatically adapt itself to the content as well.
Cumulated MRR on Insight
I need the cumulated MRR on the insight. You can provide the new MRR/month so i imagine you could easily provide the cumulated on with this data.
Insight Report & Dashboard Auto-Send
Almost every time I show someone Insights reporting, they ask the question, "Can this be sent to my inbox weekly/monthly?" Folks are used to having this feature in other systems, like PowerBI. It would be great if we could automate the sending of a snapshot of the Insight report/dashboard, or a link to the…
Activities Performance Report based on several subjects
Hi, It would be great that you could create a activites performance report, were you are able to state several different subjects. Either that you could with comma or " ", add several subjects, or you could add more conditions that you could choose that the report includes either one subject or another. No there is no…
Insights and reporting for Projects
I've been closely following the development of the project module, and it's safe to say that I'm excited about the progress so far. However, I'm still curious about what the future brings in regards to a couple of features that are incredibly important for us: Adding projects to insights for progress reporting. Creating a…
Adding a "Copy" button for data fields
Pipedrive should add a "copy" button beside the contact/organization fields, so that users could easily copy the content without having to click on the "Edit" icon and then copy the content.
New: Generate reports in seconds with Insights AI
Visualizing the reports you need just got easier with the prompt-based Insights AI report generator. This update will allow you to enter your own prompt, or select an existing prompt from the suggestions. The report will then be automatically generated based on your input. This feature is gradually being rolled out to all…
Make it possible to split deals between sales agents
For future updates, I think you really should consider an option to split a deal between two owners/agents within a team/organization. As for now, we have to manage these deals in Excel, which kind of takes the fun and functionality out of using Pipedrive. We use products in order to make a prognosis and we use goals to…
How use product custom field in insight ?
I wouldlike use some product custom field in insigh but i have just some original field. How I can use product custom field ???
New product report - include all products
Hi I'm playing around with the new products report and have found it useful for recurring revenue, however it does not show my one off products. I see the flag is set for one time product, recurring product and installment. The report is only pulling through my pipeline forecast for the recurring product. In the first…
Is it possible to schedule in our pipedrive calendar the product billing date of the installment?
Hi everybody, I recently got pipedrive, just checked installment and the insights features, I wondered if it is possible to schedule in the calendar, the product billing date that we fill up in the installment fields? I'm thinking a way to add the installment right away and an activity at the same time. Thank you in…
Seeing time in stage per deal
I need some help with tracking the time deals spend in a specific sales stage, like "Time in Stage." Right now, I can only see the average time for deals, but I’d like to see the actual time each individual deal (open and closed) has been in a particular stage.
Soon in Insights: Enhanced products reporting
Hi, community members! We will soon start to release the enhanced products reporting (expected general availability by end of July). What will be delivered: New products report under the deals section, where the source table displays also all the products attached to Deals that meet the filter criteria; 20+ new products…
Goals in hierarchical breakdown
It's great that I can assign a goal to a specific team. But this only really makes sense if I can do it at a hierarchical level. After all, team goals are listed side by side and together they make up the company goals. In Pipedrive, I have to create a separate goal for each team AND (which is my actual problem) I have to…
Looking for your help to test out AI report generation
Hey everyone! My name is Evelin, and I’m a product manager at Pipedrive 👋 We have heard your feedback about how hard it is to generate a report in Insights 📊 . Since this has been the biggest issue for our users, we created an option to generate a report with the help of AI 🚀. How does it work? Just write your prompt, and…
Show Averages in Insights
Hi, I would like to be able to show the average for some of my custom fields rather than a running total in the insights section. This helps me identify the average fees per instruction my team are bringing in, to be able to assess whether overall our pricing needs to be increased or not.