Tablets, tablets, tablets
I noticed a trend that tablets are making a comeback; sales have increased significantly in 2020. So I'm wondering: who here use tablets for work? Why do you like it, when is it useful, what apps do you use?
Translation Mistake: Wrong date format in the Korean version of Pipedrive App
Greetings, I'd like to report a translation mistake for the date format in the Korean version of Pipedrive App. According to the Korean date and time notation, Koreans expect to suffix a day with a unit '일' but Pipedrive app didn't follow this notation: 1. Black Arrow: each date format ends with '건', which is a unit for…
LOVE the Mobile Application - 1 request?
Hello Pipedrive Team! First, I want to quickly point out that I've never seen such an intuitive yet powerful CRM application! I'm extremely impressed on how well the Pipedrive application can handle so much data and continue to make access easy and quick, so thank you! I'm wondering about the current integration with…
Email open notification in real-time.
Is there a way to get a real time notification for an email open? I am switching over from Hubspot and that was the main thing I liked about Hubspot. I was notified on mobile every time somebody opened an email that I sent them and tracked.
New: Note Scanner for Android mobile app live this week! ✍️ 📲
Pipedrive Note Scanner for Android What? For those who like to take notes with pen and paper, Note Scanner allows you to transcribe your handwritten notes or print documents into Pipedrive! How? * Click the Notes Scanner button in any Note view in the mobile app. * Take a picture of your writing/printed text. * Notes…
How do I get the IOS app to record a text message sent in Pipedrive?
How do I get the IOS app to record a text message sent in Pipedrive?
How does one get satellite view google maps on the Pipedrive mobile app when you use the near me fea
How does one get satellite view google maps on the Pipedrive mobile app when you use the near me feature?
In the mobile app when adding photos such as to a deal would it be more convenient to be able to cho
In the mobile app when adding photos such as to a deal would it be more convenient to be able to choose multiple photos from your camera roll?
Serious Sync issue with Activities
For weeks now, I’ve had issues with Pipedrive activities syncing. The scenario occurs when I add an activity in the web interface, and go to my web app to view my activities for the day in the overview tab. In order for the deal to show up in my activities, I must first navigate to the deal I’m Pipedrive inside the app,…
I have different Lead numbers in Pipedrive Mobile app than in Desktop. it's BAD.
Recording calls in mobile app?
Is recording calls in the mobile app on the roadmap? In general, we find the quality of calls from the web is pretty bad - very finicky and depends on a rock solid wifi connection or else the receivers complain about static and dropouts - so we prefer to call from our mobile phones instead.
I noticed the mobile iOS app isn't logging calls consistently any longer. It seems if the call is lo
Android App Notifications
Ideally I want an instant notification (just like receiving SMS or WhatsApp message) letting me know that a new deal has been created and/or a new activity has been created (so that I can call them ASAP). I've had a look at the notifications settings and turned on everything I could, but I think the best I could find was…
iOS Pipedrive App Beta testing
Are you interested in helping us to make our iOS app better? Are you interested in testing the Pipedrive iOS app features before they are public? Luckily we’ve created a testing program that you can join and share your feedback with us! Just sign up to the beta program using this link! It will help us to make our product…
Upload files in mobile app
I don't understand why we can only upload photos from he mobile app....files and PDF's are a must. Also, multiple photos as once would be great too.
Responsive contact forms
Our contact forms created with Pipedrive tools disappears on iPhone after loading. Any solutions to make it work.
Mobile push notifications just got launched 🚀
Receive a notification on your Android or Apple device about changes to any deal, person or organization you own or follow as soon as they are made with Pipedrive’s new push notifications feature. Check out more info here To enable it, click on "more" on the bottom right, click preferences and then notifications.
I make handwritten meeting notes on my iPad, with my apple pencil. Is there anybody who found an ea
I make handwritten meeting notes on my iPad, with my apple pencil. Is there anybody who found an easy way to add handwritten notes to a contacts timeline or a deal timeline?
Files on mobile app
is there a way to access quotes or files that I have attached on my mobile phone app?
Audio Notes in the Mobile App 📱🎶
04/12/2019 When you're on the move, you may need a quick and efficient way to take notes on your activities, deals, and contacts. With the Audio Notes feature in the Pipedrive mobile app, you can easily take and attach audio recordings as well as use the transcription feature to automatically turn any voice memos directly…