New types of permissions to help you further restrict user editing/adding capabilities
We will soon start introducing new types of permissions into permission sets that aim to provide the possibility to restrict users from either creating or editing other users’ items: Permissions for adding items: “Add deals”, “Add leads”, “Add organizations” and “Add people” These permissions, when disabled, will restrict…
Please Enable The Ability to Indent With the Tab Key!!!
It is VERY irritating that we can no longer use the TAB key to indent bullets to the right!!! Having to click the "indent" icon in the editor to indent is a pain in the ass. Pipedrive used to be able to move/indent a bullet to the right by hitting the tab key! This capability was disabled months ago when you rolled out a…
Pipeline Permissions by User
Maybe I'm missing this, but is there a way to control access to specific pipelines? I want some users to have access to Deal Pipeline 1, but not Deal Pipeline 2. Is this possible, or are permissions and visibility only decided by Deal ownership?
Technical question: "Product pricing to be fixed even when adding to a deal"
One of my clients wants "Regular user" NOT to change the Product pricing in any condition. Meaning: When they add the Product to a deal, they shouldn't be able to CHANGE the pricing info there. Only quantity. I think it's NOT possible. But wanted to check-in. Any feedback please? Emre
Deactivated Users must remain in the assigned team
If you deactivate a user he is not part of the assinged team anymore. This has the consequence, that the team statistics in the insights are not correct anymore. => a deactivated user must remain member of a team!
Add User export to CSV
We need a functionality to export the user information that you find in "Manage Users" to a CSV file
Changing owner name
Hi, how to block changing owner option for some users in Pipedrive? I need to enable for some users this feature. Cheers
Merged: Please increase maximum Devices to 5
This discussion has been merged.
New: Account Settings access 🛠
What? Account settings access can now be granted as a free seat, independently of having access to Deals. Users that only have access to account settings will not see deals, leads, pipelines, or other core features of Pipedrive. But will have access to user management, billing details, company settings, security settings,…
New: Pipedrive supports two new languages 🇱🇻 🇮🇩
What? We have launched Indonesian and Latvian language versions of Pipedrive. Indonesian and Latvian-speaking users are now able to use Pipedrive software in their preferred language. With these latest additions, Pipedrive is now available in 20 languages. When? Available now for all companies
Question: What happens to a workflow if its creator is deactivated?
Let's say I deactivate a user Alice who created a workflow W. Then what happens if I deactivate Alice? * Is the workflow W still triggered even though the creator Alice is deactivated? * What if the workflow W is designed to create a deal owned by Alice? Does it create a new deal owned by a deactivated user Alice?
Account settings user in Pipedrive: Looking to speak with customers for research [CONCLUDED]
EDIT: We have concluded this research session. If you have any comments, please post in the comment section :) Hi, Community Members! Our user management, more specifically, account setting user feature, needs some attention. :) We’d like to speak to you and understand the use cases and current pains around using this…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 사용 중인 유저 삭제하기
질문: 더 이상 사용하지 않는 계정이 있는데, 어떻게 삭제해야 하나요? 답변: 파이프드라이브의 관리자라면 더 이상 사용하지 않는 유저를 삭제하실 수 있습니다. 주의: 유저를 삭제해도, 과금의 단위인 시트는 유지됩니다. 시트를 삭제하는 것은 다음 구독 플랜부터 적용됩니다. * 2022-01-01 ~ 2022-01-31 : 8 시트 요금 결제 * 2022-01-15일에 6 시트로 다운그레이드 시 아래와 같이 플랜 변경* 2022-01-01 ~ 2022-01-31 8 시트 유지 * 2022-02-01 ~ 2022-02-28 6 시트로 다운그레이드 파이프드라이브 접속 후 '사용자…
Multiple users same appointment
Dear Pipedrive users, I'm trying to list my colleague in Pipedrive as a co-owner or as a guest for an appointment with a customer. Now I can only list myself or him as the owner of the activity. It's my client and my deal, but I do want the appointment to be on both of us's calendars from Pipedrive. is there any way to get…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 새로운 유저 초대하기
