Pipedrive Activity ALL DAY option
Would be so nice to have an ALL DAY option to click instead of just having a time frame for an activity. When syncing with google calendar, it is nice to be able to block off a whole day sometimes. Right now, I have to create the activity in pipedrive then open google cal and change it in settings to be all day. Should be…
Calendar invites: ability to accept or decline
ALSO with the calendar invites with Zoom it USED to use the gmail method where I could ACCEPT or DECLINE a meeting and then it would add it to calendar. NOW IT DOES NOT do that. so ALL invitees show pending as there is no way to accept a meeting invite. this is a BIG problem
Meeting Schedule Invitations
Hi, We have prepared an availability calendar so customers may schedule meetings from our website. Although we synchronized emails and calendars with Pipedrive, it still sends an invitation. This way our customers receive 2 invitations: one from our calendar and another from Pipedrive. How can we cancel the email…
Calendar two way sync not deleting in Pipedrive Calendar
have my calendar setting to two-way sync. When I delete a re-occurring event on my google calendar, it does not delete on my Pipedrive calendar. Also I'm not able to delete the event in the Pipedrive calendar either. Its shaded grey. Can someone please help, thanks in advance, Jack.
Adding Pipedrive activity URL into sync’d calendar events
It would be extremely helpful for Pipedrive to automatically insert a URL into the notes section of the synced calendar event that points back to the specific activity/task in Pipedrive. This would allow looking at an iphone/ipad/desktop calendar and then one tapping on the link to get directly to the task to complete it…
Change Calendar Color (with Workflow Automation)
In my work calendar, I like to distinguish internal calls vs external calls by color coding (i.e., change any meeting with an external party to orange). This allows me to quickly see which events I need to be most prepped for, which events can't be late for, which events have flexibility to move, etc. I don't think…
Calendar sync issues - pulls all calendars across and wont remove once synced
Calendar Sync is hugely inconvenient in the way this currently works. Our team were excited in being able to use the "Propose Time" option and was all looking like this could resolve a big issue for us but the way the current calendar function works, it just won't be possible to use it as it pulls across all the calendars…
Merge fields in activities
Hi, Can you make it so that the calendar reminders contain the name or company name so that my calendar is not full of 10 entries that all say Call?
Suggest different timeslots for different weeks to clients with ONE link
In the activities, section you have the "suggest timeslots" but there I can only work with a scedule that is the same for every week I want them to book timeslots. Can you make a scedule for example for a month which is different every week? I do want to have "one" link, but I want the link to create for example not every…
Recurring Activities in Pipedrive: Looking to speak with customers for research
EDIT: We have concluded this research session. If you have any comments, please post in the comment section :) Dear Pipedrive community, In case you missed my previous post, we’re currently researching recurring/repeating activities in Pipedrive. This would impact your activity, calendar and list views. We’d like to speak…
Calendar sync with email providers that are not Google or Microsoft.
Hi, Are there any plans to sync with email and calendar providers that are not Google or Microsoft? Perhaps something via CalDav. We are currently using Protonmail. Thanks, Jenny
Multiple users same appointment
Dear Pipedrive users, I'm trying to list my colleague in Pipedrive as a co-owner or as a guest for an appointment with a customer. Now I can only list myself or him as the owner of the activity. It's my client and my deal, but I do want the appointment to be on both of us's calendars from Pipedrive. is there any way to get…
Google calendar and Pipedrive Calendar view
Hi! Any tip or trick for having a nice configuration setup with Google Calendar and Pipedrive calendar view? I would like that Pipedrive allowed us to synched meetings from google calendar as blocks, without having a to-do activity linked to it. Anyone else having this issue? Thanks!!
Recurring Activities: Please help us by filling this survey for research!
EDIT: Thank you for your responses. We shall close this survey now. Much appreciated! :) --- Dear Pipedrive community, We’re currently researching recurring/repeating activities in Pipedrive. This would impact your activity, calendar and list views. We know this topic has been mentioned often in the community. We’d like to…
Outlook to Pipedrive Calendar Zap?
