Is there a way to export all deal data to a pdf?
I would like to take all the data from a deal, like notes, e-mails and activities and share them with other people in my company that don't use Pipedrive. This would be very useful for restructuring our file system because we cannot make everyone in our company use Pipedrive. Is there a way for me to export all the deal…
Import Function missing
Good day all, My boss recently got me/us onto Pipedrive and it looks great. However, I have an Excel doc with way over 100 active contacts that I want to mass-import, but the function is missing from my "Other" tab. Does anybody know how to remedy this please?
It would be really nice if we can have the ID feature for the LEADS while exporting or importing dat
Lead inbox behaviour?
Hi folks, I'm intrigued by the new lead inbox feature. And I am aware it is in beta, but perhaps someone can explain the intended function. If I use the LeadBooster on our website to capture new leads, they appear in the lead inbox. This does not create a new contact/organization in the main contacts database. Which is…
Documents and cloud services in PD
I have taken a deeper look at PD’s handling of cloud integration and documents and would like product managers and engineers have a deeper look at this issue. We all need to deliver lawful, sustainable, and user-friendly services. To meet these goals, some work seems necessary. * By default, PD stores any documents created…
Pulling a list of all contacts and linked deals
I recently tried to pull a list of all of our contacts and their linked deals. I know we can pull a list of linked contacts and orgs but it would be extremely helpful if we could pull a list of all contacts and their linked deals. The reason we want this functionality is because ensuring all of our contacts are…
From a Pipedrive Pro - VLookup: The fail-safe way to update your existing Pipedrive data via Spreads
https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/5U3LBPTpUvBAUDMZBXPWEj?Our Pipedrive pro @Emily Howard demonstrates how VLookup is just the ticket you need to easily map unique IDs to the items you're updating via spreadsheet. So no matter now much data there is to import, all you need is a few keystrokes to ensure all data is…
Feature-Anforderung Daten-Export: Firmen und alle gekauften Produkte / Artikel
Hi! Hier ist eine Feature-Anforderung für Daten-Exporte. Ich benötige eine Liste von Unternehmen und jedem einzelnen Produkt, dass sie gekauft haben. Jeder Kauf muss einzeln nachvollziehbar sein, inklusive Preis, Datum und Menge. Diese detaillierten Informationen sind wichtig für die Auswertung des Kaufverhaltens und die…
Deals List - Export Data
I am not seeing a way to add a column for "Parent Organization" to my deals list. Does anyone know if this is possible? It would be extremely valuable to my business if we could export a deals list with the option of seeing parent organizations information. I don't think this would be that difficult of an option to add to…
How to import 2 emails address for the same contact?
Hello, Do you know how to import 2 emails address for the same contact without using API ? I tried to import by using the Pipedrive Person ID but it doesn't word Thanks for your help
파이프드라이브 가이드: 사용자 지정 필드로 필터 검색하여 엑셀로 내려받기
질문: 사용자 지정 필드를 포함한 인사이트 리포트 생성하는 대신, 해당 거래만 엑셀로 내려받기 하려면 어떻게 하나요. 답변 사용자 지정 필드에 접근하는 인사이트 리포트는 프로페셔널 플랜에서만 가능합니다. (이 문서 참고하세요.) 프로페셔널 플랜으로 업그레이드 하는 대신, 사용자 지정 필드값에 따라 거래를 필터링해서 엑셀 파일로 내려받으려면 다음과 같이 진행하세요. * 원하는 필터 생성 * 해당 필터를 파이프드라이브 '목록 뷰'에서 실행 * 필터 결과를 엑셀 파일로 내보내기 상세예시 예를 들어. 'membership' 이라는 사용자 지정 필드를 생성하여 다음과 같은 값중…
Old customer is back with all data export, but how can I tell him to import this data?
Greetings, I have a client who decided to stop Pipedrive subscription about six months ago. But he exported all the data as shown in the screenshot. Then he had six excel files for these items: * deals * organizations * people * products * activities * notes Now he wants to get back to Pipedrive, and he's very excited to…
When importing data, how do you link products to each deals?
Hello, pipedrive users I'd like to ask about matching products to each deals when user import data. I added column 'product name' to the spreadsheet, but these product names were added as new products and were not linked to each deals. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? If it doesn't work out, are you all inputing…
New: Leads Inbox update - Export Leads 💾
What? We are in the process of releasing the export functionality for the Leads Inbox, which has been a very popular feature request. For whom? All users with access to Leads and export permissions. When? Gradually rolling out to all companies in the coming weeks 🔔 Be sure to follow What’s New? to get notified about all…
Exporting emails linked to customers and deals
How do I go about exporting all the emails (and included attachments) that were bcc'd into Pipedrive and attached to the client's activity history?
Can I import a data spreadsheet and assign user to the contacts?
I'm uploading a spreadsheet and I'm adding activities but I would like. to assign all these activities to one user, and not the user who is importing the data. is it possible?
Names of variables in export are difficult for auromation and data analysis
I recently did a lot of heavy data analysis and data cleaning from pipedrive and it became extremely difficult to handle the names when using exported xlsx in different programs. “Organisation - variable” is a bit unlucky as the standarsd is using variable names without spaces - i.e. “Organisation.variable” or…
Importing contact issue
I am trying to import a contact list but when I select the '...' on the left hand side there is only the option to export. How can I change this?
Contacts Import issue
I am trying to import a contact list but when I select the '...' on the left hand side there is only the option to export. How can I change this?
Counting number of files per deal
Hello - hopefully this question is clear. I am trying to get a count of # of attached files per deal. Is there a way to view this in Pipedrive? (i.e. Deal 123 has 3 attached files) Thank you!
Report of Deal Products?
Hi We would need to separate our Deal values in, mostly, fixed retainers and sales commissions. I'm trying to implement Deal Products to handle this, see print screen. BUT, are there any ways to view/export this data? Eg, i would like to see all our Deals' commission value (not only the total Deal value). My preferred…
How to export data to Excel?
Hey all-I'm trying to export a filtered list view of sales leads to Excel, but I'm not seeing anywhere that it has this function. Where is it? Is this only available to administrators?
Need to delete a list of deals accidentally created
I have upload contact data from a spreadsheet and for some reason this created a list of Deals for each of these Contacts which is annoying! How do I go about deleting these 286 DEALS please?
I have imported an Excel file in Pipedrive, but I have made a little mistake. Under "Name" I have pu
I have imported an Excel file in Pipedrive, but I have made a little mistake. Under "Name" I have put the supplier name instead of the contact name and after uploading I can't find the "First name" + "Last name" anymore. Can someone give me some advice?
Data integration tool
Hello Pipedrive community! I am looking for the best Data Integration tool . Do you have any advice on which are the best to use with Pipedrive? Thanks so much!
Help - Bulk data movement
Hi, I have imported data and it's sat in the contacts tab down the side of my screen, but I want to bulk move it into a pipeline for one of the sales team. What is the quickest and most effective way to do this please?
❗🎥 In Case You Missed It - Here's April's Update!
https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/1xRfKi9hSwxsP7kAAYzwQ6?In case you missed it - Pipedrive has made a load of improvements to Leads. Not only can you send emails directly from the Leads Inbox, but you can control visibility of your leads for you or your teams, attach multiple notes, and import custom fields. 🔎 Want…
Import: Deal-Product Association?
Hi everyone. I am looking for a way to associate (finished) deals with (closed) products when importing contact/deal-data. If I add a Product Code or Product Name to each line, the import will just create duplicate product items, but not associate a deal with it. Any suggestions?