Make single option field display consistent
We have some custom singleoption fields that are being displayed in two totally different ways. One is being shown horizontally, and the other is a drop-down menu. This makes no sense to me. Please change this to always display as a dropdown menu, or else make it a toggle option to display it horizontally.
Sinnvolle Informationen im Vorschaubild beim Hovern über Kontakte auf Organisationsebene
Ich bin auf Organisationsebene und hover über den verknüpften Kontakt. Mir werden dann im Fenster E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer und Organisation angezeigt. E-Mail und Telefonnummer sind nicht verlinkt. Aus meiner Sicht sind das an dieser Stelle alles Informationen die nicht sinnvoll sind. Ich fände es besser, wenn das…
Pin Files to top
As we all have documents that give us a better overview on the deal at hand. I think it would be really helpful if Important files could be pinned to the top, just like notes (or even to a sidebar).
Organization Separate City, State and Zip
None of the lists we receive from vendors or associations to import have the addresses of street, city, state and zip. They always come as separate fields. Having them all combined like Pipedrive does it leaves too many chances for error in entry especially in the U.S. state abbreviations. I know we can add a custom state…
A new Pipedrive app for document management!
Hi All! Is it difficult to quickly find all your sales and customer related documents? We have a new Pipedrive app to tackle that: OneNode! OneNode is not an integration to any other system, but an add-on that will give you a new functionality in Pipedrive. It will help your team stop wasting time on browsing through…
Organisation Address not saving
I haven't been able to save addresses for organisations. I enter the address, I get suggestions, I can select the recommendation, but the field clears when I click "Save". Support has been of no help, unfortunately. Is anyone having the same issue?
Let us set the default type of Email and Phone in a person record
When adding a new person record, it shows different types for email and phone: Can we please get a setting that let's us change the default type for these options to Home instead of Work? Or, let us change the options order?
Organisation - Details - Phone
How do I add a phone number to an organisation that is not listed in the drop down?
Could there be an "OPEN DETAILS IN FULL VIEW" option for the Deals, Pipeline view page!
As on the activities page, we'd love the "OPEN DETAILS IN FULL VIEW" option to be available so that we don't have to click into the deal or open a new tab to access the deal. Reason for this is we're looking to transition to following up on our Deals in the "Deals, Pipeline view page "instead of the activities page. I'd…
Adjust left side bar width
A lot of key information is held in datafields within the left side bar but, as far as i can tell, there is no way to widen this sidebar. In my company more useful information is held in data fields than in the activity section, at least initially, and the UX would be much improved if all the information wasn't squished on…
Sidebar Field Type - Other Deals
I am creating a pipeline that needs to link to another deal. It would be a good feature to be able to link other deals on the sidebar here. if I can link users to these fields I think we should be able to link other deals.
Unstacking phone numbers in 'Linked people' view
Is there any chance of unstacking the phone numbers when viewing an organisation's staff under the 'Linked people' view. It's really easy to accidentally call the wrong contact if you are using click to dial. Also, if a contact has more than 3 phone numbers, the user experience is terrible having to use the scroll wheel to…
Job Title
Job Title is an important field for us. I was able to add it as a custom field but there are numerous places where we need to see it including leads inbox, "people tab" of contacts, "people panel" of an organization, "participants panel" of a deal. Can we get the job title to appear in the participants panel of a deal and…
New: Customizable Summary (in Deal detail pages)
September 3rd update: The beta test is over, and this feature is now available for all companies; let us know your feedback in the comments below. Hi everyone 👋 We've heard your feedback on Summary panel not always containing the most important details for you, like a custom field that you've created for example. Or maybe…
Show number of uploaded Files
In Pipedrive History you can see the number of Notes, Activities and Email that are connected to a Deal or Person. But when you upload Files there is no counter. The idea is to introduce a counter also for number of uploaded Files.
Can I merge multiple won deals into one person?
Hi all, We are an investment company and have been using pipe drive as our main CRM for a few months now. We have a lot of won deals that are of the same person, eg: Won deal 1: Jake's 1st investment: $2000 Won deal 2: Jake's 2nd investment: $100 Won deal 3: Jake's 3rd investment: $500 I want to merge all of these "won…
Reorganize permanent fields in Summary Sidebar section
Hello, I would like to be able to either remove the permanent fields from showing in the summary sidebar section or move them to a different sidebar section. For example, my company does not use the deal probability feature, so I would like to remove this from the summary section so as not to confuse my team. Additionally,…
MEDDIC in Pipedrive
Hi Folks, Has anyone integrated MEDDIC scoring into the 'Deals' view in Pipedrive? It looks like there are some limitations that prevent you from linking a value to a text option to produce a score. While you can create customer fields with dropdowns, there doesn't appear to be any way to tally the collective scores to…
New: Expand all items inside a deal or contact
Hello Pipedrivers! We’re releasing a small but often-requested feature: users can expand (or collapse) all detail view items in one click. What: Expand all stacks, notes and files in one click. It works per user and entity, meaning it’s separate for deals and contacts, and each user controls their expand settings. When:…
Can the Job Title be displayed along with the person's name in the Linked People section in the Org?
Can the Job Title be displayed along with the person's name in the Linked People section in the Organization's detail view sidebar? If we add a note in the name like in the screenshot, that note shows up in proposals, so we'd like to see the Job Title appear next to the name in the People section of the Organization.
COLOR CODE the fields in the Deal > Details window
In the Deals window.... in the Details section on the left...Our company, for example, has almost 30 fields, just in the Details section, that have to filled out to sell and deliver a product. Those fields are filled out by sometimes 3-6 people by the time the product gets sent.It is more difficult that it has to be,…
Products detail view feedback/ ideas
It would be helpful to... Have the ability to create groups as we can in the deal details. (group together sales order information separately from vendor invoicing information, group product specifications together such as sizes and weights and shipping codes) Have the ability to hide, move or group Pipedrive Default…
Customize tooltip in organization detail view, hovering over people
It would be really helpful and save us a lot of clicks if we could display more info (e.g. custom fields) within the organization detail view, when hovering over individual people.
Customizable Hover Cards
We love that Pipedrive now offers hover cards when you hover over a Person or Org's name when you are in a Deal. Now my team is asking for the Hover Card to be customizable. For example, they would like to see the Job Title of the Person in their hover card. Submitting as an idea for a future improvement! Thanks!
How to avoid Turkish special characters in the Person Email field?
How can I avoid users to type Turkish special (OR any other languages' special characters) in the email field of Person. As you can see attached image I can type and save the email with special characters.
[CLOSED] New Contact detail views (Person & Organization) [Beta]
Ahoy! 👋 We're working on updating the current Person and Organization detail views, which we'll start releasing publicly later in the year, but if you're interested in getting it already sooner and sharing your feedback, let us know by filling in your Pipedrive sign in email into this form: Google Forms for Contact Detail…
Link existing deal to person from person view
I would like to be able to add a person as participant to an existing deal from within the person view. I.e. below "+ Add new deal" have a button "Link deal"
Participants on emails?
I've been asked a few times about this and I'm not sure if there is a work around or not. When an email is created from within a deal, the participants need to be included in the email. This obviously comes with some dangers and if this was being developed as an enhancement I would be asking a question at the start of the…
Custom sections
It would be great to have the option to add custom sections which can be expanded/collapsed for the different record types. Adding lots of custom fields to a Person record can get extremely busy and not all fields are relevant for each user.
deals moving randomly through stages ? How to find them.
Managing my sales team I am seeing deals move all over the pipeline e.g. from the second to last stage back to the first one. Do you have an easy way to identify those? Would that be possible through a special report? Thank you for your help!