Can I add a reoccurring activity that is not tied to a specific deal? I'd like to give my assistant
Can I add a reoccurring activity that is not tied to a specific deal? I'd like to give my assistant a few things to do each week that happen every week on the same date/time but don't necessarily tie into any particular deal. Thank you!
Extração de contados de pessoas da organização por etapa do funil do negócio
Tenho necessidade de extrair todos os contatos das organizações que se encontrem em determinada faze do funil. Porém não é possível, pela extração normal através de pessoas ou relatórios ele só considera o contato principal, mas no meu caso eu preciso de todos os contatos para estratégia de IBM. Se alguém puder ajudar,…
LinkPort major update
Hey guys, Here’s an exciting update for LinkPort! All Pipedrive users can now start importing contacts from the Sales navigator as well apart from regular LinkedIn. You can also create your own Pipedrive custom fields for LinkedIn contacts and start importing in a jiffy! Haven’t you downloaded it yet? Go ahead and get the…
Exporting WON deals from Insights to Excel
Update: Exporting Reports from Insights is live for all plans! I used to be able to export WON deals to Excel from the "Progress" tab. Now "Progress" has been replaced by "Insights", I do not see an option to export reports to Excel from "Insights". How can I export WON deals to Excel from "Insights"?
Free Tool Alert !!
Are you someone who hunts for leads on LinkedIn all day? If you’re one, trust me, I know how mundane it can get to copy-paste LinkedIn contacts to Pipedrive day in and out. I have a crazy, free solution for you!! LinkPort - a completely free Chrome Extension that lets you import LinkedIn contacts into Pipedrive in a click.…
Importing NEW products
Products is great. When we first set it up we imported a spreadsheet with products and boom, magic Product ID etc. NOW when we try to import a sheet of new products, nothing we do can make it work. it skips them. we have tried: * importing with the full downloaded list from pipedrive* with and without premade product IDs *…
Import Contact/Leads for Salespeople-without Following
How do I import sales leads for various salespeople/owners without following them myself? Each time I download numbers of leads, I have to UNFOLLOW all of them which is tedious.
CSV Dateien Einpflegen und in eine spezielle Pipeline einfügen.
Hallo, ich brauche mal eine Hilfe. 1. Wie Pflege ich eine CSV Datei mit beispielsweise 100 Kontakten vernünftig und 2. Wie kann ich diesen Import dann in eine neue dafür angelegte Pipeline eintragen? Vielen Dank für die Hilfe Kosta
Recommendation for managing leads
I have a list of leads that have information already associated with them. I create custom fields for this information because it helps me tailor my prospecting message. However, I can only access this information from the deals. My workaround is to create a lead segment in deals and add my leads there. This is unfortunate…
'Import from a spreadsheet' option is not showing up
I am trying to import a spreadsheet full of leads onto Pipedrive. I've done it before, but this time, I couldn't find where I can do it. I read the relevant Help Center article, but when I go to "Tools and apps" page as prompted, the "Caller" page appears and not the "Import Data" page. Haelp!
Anyone have experience importing several thousand "normalized" contacts from spreadsheet into PipeDr
Long story but I started using PipeDrive by importing my contacts (roughly 5000) via the PipeDrive iOS app. I've now realized that my contact info there had a lot of problems and the one-way only sync with iCloud is not going to work for me long term. I've decided to sync G Suite and PipeDrive from this point forward but…
Best way to directly onboard Clients / Factfinds into Pipedrive
I'm looking for advice on how other users / Advisors fully onboard clients. Basically I am looking for the easiest and fastest way to input the data from a Factfind directly into Pipedriver. Client's personal info, their income and expenditure, assets liabilities etc. Do you use web forms or import from excel etc.?? Thanks…
Como eu exporto as notas do pipe sem aparecer erros?
Estou extraindo alguns dados da base de dados mas aparecem assim no excel: "<b>FAZER</b> <div><b><br></b></div> <div><b>Resgate</b><br>RT TFN 23 - Liquidação: <b>01/02/2009</b><br> <span>- Liquidação:</span> <b>02/09/2009</b><br>RT Quatar <span>- Liquidação:</span>…
Importing Princing data
Hi, I'm trying to import Pricing data (product) and I'm always having error. I think Pipedrive doesn't recognize my data format. What should I do? I tried everything : French $, English $, no $ format, etc. Thanks
How can I see the activities sorted out by the occurrence date and time, instead of the record entry
Hi there, this is a question that was asked already 5 months ago, have a look here: https://community.pipedrive.com/question/how-can-i-see-the-activities-sorted-out-by-the-occurrence-date-and-time-instead---5e74ddde08f4375bb56de25a Unfortunately, there has been no answer so far. Could someone pls. have a look? Thank you!
How can I see the activities sorted out by the occurrence date and time, instead of the record entry
How can I see the activities sorted out by the occurrence date and time, instead of the record entry time? It was so in the past and suddenly changed!
Exporting contact records by date added
Is it possible to export Contacts --> People added to Pipedrive according to a specific date range. For example, I want to run a report of all NEW contact records (People) added since the last 30 day period.
Love the Web Visitors Beta. Can we export that data?
Can you make it so we can export that data. Org/ region/industry?
Merge contacts from 2 different pipedrive accounts
Is the best way to merge 2 accounts on pipedrive to export the information as a CSV on one account, then import that CSV file into the other one? I was hoping for a way to do this and map the duplicates in a way that was more organized than that. There are two ways to export data from Pipedrive. Exporting from the list…
Pop Up Reminders
Are we able to add pop up reminders on an action? E.g. if pressing 'export to excel' i'd like to remind the team to check something.
Uploading Contacts to Pipedrive
Hi, I am trying to upload contacts from an Excel spreadsheet into Pipedrive but I dont want it to create a deal at the same time. I only want new Person's created. Is that possible? I cant work it out.
Importación de Datos
Buena tarde, me podrían ayudar de que manera puedo subir mi historio de excel con las acciones y tratos incluidos sin tener desorden o duplicidad de datos. Gracias
Imported leads spreadsheet not found anywhere
Imported spreadsheet. Can't find leads in system. No skip files. I don't understand what happened
Using a VA for data input (failure?)
I hired a fiverr VA to input data directly into my 500 accounts. I have used him successfully in the past with Excel but I gave him temp password to skip that and go direct with data. He says he did this task but I am finding no new data in any account. Could there be a glitz using a VA from Pakistan? Is there a way to…
Hi Everyone, i want to know how to do a masive actualization of Deals, chainging the Funnels they ar
Hello, I try to clean my pipedrive and i w ould like to remove all my prospects that are not linked
Exporting/cleaning all prospects that are not active