Planned: visibility groups for Leads in all plans 👁️
Visibility groups in Essential and Advanced Visibility groups in Professional and Enterprise In our continuous effort to keep Pipedrive as instinctive as possible, we are working on one of the most requested features: giving Leads visibility settings, just like Deals have. Currently Leads are visible to all users in your…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 관리자 추가
질문: 다른 사용자를 관리자로 추가하려면 어떻게 하나요 답변: 관리자는 다른 사용자를 관리자로 추가할 수 있습니다. 1. 우측 상단 프로필 아이콘 클릭하여 '회사 설정' 선택 2. 왼쪽 메뉴 '회사' 아래 '사용자 관리' 선택후 오른쪽 메뉴 '권한 설정' 아래에서 'Admin user' 선택후 원하는 사용자 추가 3. 관리자로 추가한 사용자를 원래 상태로 되돌리려면, 사용자 이름 아래의 '설정 변경' 클릭하여 원하는 상태로 다시 변경 주의: 위 작업은 관리자만 진행할 수 있습니다. 참고 * How can I make a user into an Admin User? from…
Community Roundup - Volume 7 🗣️
Hope everyone had a restful weekend! If you are looking to get your mind running again, check out these posts from our Sales Community and join in on the most interesting discussions: 🔥 How Can You Replace A Salesperson Without Harming the Relationship With The Customer? 🔥 How To Share Deals Externally Without Sharing…
Several contact lists + more user friendly.
I would really need the possibility to create several contact-lists (for people) instead of just one big with different custom fields. We have a big amount of data and right now we find it easier to sort it in different spreadsheets/contactlists regarding the category of the customer. I'm also looking for an easier way to…
Activity owners
Hi, i would love to be able to add more company user's to an activity. Sometimes it's useful, if e.g. you schedule a meeting with a client linked to a deal and it's necessary that another user inside my company should take part.
sending email in a transferred deal
Hello, I have changed the ownership of a deal to my colleague and I would like my colleague, to be able INSIDE pipedrive to reply to the last email in the deal. But my colleague does not have the option to reply? Can you tell me why? and How to make it possible? Thanks
Auto re-assign activities when a deal is re-assigned?
hi there, We have setup a situation that our office managers re-assign incoming deals to our account managers. For every deal we have a set of standard automated tasks that are created. By default new deals and the underlying auto-generated tasks are assigned to the office manager. Question: is there a way to automatically…
New: Account lockdown after too many failed login attempts🔒⛔
Why? To make the Pipedrive's login process even more secure in regards to external threats. For whom? This feature is available for all plans and should be rolled out to all users by the end of this week. How does it work? * 3 consecutive failed login attempts (wrong email+password combination) * Your account locked for 24…
W jakiej skali korzystasz z Pipedrive?
W jakiej skali korzystasz z Pipedrive?
Nutzern nur an einer bestimmten Phase Sichtbarkeit zuteilen?
Guten Morgen, ist es möglich die Sichtbarkeit von Deals für bestimmte Nutzer einzuschränken? Meine Pipeline hat 7 Stationen und ich würde zum Beispiel den Sachbearbeiter der nur noch für die letzte Phase verantwortlich ist auch nur diese zeigen wollen. Geht das? Habe leider nichts gefunden und suche ggf. nach einem…
How can I change a user's email address
A way for reps to get notified when a new contact is assigned to them.
Hello, I have recently set up a workflow so that way when one of our reps gets assigned a new contact, they get notified via email saying: You have been assigned " John Doe " Login to Pipe drive to check it out. But What i wish was possible is we could include a link to the contact in the email. So it would be like You…
Me gustaría saber como poder asignar usuarios específicos para que puedan darle a Ganado o Perdido a
Lead Credits
Hi together, I am very new to Pipedrive. Could anybody tell me why in my prospector I can't see the amount of lead credits which are left. My other colleagues can see them. Thanks in advance. Best Marco
Pop Up Reminders
Are we able to add pop up reminders on an action? E.g. if pressing 'export to excel' i'd like to remind the team to check something.
Access to Insight PRO for only one user of the account
I would like to hear from the community Access to Insight PRO for only one user of the account, since only one is a manager and for this reason he needs personalized fields to perform data crossings in an integrated way with Pipedrive. This well-used functionality generates growth in companies and in this way increases…
Deal ownership changeable to normal users
Change owner of a deal should be possible to be allowed to selected users and not only the admin
Restrict external user access to a pipeline
Just getting set up for the first time. We have a business partner that wants access to their pipeline. We have 3 x pipelines and only want to give them access to one. How do I do this - under Teams? We are on the lowest plan so assume we have to upgrade. Do external users also have to pay the upgraded sub price? PS - I…
Monta käyttäjää samalla sähköpostilla
Tervehdys kaikille! Olemme uusia pipedrive käyttäjiä ja ongelmaksi on muodostunut se, että samalla sähköpostilla on useita käyttäjiä. Millä tavalla olette järjestäneet tämän? Haluaisimme yhdestä sähköpostista, johon ohjautuu useasta eri lokaatiosta tarjouspyyntöjä, pitää sellaisenaan ja ohjata täältä pipen avulla…
Notification emails to external people
Hey, Looking to see if there's a way to let the wider company know when something hits a certain stage - e.g. deal won! I can only see how to send it to people who have pipedrive login accounts - am I missing something?