Automate Data entry / reading documents
Save time of reading documents and filling forms with this tool. 30 Seconds video: https://youtu.be/rKrG0sbPSAs Beside saving time, get rid of typing errors =) https://tultix.com/parser Hope you find it useful! #rpa #dataentry #automation #documents #images #pdf
3 common sense things to remember while you are selling in a pandemic 🤔
Paste it next to your computer screen - HIT - Human Connection, Innovation, and trust. Talking about human connection - the absolute certainty of this situation is people are missing and valuing human connection more than ever. What can you do about it? Reach across to your clients and prospects, offer solutions that can…
Correct name-tense & stage management
In the knowledgebase, Pipedrive suggests using the past indefinite tense. What I'm not sure is WHEN to place deals in a certain stage. Which example is correct? >> Pipeline stage name: Contact made Example 1 > Deal STAYS in Contact made because first contact has been made Example 2 > Deal MOVES to next stage because…
Chinese text in PD
Hello to all PD China community, I'm using PD with Chinese to keep Contacts, Organization and address..., wonder if any of you working as I do?
Nutzern nur an einer bestimmten Phase Sichtbarkeit zuteilen?
Guten Morgen, ist es möglich die Sichtbarkeit von Deals für bestimmte Nutzer einzuschränken? Meine Pipeline hat 7 Stationen und ich würde zum Beispiel den Sachbearbeiter der nur noch für die letzte Phase verantwortlich ist auch nur diese zeigen wollen. Geht das? Habe leider nichts gefunden und suche ggf. nach einem…
Is there a way to pull product information within Insights or some other form?
Has anyone found a way to filter projects with products on the deals? Ideally, this would be available within Insights, but it's not an option. We would like to pull product numbers for stock projections and the type of products being quoted.
איזה כיף להצטרף!
תודה רבה שצירפתם אותי לקהילה של PipeDrive. חברת BlueLion משתמשת במערכת כבר מעל שנה ואנחנו סופר-מרוצים, בייחוד לאחר שימוש קודם במערכות CRM שונות ומשונות, פחות מוצלחות עבורנו. מה שמעניין אותנו זה בעיקר חיבור API של המערכת למערכות אחרות שאנו משתמשים בהן - דיוור, חשבונות ועוד. בטוח שנוכל לתרום ולהיתרם.
Time Tracking Practices and / or Integrations
Hello FS people, Does anyone here time track the amount of time they spend working on clients and have they managed to integrate that into Pipedrive, either directly or by using an integration and linking time tracking to contacts or particular deals? This would be a really useful feature imo. Thanks for your answers, Paul
What Referral Program software you suggest? Do we have ANY which integrates with Pipedrive well?
What Referral Program software you suggest? Do we have ANY which integrates with Pipedrive well?
New country channels: China and Slovakia! 🇨🇳 🇸🇰
Our list of country-dedicated channels in the Community keeps growing and the newest additions are... * Pipedrive China/中国 * Pipedrive Slovakia/Slovensko Join as many country channels as you like: * whether because you’re based there * do business there * are interested in getting to know that market and make connections…
Is it possible to ad tags to deals in order to browse key information easily?
Is it possible to ad tags to deals in order to browse key information easily?
Lost Deals - Historie
Hallo Zusammen, verloren markierte Deals wollen wir nach x-Wochen noch einmal nachfassen. Wie man den verlorenen Lead einem Mitarbeiter sichtbar macht, haben wir rausbekommen. Aber nicht wie der Mitarbeiter den darin enthaltenen Mailverkehr sehen kann. Dieser ist nicht sichtbar. Hat jemand einen Tipp wie man das…
It would also be interesting in Workflow Automation to be able to put an action when the email has b
It would also be interesting in Workflow Automation to be able to put an action when the email has been read... For example, action: call in 2 days
Roofer Business Setup Suggestions
Hello All, I wanted to try and get some advice/feedback for setting up my CRM for a roofing company. I love the community and I feel like throwing this out there will probably help my implementation process. Currently, I'm working on a Pipedrive setup process for a small roofing company with several unique needs (as…
Gestão da Mudança & Treinamento de Vendas Muitos líderes de vendas quando contratam uma solução de aprendizagem não se dão conta, num primeiro momento, que haverá um desafio adicional, pós treinamento, que é a gestão da mudança. Sim, mudança, pois não há sentido em treinar a equipe em novas competências para que continuem…
Benvenuti sul canale ufficiale Pipedrive Italia! [Bonus!]
Buongiorno, approfitto per dare il benvenuto ai nuovi membri del gruppo e per ricordarvi che sono a disposizione per info su Pipedrive: potete contattarmi qui o sul mio blog! [BONUS!] Per chi volesse provare Pipedrive, cliccando su questo link, avete a disposizione un trial completo gratuito per 30 giorni anziché i soliti…
Pipedrive page issues
I tried to change my settings and go off of Beta. When I did my pipedrive will no longer allow me to do anything. The page just keeps trying to refresh. Any suggestions?
What's your favourite "trick" in Pipedrive? Share something you do that others probably don't.
What's your favourite "trick" in Pipedrive? Share something you do that others probably don't.
Pipedrive API : How to handle Persons existence?
hi, what is the general coding paradigm for handling the existence of a Person? What is the implementation in webforms? f.e.: First Person is a backer and the second one is a musician: John Smith email: j.smith@gmail.com phone: 1234567 John Smith email: smith_john@yahoo.com address: Some Street IN, London
Customising Tiles
Hi, I have 2 questions re the tiles in Pipeline setting...1) can you customise the information that you see on the tile (so you don't have to click into it) and 2) can you re-order them WITHIN the Pipeline stage they're in (so move the newest ones to the top, say)
How can I change a user's email address
How to Keep Closing B2B Deals During the Pandemic
Covid-19 has changed the world of B2B sales. Even if you started the year with a packed pipeline, few businesses have escaped the economic turmoil, and about 50% of B2B buyers are holding off on purchases because of the pandemic, according to McKinsey & Co. Lowering quotas, slashing forecasts, and cutting marketing budgets…
Business Development in the Time of Pandemic
“Clients don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” The world has changed and will never be the same. The COVID-19 pandemic is a uniquely shared global experience that tests our mettle in unexpected ways. There is no playbook, no instruction manual, no treatise to guide us through these uncharted…