How do I send emails to 40,000+ Group?
I have a large email list i've collected of warm leads, I've uploaded all of them but cant bulk email all 40,000 due to a limit of 100 per bulk email. How do i quickly send these emails out in groups of 100 each day with my template without having to manually click 100 boxes each time? How can i track ones I've already…
How do I bulk add deals from a filter list I've created ?
I want to create new deals against a number of contacts I have in pipedrive. I don't want to have to go to each contact one by one to create the new deal. I would like to create a list with the filter tool in pipedrive Then bulk add new deals against people I select on the list I notice I can do bulk covert list results to…
Can the Bulk Edit Fields for Products be modified?
Hi, I am currently attempting to do a bulk edit of the prices of a number of products. Unfortunately, the Price field is oddly not visible in the list of bulk edit fields for Products! Does anyone know how to change this? Thanks in advance, George
Bulk-edit fields in list view
At the moment, not all fields can be bulk-edited from the list view of deals. For example, I could not bulk edit probability for deals in my list view however I could bulk-edit amount. I would think that ALL fields should be able to be bulk edited?
Bulk Activities on Leads
In the future will be possible to add the same activity (example: "recall net week") to some selected leads with one "bulk" action? Thanks!
Mass convert from leads inbox to a deal pipeline?
A while back I moved a bunch of deal (just people) to the leads inbox. I'd like to mass convert them back from leads inbox to deal. Is there a way to do this? You may be wondering why? Well, I had some automation setup for email drops and while these were not hot leads, at least I was tapping them on occasion…
Bulk conversion of leads to deal / pipeline / group email
Hi just wanted to check I am not missing "something", but bought a bunch of leads via "prospector" - now I want to effectively put them into 1 deal and send them a #targeted EDM as a group....Is that possible? Paying for too many platforms - Pipedrive, monday.com, active campaign, plannable, qwillr....too much wanna be…
Link assignment of Org, Person and Deal
Use case: when re-assigning an organization from one rep to another, we have to * Change the assignment at the Oganization level * Change the assignment at the Contact level - for EVERY CONTACT INDIVIDUALLY * Change the assignment at the Deal level - - for EVERY DEAL INDIVIDUALLY Missing any of these leads to great…
Create Activites from Organization/People -list
When we have made a selection on what Organizations to work on, we cant create a Activity from that view, we can Export to mailshimp, send mail, even Show on map, but not Create activity. ?? It should be a standard feature according to me and seems easy enough to add.
Planned: more features in Leads Inbox 📥
As we continue to fine-tune and expand Leads Inbox's capacities (see this post), there are still things up our sleeve that we want to bring you over the course of the following months, such as... * Custom fields * Selectable columns * Bulk actions * Exporting Leads * Email integration * Calling integration * Leads in the…
Leads Inbox Improvements: Bulk actions and editing contacts is going live for all users!
We are rolling out this update gradually and it should be live for all users by the beginning of next week. You will be able to: * Make bulk changes in up to 500 leads at a time * Change contact details for the Person and/or Organization linked to your lead (only default fields for now, custom fields will be editable in…
Need a Way to Stop Auto-Assigning Followers & Bulk Remove Followers
Since a Follower's visibility overrides the Visibility hierarchy in Settings, you should provide a way for companies to prevent followers from being automatically added to records. There is also a need to provide a way to remove Followers in bulk. Perhaps add that to the List view/bulk update option. Thanks to anyone who…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 시스템 ID를 이용해 대량의 데이터 편집하기
질문: 대량의 데이터를 편집해야 하는데, Bulk Editing 이외에 다른 방법이 없을까요? 답변: 파이프드라이브의 시스템 ID를 통해 대량의 데이터를 손쉽게 편집할 수 있습니다. 활용 방법: * 파이프드라이브 시스템 ID란?* 파이프드라이브의 모든 데이터에는 각각의 고유한 ID가 존재합니다. * 데이터별 ID는 파이프드라이브 URL에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. * 거래 목록 보기에서도 파이프드라이브 시스템 ID를 확인하실 수 있습니다. * 시스템 ID를 가진 데이터* 거래 / 인명 / 조직 / 활동 / 상품 시스템 ID를 이용한 데이터 업데이트 프로세스 1. 업데이트할…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 대량의 데이터를 일괄로 변경하기
질문: 파이프드라이브에 저장된 데이터를 한꺼번에 변경하고 싶어요. 답변: 파이프드라이브의 Bulk Editing 기능을 사용하면 대량의 데이터를 한번에 변경하는 것이 가능합니다. 참고사항: * 거래 / 조직 / 담당자 데이터 / 활동 등을 목록 보기 형식에서 대량으로 변경할 수 있습니다. * 거래 -> 리드 변환은 한 번에 100개까지만 가능합니다. 1) 변환할 항목의 목록 보기 에 접속합니다. 2) 변환할 항목들을 선택하면 우측 상단에 '대량 편집' 화면이 나타납니다. 3) 변환할 데이터를 찾아 '현재 값 수정'을 선택 후 변환할 값을 선택합니다. 4) 변경 사항을 확인할…
Delete thousands of contacts
Hello, I would like to delete around 4.000 contacts from PD. The list view is not an option as this would require selecting these 4.000 contacts manually. Is there an upload that deletes contacts based on the email address or something like this? Kind regards Hubert
Bulk Upload and Pin Notes to the Top
Hi! I can bulk upload notes, which is great! But how can I make sure these important notes are getting pinned to the top of the Organisaion, Deal or Contact? Thank you!
