Project Phase assignment via automation
I'm using projects and our team is loving it. One challenge we are facing is when we add tasks using automation, that we cannot assign the phase to the task and it gets added as unassigned. Is there any way to do this? If not, it would be a great enhancement to the new project feature. Please upvote if you agree. Thanks -…
Smart Doc/E-Signature to Trigger Automation
I'd like to be able to trigger an automation based on a completed e-signature in smart docs. Example: Proposal and Contract is sent to customer, the customer signs via Pipedrive e-signature. Pipedrive marks the document as completed... this should trigger automations such as mark deal as won or send a Slack notification to…
Gantt Chart in projects
Hi, Hello, it would be very helpful to have a graphical GANTT. This should definitely also have the possibility to export (e.g. pdf). When is an implementation of this planned? This function is very important for us as a company.
Make merge tags work when you send a test email so you can test the merge tags.
Make merge tags work when you send a test email so you can test the merge tags. Right now, if you select "send test email" all of the merge tags will just appear blank in the test email you receive. This seems like an oversight.
Deleting Campaigns
Is it just me that needs the ability to delete individual campaigns? They might have been either production tests (not just sending the 'test email' that doesn't pull in variable data), or long finished. this could be archiving if cannot be completely deleted for audit reasons, but some are best just deleted.
Multiple calendars synchronisations
I have more than one calendar on Office 365. But PD can only sync. one. It would be nice to sync. multiple calendars.
Better notifications for Live chat
Notifications for live chat are quite frustrating - desktop notifications only last as long as all other notifications so easy to miss if away from your desk. Would be good to get an email notification to all people who are signed up for Live Chat when someone is waiting. Also to have the tab bar to change with a message…
Remove 'phase unassigned' in projects
I seem to have an unwanted project phased entitled 'phase unassigned' which I cannot delete. Apparently this adds automatically when setting up from a template (according to support) Please can you allow editable rights for phases ?
@ tag / mention user into an activity note
Hi, It will be so good to have the possibility to tag a Pipedrive user (thanks to @) into an activity note as it's already done for the note in a deal / contact / organization ... Thanks
Notes in pipedrive need auto-save
I'm summarising here a long discussion with customer success. If pipedrive automatically saved the notes I am taking on-the-fly I could trust it a lot better with my crucial business contacts. I am a heavy user of Notes in pipedrive mobile and desktop to memorize information I hear during activities such as a meeting a…
Campaigns Feature - Ability to use workflows to update marketing status
I was super excited to see the new Campaigns feature in Pipedrive. Functionality looks great, ability to build workflows etc is a massive win. Have started the progress of migrating from a third party email platform to realise that there is no way to automatically update a Person's Marketing Status to Subscribed (either…
Link multiple Contact people to a deal
It's gonna be great and awesome if we had the possibility to link more than 1 contact to a deal. For a SDR's department it's really essential. In our day to day job we have to reach out several people in one organisation to trigger a conversation :-)
New Feature for Smartdocs | Presentations
Dear pipedrive team, unfortunately, with Onedrive it is only possible to edit documents. The web version of Word is unfortunately very poor, so designs using images are very limited. Presentations and spreadsheets can be used as templates via GoogleDrive. Microsoft offers the possibility with PowerPoint, but unfortunately…
Email automation/text reminders with Scheduler
I think Scheduler could offer email/text reminders as a feature to ensure prospects do not forget the meeting
Calculated Fields
Allow for use of a calculated field in a formula for another calculated field. For example, Say I have three manual entry numeric fields that have been calculated into a calculated field called "Total". Now I want to use that total value to multiply by a pricing factor (which would be entered in a separate field) to be…
Adjusting the calendar view screen as we. wish
For the moment, my calendar view starts at 00:00 and ends up at 23:00 (and then scrolling). For me, there is no use of so much space. 7:00 - 20:00 would be enough.
XERO native integration
Very disappointed to just discover Xero can no longer be integrated on pipedrive. This was one of the main reasons for considering Pipedrive when I was looking for a CRM in the summer. My whole business and accountant uses xero so I'm not sure this will be a viable option moving forward. What a shame. So many limitations…
Adding a customer logo to the organization overview
It is currently possible to add a photo of a contact person of an organization. But it is not possible to add a customer logo to the company where that person works. In this way, the organization becomes more visually recognizable. It may also be possible to make this logo visible in your general pipeline. This also makes…
Need to be able to control default Email Settings across all Users
What is happening: folks set up their Email Sync (without our help, so that we aren't able to make sure their settings are correct) and select settings to Automatically link emails to Deals and People and to Share their emails (instead of Private). This fills our system with emails that have nothing to do with Sales or…
Automating a DRAFT email using email template in Workflow automation
I'd like the functionality of setting up a workflow automation for the creation of draft emails from email templates please. The use case is contacting my mortgage clients where I'm following up with them in two or three years time when they need to refinance their current deal. I may want to add something to the email to…
Note Reporting
I would like to be able to produce a report based on notes added and completed meeting notes on a weekly basis - this is to give an overview of the sales persons weekly activity. As it stands, we only seem to be able to report on deal/activity progress
[Feature Request] CC / BCC recipients stored in email templates
It would be great to have the possibility to add recipients in CC / BCC and store them in an email template. For example I'm sending all Invoices to my customers using the "Invoice" email template. But I always have to enter our finance deps e-mail address in BCC by hand. It would be great if there was a way to store this…
Comparing data over previous periods of time
Hello, While I used to enjoy more the previous report system, I'm adapting to the insights system. But the missing compare to previous period feature is killing me. For me it's a basic sales analysis. I would like to be able to add another axis to my charts to compare to previous periods (last 6 months or same period last…
Can emails be linked to a deal based on the deal participants?
My client runs a business where each customer usually consists of two parts: sales person and technical staff. Let's say my client has a deal with a company 'Acme' which has two contacts: * sales person Alice: alice@wonder.land, who is linked to the Acme deal. * technical staff Bob: bob@wonder.land, who is added as a…
Automation cannot read/write Date Range fields
I realized that Workflow Automations cannot access Date Range fields. They are just not visible when selecting the fields to update, e.g., on a deal. This is really annoying, because it means I cannot set the license period for our auto-generated license-renewal deals and have to rely on everyone to remember to do this…
Additional fonts - desperately needed
Having flexibility and being able to add new fonts to Pipedrive. Many companies create a brand and with that brand, have a specific font used to convey that brand throughout everything. Very limited choice of font so a larger choice and the ability to add a specific font is needed
Dependencies in custom fields
Different information is needed in different phases or different pipelines. If I have multiple business units or products, perhaps entirely different fields are of interest. However, the number of fields can become quite high. And therefore confusing. How practical would it be to display different fields depending on the…
Ability to report on Participants
Please allow reporting and/ or view for PARTICIPANTS attached to: Deals Products Other This has been requested for several years and yet to see it resolved.
Creating and applying email automation to all users
As I create email automation, there are multiple stages where we engage our clients and therefore multiple automations to be built for each stage. The automations purpose is to keep our clients engaged throughout the entire process. The issue I have: In order to apply the deal owners email to the automation, I now have to…
We notice that once a PROJECT is created, the notes created in the deal are not visible in the project. We have job coordinators and project managers that only work in projects once deals are won. Deal notes, mentions and emails should attach to projects once a project is created.