🔄 Campaigns API is now available
For integration partners, Campaigns product has now an API for you to use and connect with our product. Learn about the various endpoints you can connect with from the API documentation here.
7 April Fools email examples you can use to generate sales 🤡
Many people go into April 1st (or April Fools' Day) already expecting not to believe a word they read. From false proposals to fake lottery wins, it’s the now-global holiday for pranks... so, what does this mean for brands? It can mean an opportunity: an April Fools email is a great way to introduce humor into your…
Sent campaigns triggered 55 actions - how do I switch this off
Hi, I recently sent a campaign with 55 recipients - when this had gone out, I now have 55 new activities with the subject 'marketing campaign list'. When I turn this email campaign tool on fully I will have 1000s of recipients and do not want 1000s of activities in my to do list - How can I switch this trigger off please?…
Asking for advice- tracked/opened emails
Does anyone know if you are able to send a group email just to the people who have 'opened' your email? I sent a group email and tracked the responses but seem to be unable to send another group email just to those that I can see have opened it. Doing this individually would take a lot of time.
Leads Inbox - Group Emails
Is anyone else hoping this function becomes a reality soon? We want to be able to contact new leads at various stages throughout the sales lifecyle, but there's currently no option to send group emails from the Leads section. I've asked Pipedrive several times about this for months, but so far nothing has happened... In…
Let my contacts opt out
Hi Guys, I'm wondering how I can let my contacts opt-out or unsubscribe themselves. I would like to give them the opportunity to opt-out for our newsletters and further communications. Anyone can help me with that?
Campaigns emails not displaying responsively in Android's Gmail app?
On my Pixel 4 running Android 12, Gmail displays a scaled down version of the desktop email, which means the text is really small. This was an issue with Mailigen emails as well. According to colleagues, the email is responsive on iOS devices, although I'm not sure if that was Apple Mail or Gmail.
Email campaign
I would like to be able to send a bulk email to all participants on a selected number of deals. How do I get all participants to show up on the people screen
How do you validate your email recipients?
Email validation ensures an address is accurate and can receive mail. There are three major reasons that you should validate email addresses: * You guarantee that emails arrive. Hard bounces occur when the email never reaches an email address (usually because it’s invalid). Validate your emails and you’ll have a much…
Is anyone trialling the marketing email campaign functionality? Have you found out how to run a das
How can I add Campaigns by Pipedrive to my Pipedrive account? I have applied for this channel but it
Gmail account disabled
@Inês Batata I sent emails to a database of around 300 contacts and gmail disabled my account. Can I not send that many emails from Pipedrive?
Our Leads have multiple emails & phone numbers and we need to send mass outreach in a click!
I am about to Implement Pipedrive as our CRM and ATS - we are staffing agency I see so much potential with Pipedrive. I have one concern, our leads have multiple emails & phone numbers per lead and want to send outreach in mass to all emails and phone numbers. Can this be done?
Emailing multiple emails linked to the same contact person
As I add a new lead if I attach multiple emails to one contact is it possible for workflow automation to automatically send an email to each of those emails as they enter a certain stage of my pipeline?
Email to multiple contacts.
It would be very helpful for us if there was an option to send an email to all the contacts listed in the "Participants" section with just one click. We often need to send to over 10 participants and currently we need to copy and paste each individual email into the email.
How behavioral segmentation can help with your marketing campaigns
Email marketers have long since understood the importance of segmentation. However, more traditional, outdated methods of marketing segmentation look significantly different than modern tactics. Where we once grouped our target audience based on factors like age, location, average household income, or gender, we must now…
5 email marketing newsletter ideas
https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/rXXX2k6ZVU3DkUXCTccvqp?ref=community_postHi there, Thank you for being a part of the Campaigns community! My name is Gints and I’m here to help your email marketing strategy shine. As you probably know, email marketing is most effective when you engage with subscribers regularly.…
Help with emailing prospects through the "contacts" page
Hi. Thanks for your help. I import prospects into Pipedrive and then email them through the contact email feature. Pipedrive only allows for 100 emails at a time and I often import more than 100 prospects at a time. What is the best work around for this situation? I'm still pretty new to Pipedrive and am not very tech…
Any suggestions for drip feed email automation apps?
Hi there, We've just been informed that Mailigen is being sunset(ted) which is a shame as it's drip feed automation to win back lost leads was really actually quite good. We've been told that this will be added to the Campaigns feature in Pipedrive, but can't be given any indication of when this will actually happen…
Manage automatically your leads entry (or other task)
Hello everyone, I've created several scenarios that allow me to treat automatically my lead's entry from a form or, a contact sheet, or by Calendly (or other book meeting apps such as Setmore or Acuityscheduling). My scenario does not duplicate any information such as organization, person except if it needed My scenario…
Can you update a deal stage based on an email open?
Hey everyone, I am wondering whether I can update a deal stage based on an email open. Also whether I can trigger an email based on a deal stage?? Does anyone know of any third party integrations that can help?? Thanks everyone!
💳 Campaigns: Subscription and Billing
Use the slider to select the number of contacts you would like. The more contacts you choose, the cheaper the cost per subscriber overall. ➡️ See here how to pick and change your subscriber tier and perform an account review. 💡 Learn more about Campaigns: * with our Academy Course | Email marketing 101: How to be…
Workflow automation
Looking for the functionality that'd allow emailing a deal contact automatically as the deal moves to a different stage of the funnel. Each stage would need a different email template. I am also looking to automate deals to move-on to the next stage if the deal has been sitting in its current stage for more than a defined…
How do you hire an email copywriter in 2022?
Email is a popular marketing channel, and for good reason. For each U.S. dollar spent on email marketing, brands can expect to earn back as high as $45 for retail, ecommerce, and consumer goods. As a result, a skilled email copywriter is a worthwhile investment. But what should you consider when hiring an email copywriter?…
Is there a way for us to enable visibility settings for campaigns?
Hi! I am wondering if there is a way for us to enable visibility settings for campaigns. This way each user only sees templates that apply to their visibility group or team and only view reports from campaigns their account sent not all users.
Mailchimp Integration, Tags
Mailchimp has been pushing more and more the use of Tags and Segments instead of multiple audiences. It is not possible to select a Tag or a Segment during an export from Mailchimp. When do you plan to update the Pipedrive integration?
Is your business getting ready to start sending out mass emails? Here’s how to do it using Gmail:
1. Create a recipients spreadsheet Create your contacts list by copying Google’s mail merge template spreadsheet and inputting your recipients’ information. Then download the mail merge extension in the “add-ons” toolbar section. With Yet Another Mail Merge, you’re able to use the extension to add contacts automatically…
Comprobante de lectura y tracking de links en emails.
Actualmente Pipedrive no permite que veamos los comprobantes de lectura de los mensajes de mail que nos han compartido otros miembros del equipo. Soy consciente de que la privacidad prima sobre todo, pero ¿no debería marketing, como mínimo, podem compartir comprobantes de lectura si es un usuario más que utiliza el CRM y…
📺 💬 Live Event: Sell More With Email Marketing - Campaigns by Pipedrive | January 26th
⚠️ Warning: Attending this live event may cause an abundance of growth in sales. 😱 Register now and reserve your spot! Time to get some virtual socialization in! And what better way to do that than join our Live Event on January 26th, 9 am EST / 2 pm GMT / 4 pm EET I'll be joining the masterminds behind the project…