WebDav and CalDav Syncro
Hello Everyone, I really like Pipedrive, but I have my contacts and calendar account on another server that doesn't belong to Microsoft or Google. I would like to be able to sync my contacts and calendar using WebDav and CalDav. Can you give me suggestions on how to resolve this?
Linking multiple Organizations to a Deal
Hej, we are operating a 2-sided matchmaking business model and would require linking 2 different organizations to 1 deal. There could be a primary and a secondary organization. However, making this possible in anyway would be a great booster to businesses that operate a multi-sided platform. Thanks for your feedback!…
Remove the "Organization" data field from the Add people card?
Is there a way to remove the "Organization" data field from the Add people card? We don't use Organizations for anything in our application of Pipedrive for our business. It's a nuisance to have it on the add person card when I want to use that "real estate" for more important things for our workflow. Any ideas why I can't…
Managing Child Data
Hello, After a lead becomes a deal, then a customer (or account), is there a way in PipeDrive to store information about that customer/account and the children that roll up to that account? For example, if a hospital is a customer, and there are practices within that hospital that are considered child accounts, is there a…
Connecting married contacts
How do I connect two contacts that are partners? How to connect two contacts into a deal?
Capturing contact data from mail signatures
Dear PD-Team, while I appreciate the effort you are spending to implement AI features, I see some way more useful AI cases than the ones I am being promoted with. One of them is to extract contact data from incoming mail signatures and automatically updating them on the contact. Phone numbers and addresses could easily be…
Adding multiple Contacts/People to a Lead
Seems like you can only have one person on a lead. Would be nice to be able to have multiple contacts, as we keep opportunities in Lead status until we have a shot at it (at which point we convert to a deal). But, up until that point, we may discover multiple organization contacts (and organizations!)
Order of seperating First and Last Name
Hi, I’ve noticed that when I fill in the Person field in Pipedrive, the system automatically splits the name into First Name and Last Name fields. However, in Hungarian, names are written in reverse order (Last Name first, First Name second). This causes the names to be assigned incorrectly. Is there a way to adjust this…
Profile Phone Number (** singular **) in automation
Hi, it looks like PipeDrive stores multiple profile phone numbers under the person phones fields. Is there a way to retrieve only the first listed phone in an Automation? I'm passing this data to an external service for a more complex flow, and when I use the person phones fields, and if the profile has more than one phone…
Quero deixar registrado a minha insatisfação quanto ao uso de uma ferramenta basilar, que é a organização dos contatos no negócio por ordem alfabética. Em solicitação de informação ao suporte técnico, fui informada que o uso desta ferramenta está disponível apenas na versão em inglês, o que é um absurdo, visto que o CRM é…
Adding a "Copy" button for data fields
Pipedrive should add a "copy" button beside the contact/organization fields, so that users could easily copy the content without having to click on the "Edit" icon and then copy the content.
Bulk Import from Contacts > People to Leads
Hello everyone, It would be really useful to have the ability to select multiple contacts from the Contacts > People database and add them to the Leads database in bulk. Currently, the available options are: Manually opening each contact and adding them as leads one by one. Searching for the prospect’s name directly in the…
Book an online meeting on website with filtering, qualification and sync with Pipedrive
At the moment I have a Calendly widget on my website for booking an online video meeting that allows me to ask the lead some initial questions for filtering and routing, and then if the lead is qualified, ask some more questions that are necessary for the initial discussion with a lead during this meeting. The widget is…
Filter or Activity types in History
It would be nice if the History section had a filter so that we could filter and show specific types of activities. Or, it would be nice if we could add our own tab, like Calls next to Note and Email.
Adding a Contact without an Organization
Hi - Is there a way I can add a contact without adding an organization? Im currently tracking how we onboard Members on Airtable with different statuses and would love to do that on here but I keep getting the organization is required.
Add Organizations as Participants in deals
We ask to add Organizations as Participants in deals. Currently only People can be added as Participants in Deals; however, often a Company is a Participant in a deal rather than just one person. Secondly, if Participants could be added automatically by Pipedrive when email is synced under the deal - this would enable to…
One-way contact sync from Pipedrive to Google?
Hi everyone, Is there a way to sync contacts entered into Pipedrive, into Google, but not vice versa? I am a realtor and my google contacts are a mix of other agents and clients, so two-way sync is not helpful for me as it puts other realtors into the CRM. Please let me know, if you know. Thanks!
Linking multiple contacts to the same PROJECT
We have multiple clients where there are multiple people in that organization we have to communicate with regularly concerning a single project. By only having the ability to link one contact to the project, we are missing emails from others inputing on that project. I know that you can link multiple people to the…
Multiple organizations tied to the same person
Would you find it helpful to have multiple organizations tied to a contact?
Add a setting toggle or tabs to show person's history on leads and deals
Right now, the lead or deal doesn't show any activity data (notes, calls, emails) from the person's record. Deal record: Person record: Please give us the ability to see historical activity on a lead or a deal that is on the person's record, whether by a toggle setting, or by adding a section or tab to the history area.…
Lead Scoring and visuals
Please add a lead scoring feature where we can add or subtract points based off of customer actions (for example: opens an email, clicks on a link, etc.). I know this is not the first time that this has been requested, but I am shocked that this doesn't exist in Pipedrive. We would also like to be able to manually enter a…
Add contacts faster via business card
Hey team, It would be cool if there is a feature that when you add a contact you just make a photo of the business card or a screenshot of the email signature and it automatically will be saved as a contact in pipedrive
Notes in pipedrive need auto-save
I'm summarising here a long discussion with customer success. If pipedrive automatically saved the notes I am taking on-the-fly I could trust it a lot better with my crucial business contacts. I am a heavy user of Notes in pipedrive mobile and desktop to memorize information I hear during activities such as a meeting a…
Freeze Rows & Columns
It would be very useful to have the ability to freeze rows and columns in the Pipedrive contact list just like in your average spreadsheet software like, Google Sheets or Excel. It would make it way easier to navigate the contact list when much data is visible.
Prospector Needs to be Integrated in Contacts
Currently the Prospector tool does not fully integrate into Contacts. This is a massive oversight considering all the external prospecting tools (surfe/cognism/appolo) already do. We need PipeDrive Prospector to fully integrate to allow us to: Add new contacts into Pipedrive contacts and sync all their data. Fully sync…
Link multiple Contact people to a deal
It's gonna be great and awesome if we had the possibility to link more than 1 contact to a deal. For a SDR's department it's really essential. In our day to day job we have to reach out several people in one organisation to trigger a conversation :-)
Phone system integration
Hi,I connected our phones system to Pipedrive and within few min i had a lot of records in Pipedrive.. It's a new account so so "persons" in PD yet.. How do you guys handle it? Where do you place the "no-asnwer"? and "call cancelled" and even the answered.. ? it will fill up the pipeline with records very fast.. Thanks
No way to add contact address?
Need to have lead address, don't see that field when adding contacts. Any ideas?
Reordering of email addresses / set primary email address
It is common for me to obtain an email address upon initial contact with a prospect only to later be given a different and preferred email. Then I must manually copy and paste email addresses in the UI to get them into the proper ordering so that the preferred email is on top. Sometimes I have three or four emails for a…
Link email to deal from person/organization view
I am viewing a person or organization. I would like to link an email with that person/organization to a deal from within that very same view.