Hello all, I would like to create a Zap when a meeting is scheduled in an Outlook account not associated with Pipedrive to zap over an create an activity in the Pipedrive Calendar. I have tried a number of times but it's not working. Would someone have this Zap created already that they can share with me or another…
Calendar Sync - Exchange
Cannot get my company Exchange calendar to sync with PD The email was simple and worked great, but the calendar no so. Any suggestions would be great.
When using the Propose Time, I've seen the available hours does not take into account my current eve
When using the Propose Time, I've seen the available hours does not take into account my current events in the calendar. So for example, if I book a demo with a client through a phone call at 10am Friday directly on my calendar, clients can still book with me at that time trough the Propose Time link. It would be nice if…
Verabschieden Sie sich vom manuellen verknüpfen von synchronisierten Aktivitäten!
Was wäre, wenn ich Ihnen sagen würde, dass die Aktivität auf dem Screenshot unten über Google Calendar Sync eingegangen ist und Kontaktperson/Organisation/Geschäft automatisch verknüpft wurden, ohne dass eine manuelle Eingabe erforderlich war? Schwer zu fassen, ich weiss :) Aber es ist zu 100% wahr - versprochen!…
Additional Calendars & Companies
Is there a way to add additional calendar syncing? I have a personal email I would like to add for scheduling ease. Also, I am starting at a new company and would like to set up a pipedrive account, but connect it to the account I have now. Is there a way to toggle between the two?
Inbound Sync Only
I'm looking to sync my calendar one-way—events on my calendar should appear inside of Pipedrive—but nothing from Pipedrive should go back to my calendar at all. The reason is only part of my job is sales, and I'd like to track activities that are sales related, but not ones that activities, but if I delete an event in…
Is there a way to get the activity details, or a link to the activity in pipedrive to populate into
Is there a way to get the activity details, or a link to the activity in pipedrive to populate into the calendar event?
Two-way calendar sync problem
Hi all! I enabled two-way sync with my Outlook and suddenly facing the problem, that all internal meetings scheduled with outlook are added to Pipedrive as activities. I find it quite annoying, because deleting an activity in pipedrive e.g. daily kick-off, automatically sends a cancellation via outlook. Do you have any…
Planned: Video-call integration for Scheduler in all plans 🎥 📅
Scheduler video call links are generated after the invitee has confirmed a meeting slot on Scheduler. How will it work? * Automatic video call links will soon not be just for manually created activities anymore, they're around the corner for Scheduler-generated activities too! * Have both Zoom and Microsoft Teams…
Question on auto-scheduler for google calendar meetings
Pipedrive's auto-scheduler has stopped adding Google Hangout links to my calendar invites. It used to work automatically. When clients schedule a meeting with me now via Pipedrive's scheduler, there's no meeting link and no way for us to have the meeting. What am I doing wrong here and how do I get google hangout links to…
Any workarounds for adding pipedrive "activities" to your Gcal as a "task" instead of as an "event"?
Anyone have a workaround for adding activities to your Gcal as a "task" instead of as an "event"?? I am hoping to figure this out so I don't have to maintain an entirely separate calendar just for Pipedrive tasks. Currently, having my pipedrive tasks enter into my Gcal as an events, blocks anyone using my calendar booking…
Availability and bookin meetings with pipedrive feature - how it is working?
I wanted to inspect more feature of availability and sharing my time slots in emails instead using for example Calendly. Have anyone been using this feature? I have some questions related to it: * can it be synced with my calendar so it will automatically take out slots when I add something to my calendar? * when booking a…
Google Calendar sync - and update
Is there a way to remove events from google calendar once they are marked as COMPLETE in Pipedrive, but still keep them in pipedrive?
Looking for a GREAT flexible calendar with Zapier / Integromat connection
Hello All, I'm working with a roofing company that has 2 in house crews and sub contracts work out to various crews depending on the complexity and location of the job. I can't seem to find any great calendar applications that everyone can easily access and I can integrate into Pipedrive via Zapier or Integromat. Anyone…
I am looking to connect with other business consultants and brain storm best use cases for using Pip