Add activites in bulk with date and start time
Hi, I need to import activities in bulk, in the column Activity - Due date I write the date and time like this: 2021-11-19 15:00:00 (That is how the column Activity - Due date shows when I export it and have date and start time) But when mapping the data it will only get the date but not the start time. I've tried every…
Notifications from Activities
In pipeline we can turn on notifications on deals, organizations and people when they are assigned to us, however, there are no notifications for activities that are assigned to us, I think this would be usefu l :)
Tick boxes in list view are too close to the menu bar on the left of the screen
Pretty much every time I start to select a number of people to email from a list, I'll accidentally click on the menu on the left of the screen, which is far too close to the tick boxes. This takes me away from the list and 'unticks' all of the people I have selected (sometimes up to 90+) and means I have to start over…
Workflow editing with multiple accounts
Hi everyone, is there a way to view the workflows set up by another person? And/or a possibility to set up workflows so that they can be edited by other users. Thanks for your help!
Changing Sender Email
Hello, I am looking to change the sender email. I am sending many email on behalf of the founder and I need to be able to change the sender email. I don't want the receiver to see ME as the sender, but the FOUNDER as the sender. How can I do this from my login. I don't want to send from Founder's login. Please advise.
Details fields in deals
Hello everyone! It would be very helpful if we could create/have different Details fileds in different pipeline.
Prospector is great search engine but it's really not a bargain
Hello Pipedrivers! First of all I need to say that I love the quality of service that I've been provided with so far. Support is always spot on and system itself is really good HOWEVER there is one thing that might use an improvement. I'm talking about prospector and it's credits. Generally speaking - I get it, business…
Feature request: Turning off tracking for certain email recipients
We send emails to prospects/clients with multiple people in CC (usually their colleagues), but we only want to track the opens/clicks of the person whose email is in the deal. Ideally, I'd love to be able to send an email to Person A (whose email is linked in the deal), with his two colleagues in cc, but only choose to…
Email sync of blacklisted receivers and not blacklisted receivers
You don't want the emails to be synched which are written to your colleagues. Therefore, you can blacklist your domain. So far so good. But if you write an email to a customer AND add a colleague in Cc, the email will not be synched as well. In this case the emails should be synched. And in a perfect world you should have…
Are my projects safe/backed up?
I'm feeling like the current system is workable enough for me to switch over my projects into here and to no longer use excel. If I do this exclusively though, I just need to know my project information is going to be safe! I don't want to run two systems. I just want to work from the one place. I know this is still Beta,…
Transfer Signature to Signed Document (Signature Field)
It would be extremely helpful to have the digital signatures captured during the signing process mapped to and transferred over to the final, signed document for presentation. I know we have the Signature and Audit pages, but forms traditionally have signature lines/fields within the document itself, and losing this…
Replace Smart Docs Pipedrive Logo with Custom Logo
When removing the Pipedrive branding from Smart Docs emails, it would be great to be able to replace this logo with a company-specific uploaded image. This would make for a much more professional looking and personalized experience for recipients. Not asking for all references to Pipedrive be removed, just swap out the…
Create a Workflow Automation Triggered by Email Tracking Status.
I would like to be able to create workflow automations based on the status of the last email sent (if they have opened/clicked on the link/replied to an email). I am part of the workflow automation beta and it is not available to me. Is it doable?
Information on "private" or "shared" on deal level
You should be able to see wether a mail is set on private or shared also on deal/contact/organisation level (as you can see it in our mail inbox). This would help also identifying the really important messages and saves a lot of headaches. Like this (please take note of my artistic design ;-) ):
Required fields when moving deal to new stage
Do anyone else experience getting this pop-up message when they move a deal to a new stage despite the required fields being filled out already? Is this a bug? I get the point of the pop-up when there are required fields you actually must fill out to move to the next stage, and appreciate that you can fill them out then…
Exporting Leads
I would like to export my Leads into an Excel worksheet. By doing that, I would have the ability to send email campaigns and get our information out to leads.
Google calendar tasks/reminders to PD specific activities
Hello, I would like to have the type of activity in Google calendar, match with activities in PD. For instance: When I create a reminder or task in Google calendar, this doesn't register in PD. These Google calendar entries would match well with the Task activity in PD. Thanks :)
SalesDocs Insights
Sales Docs Needs: * Insight Reports on which deals have quotes or proposals within sales docs. A simple yes/no would suffice to start * Insight Reports on conversion rate from proposal to close * API Event for when a sales doc is created * A count of total number of docs per deal, broken into sub-categories of proposals,…
Making it so that you can allow regular users to delete people and organisations
I have had to make most of the team admin's because it is too much of a faff for them to email me to delete something. I had to look through the permissions over and over again because I was so surprised that it wasn't an option. Is this something that you can do or?
Add "Accepted Scheduler Events" to Deals for Workflow Automation
We would like to automate "accepted" scheduler events so they can be utilized by Workflow Automation. Currently, when a scheduler invite is accepted, nothing is logged within the deal, so we are not able to utilize Workflow Automation to do anything specific to the deal...such as move to the next stage. Really weird you…
Need to export results of Web Visitors
The Web Visitors tool needs to have a way to export the results to make it useful for analyzing the data. PipeDrive adding some analytics to the tool would be good in addition. However exporting and being able to analyze to our (anyones) specific needs would be the priority.
Can reverting bulk uploads be extended to users with manager permissions?
I think (please correct me if I'm wrong) that only users with administrator privileges can revert bulk uploads. Is it possible to extend this feature for users with other privileges?
Report on People
Hey, it would be great to start seeing reporting on People in Pipedrive In some cases data is held against the person as it suits better to be captured there instead of a Lead or Deal. Thank you & apologies if there have been many posts like this before!
Hide custom fields in Detailed View of Organisation
When I configure a custom field I want to have an option to hide it from the Detailed View and only to be visible in List View, like the different address fields in the Organisation. It is valid for Organisation, Deals and Contact. Some values are only for automation triggers and so on and don't add any value for the owner…
API - A deals history
I am not too sure how others may do this but we have found some issues when mapping a deal's historic performance. This includes how a deal moves along each stage and to and from each pipeline. As I am sure many use Pipedrive across multiple teams, it was our ambition to track how deals move along each stage, the duration…
Workflow Automation Query: Deal Probability Update based on Deal Stage
Following on from Jack Duff's post last year (https://community.pipedrive.com/post/stage-probability-should-set-probability-for-all-deals-within-that-stage-5ebc17b240e0286d0170308c), since this feature isn't available, how can we create a Workflow Automation that automatically updates the Deal Probability field based on…
Text Formatting / Spacing Controls
Can you add line spacing options like they offer in Mail Chimp. Like "normal, 1.25, 1.5, double" options for line spacing
Notification if label was removed
A small step for me, but a giant leap for a lot of users. And it would contribute a lot to process security in Pipedrive: You can create automations when a label is added or changed to a deal, but not when it is removed. Some companies (especially larger ones, with visibility restrictions) mark organizations with an open…
Personalized field in Deal, shown as dropdown field
It would be great if Pipedrive gives the option to configurate the "1 option field" as dropdrown in Web Forms instead of radio buttons.
Recurring Revenue feature in Products
Are there any updates regarding the integration of the recurring revenue feature in the "product area" of the deals? As we discussed this issue in multiple other threads its a big intrestpoint for us and many others as the feature in its current state is prettymuch worthless to us.