질문: 시트를 업그레이드했는데, 유저를 초대하고 싶어요. 어떻게 해야 하나요? 답변: 파이프드라이브의 관리자라면 업그레이드한 시트 수만큼 유저를 초대하실 수 있습니다. 유저 초대는 업그레이드한 시트 수 이상은 불가능합니다. 주의 : 시트와 유저는 다른 개념입니다! * 시트 : 과금되는 인원 수 * 유저 : 파이프드라이브 실제 사용자 수 시트 수 이상의 유저 추가는 불가능하며, 과금된 시트 수 이상의 유저를 추가하실 경우 시트 업그레이드가 필요합니다. 파이프드라이브 관리자 계정 접속 후 우측 상단의 프로필 클릭 후 '회사 설정'을 클릭합니다. '회사 설정' 화면에서 '사용자…
Restrict who can reopen closed deals
Hi! How can I restrict user groups so they can't reopen previously closed deals? Having this feature automatically enabled is giving me a hard time as users reopen and close deals, the won time changes and the won revenue suddenly disappears in the financial quarter I used to report it in. I know I can change the won time…
New: updated Permission Sets page 🚦
What? The Permissions interface has received a number of improvements to make user management easier: * Click a permission set to find a preview sidebar panel, with the detailed permissions * Add users to a permission set directly from the sidebar * Customize individual settings inside the Regular or Manager permission…
Usuario de la Community de Pipedrive
Quiero asociar esta cuenta de la Community a otra cuenta de usuario de Pipedrive diferente a ésta. ¿Cómo lo tengo que hacer? #Community
How can I see the activity of a user?
How can I see the activity of a user? I want to see on a daily basis a report of what each user has updated, added etc
Changing my username ( email in Pipedrive)
I use my email as my username. I need to change my username, and then I want the new email to sync with Pipedrive. Please advise
We’ve changed how to manage your users
We’ve made it easier for Admin users to manage users on their account. Learn more about the minor changes here.
Wrote a detailed post on automated leads assignment in Pipedrive
Post: https://www.amitsarda.xyz/post/pipedrive-automate-leads-assignment I appreciate any feedback and comments.
Ability to just add individual calling licenses
It would be great if you can just add on individual calling licenses for cold callers within an organization. many people here do not need that feature and would be a waste of money on them
Now live: sharing Insights internally
⚠️ Update: Good news, this is now live! See more here. 🚀 --------------------------------------------- Increase team alignment by allowing users to share and access performance overview internally. For whom? All plans. How will it work? * All roles (admin+regular user) will be able to share their dashboards with other…
New: Visibility groups for Leads in all plans 👁️ 👁️ (gradual roll-out until end of March)
Why? To provide more data security for leads, users can now define who can see each lead by using visibility groups. For whom? All users in all plans who have Leads Inbox. How does it work? What can I do? Default visibility settings for Leads will be: * Essential + Advanced: Entire Company * Professional + Enterprise:…
One of my users can't log in how to resend invite?
A user get the following, how can i resend an invite. their pipedrive is already all set up so i don't want to lose that or have them not connected to it.
Beta testers needed for Sales Documents sharing and storing improvements
Easily share templates with your team in Pipedrive UPDATE: Thanks for all the interest in testing this feature! I am no longer monitoring this thread, so if you have feedback or would like to be included in testing please email my team at salesdocs@pipedrive.com 🙂 ___ Hi everyone, We've been making some big improvements to…
How can I help a user with "blocked account"? One of our users forgot their password, Pipedrive acco
How can I help a user with "blocked account"? One of our users forgot their password, Pipedrive account is blocked. He is locked in an endless loop of "renew password" and "account blocked". As admin, I can de-activate and re-activate his account, but he doesn't get a mail to log in again. How can I help him?
New: Forecast Goals are live for Professional plan 🔭 🎯
* Professional plan only * New goal type “Forecast” is introduced * Shows cumulative results of open and won deals * Won deals are shown by won time * Open deals are shown by the expected close date * This goal is measured by the deal weighted value Learn all about Goals with: * our Knowledge Base tutorials * our blog…