'Bulk' Winning / Losing Deals
From time to time we can get a trifle tardy. Deals that have been won can accumulate and, short of import/export data manipulation, there does not seem to be a way to bulk 'win' (or lose) deals. In list view I can use a filter to select deals and perform some bulk edit functions on deals. ... eg; 'Send Group Mail' ,…
Suggestion: Please enable users to "bulk edit" from the "activities" tab to simultaneously "bulk edi
Suggestion: Please enable users to "bulk edit" from the "activities" tab to simultaneously "bulk edit" multiple "activities" and their corresponding deals. Currently, I type "archive" into my activity, as a reminder for me to soon move it in to an archival Pipeline we created, for dead and/or significantly delayed…
Help - Bulk data movement
Hi, I have imported data and it's sat in the contacts tab down the side of my screen, but I want to bulk move it into a pipeline for one of the sales team. What is the quickest and most effective way to do this please?
Bulk update columns with value of another column
Hi. I am very new to Pipedrive and our team has (4 days ago) made a migration from Salesforce. We created a column to capture the original Deal Date and now we want to update the default "Deal Created" date in Pipedrive with the value from the column we created for the input. What is the best, fastest, and most secure way…
need to clean out activities in bulk. have multiple new years and veterans day entries
Bulk Editing Next Activity Date
Hey everyone! Really excited to be here. I can feel this platform changing the effectiveness of my sales process already. I am wondering how to Bulk Edit the Next Activity column within the list view of my pipeline. I see how to bulk edit other categories, but for some reason I do not see anywhere to bulk edit an…
Leads: How can I change the lead owner for ALL LEADS at once?
Hi Everyone, i want to know how to do a masive actualization of Deals, chainging the Funnels they ar
Hello, I try to clean my pipedrive and i w ould like to remove all my prospects that are not linked
Exporting/cleaning all prospects that are not active
Leads Inbox Improvements: Filters live for all users!
We have released basic filters support to all customers using Leads Inbox. You can now: * use 5 pre-defined filters (Leads added more than 3 months ago, Lead with a linked contact, Leads with email, Lead with phone number, Leads with value) * add filters as favorites * filter by users and teams in "owners" More to come,…
How do I mark a contact "do not email"?
I have some legacy contacts in my system that are no longer with the current organization. I want to do an email to my contact list without having to manually select all of the contacts. Is there a way to mark a contact as "do not email"?
How Clear all Leads ?
Hi guys! i Want a help with u, we had made a import of an excel with a lot of trash, now we have an 2k in leads and we need to clear, exist a form with clear at once? att, Douglas Flores
Is it possible to bulk postpone activities?
Hi, In the Activities tab, you can select multiple Activities and assign them all a new Due Date, which will be the same for all. However, is it possible to bulk postpone them? For instance, let's say you have: Activity A - Due Date: 03/04/20 Activity B - Due Date: 17/06/20 Activity C - Due Date: 20/12/20 And you bulk…
Bulk editing fields from other views
I would suggest ability to bulk edit organisation fields, when you are in list deal view. Today, my use case was: export all contacts, that are under organisations, which have deals in these stages of pipeline Since there was no possibility of bulk editing, first I created custom field for deals, did filtering and bulk…