Boa Tarde Pessoal! Quando o negocio é colocado como perdido por um executivo comercial e depois outr
Boa Tarde Pessoal! Quando o negocio é colocado como perdido por um executivo comercial e depois outro executivo solicita a conta...qual a pratica correta? transfiro o negocio perdido também ou apenas a Organização?
Syncing emails to deals
Hi there, At our company every employee has synced and linked their email to PipeDrive. However, the emails only sync on the organisational level, but not at the individual deals. As soon as an organisation has two or more deals, the emails are not synced on the deal pages anymore as the system does not know to which deal…
API: Deleted deal stages not appearing in stay in pipeline stages from Deals
When a deal stage is deleted it is currently removed from the field stay_in_pipeline_stages. To track deal stage progression you must instead use the deal updates endpoint which is a massive log of events. Furthermore the information corresponding to the deleted deal stage is removed from the stages endpoint. It would be…
Geographical Report
How do I create a Report geographically in Insights Section ? There is no Address in drop down of Deal category. Please guide.
Required fields when moving deal to new stage
Do anyone else experience getting this pop-up message when they move a deal to a new stage despite the required fields being filled out already? Is this a bug? I get the point of the pop-up when there are required fields you actually must fill out to move to the next stage, and appreciate that you can fill them out then…
Feedback and Suggestions: DEAL - Entry Fields - Show how many items are left
It would be great if I'd know how many items are left in the entry fields. For now, I have to guess. Otherwise, party of the typed words are gone forever after saving.
Workflow Automation Query: Deal Probability Update based on Deal Stage
Following on from Jack Duff's post last year (https://community.pipedrive.com/post/stage-probability-should-set-probability-for-all-deals-within-that-stage-5ebc17b240e0286d0170308c), since this feature isn't available, how can we create a Workflow Automation that automatically updates the Deal Probability field based on…
Can't see new leads! Lost new Web form visibility
We are now having trouble dropping web forms into deals with new restrictions that they be connected to people or organization. Formerly these started as deals and we built pipes to distribute. Now we've list visibility to new and need to search people or organizations. How are others seeing new web form adds?
Creating Unique Account Numbers in Pipedrive
Hi guys, Is there a way to create a new, unique account number for each lead that is converted into a deal / customer?
Deals List - Export Data
I am not seeing a way to add a column for "Parent Organization" to my deals list. Does anyone know if this is possible? It would be extremely valuable to my business if we could export a deals list with the option of seeing parent organizations information. I don't think this would be that difficult of an option to add to…
Insights: Inaccurate tracking of stage completion
Scenario: Stages in the pipeline: In discussion --> Demo Booked --> Next steps in progress --> Second meeting booked --> In negotiation --> Not now - later When someone updates a pipeline stage for a deal (DEAL A), from in discussion to not now - later Under insights - when looking at how many Demo's were booked this week,…
Feature Request - Deal Approvals
It would be great if a sales leader could approve a Deal before it either moved to a specific stage or could be marked as Won. That would save us a lot of headaches before we move a sold deal into production.
Reaction time(in hours) for first activity marked as done
Wanted to track reaction time for first activity marked as done of new deal by hours, any suggestions how to do it?
From a Pipedrive Pro - Where to Find a List of Deals Related to a Product 📝
https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/9BwoPYzeRHzbA5x5vMTtWc?This time, our Pipedrive pro @Emily Howard shows us a quick trick to find all deals that have been involved with a specific Product. 🔔 Be sure to check out the full Learn from a Pipedrive Pro academy course for more productivity hacks from our pros, and…
lead or deal? asking for help organizing my data
I have a service business. My clients get to me by various ways. Word of mouth, FB/IG posts, webinars, courses I teach and more. Sometimes the first communication is a phone call which ends after scheduling a meeting(which is actually a sale). Sometimes, it starts with a text message, only asking for advice on a specific…
Automatically Link emails to deals
Hello everyone! Hope all having a good time. I am facing a problem. How can I link ALL the details from the organisation's generic email, aka info@, to the deal that the organisation is linked to? HELP!
Trace back deal to webform
I would like to be able to trace back a deal to a specific webform. Any suggestions?
Automation advice to update activity owner
worHi all, PD newbie here so looking for some advice. We have an admin team who create appointments on behalf of the sales team. The owner of the deal is always the allocated sales person so when the admin create a new activity of type meeting for the sales appointment, is there a way to automate the setting of the…
Allegati mail all'interno dei Deal
Buongiorno a tutti, sono Enrico, titolare di Dekal Fotoceramiche. Essendo noi fotografi, lavoriamo molto con gli ordini tramite email che allegano, appunto, fotografie. E' possibile con Pipedrive, allegare i file delle email mentre si crea il deal? Spero di essermi spiegato! Grazie mille a tutti!
From a Pipedrive Pro - How to Automatically Duplicate Deals in Other Pipelines with Links To The Fir
https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/VrYu2U19h92jArpw85yPqz?ref=community_postIn this tutorial, our Pipedrive pro @Luiza Salomão returns to demonstrate how to use Workflow Automations to take the manual work out of duplicating deals to other pipelines on your Pipedrive account. 🔔 Be sure to check out the full Learn…
Newbie (not a sales person!) trying to understand Deals for political action
I am a new user of PipeDrive, and I'm trying to use it -- not for selling exactly -- but for laying the groundwork for a political campaign. This includes asking for donations, emailing a regular newsletter, building relationships, getting people to take actions, etc. I am really struggling to figure out how to map "deals"…
Seeking Advice: Using Zapier to create contacts and deals in Pipedrive
Hi All, I need a bit of help here please. I'm trying to build a Typeform - Pipedrive integration using Zapier. When a prospect fills in the Typeform for then I want a contact and a deal (with that contact associated) to be created. I can create a contact and I can create a deal but I can't seem to work out how to link them…
Usability testers wanted: Adding Products to Deals [deadline: June 25]
Hi everyone! We have been working on a solution to fix some of the issues reported about Products, more specifically when adding products to deals, and to make sure we are building the right solution, we would like to have 30 minutes of your time to test a prototype! Can we count you in? If so please pick your time slot…
With Visibility restricted, users duplicating / creating deals for Prospects that already exist.
If Deal visibility is restricted, there's no way to avoid salespeople going after the same prospects. Either there should be some kind of visibility to search whether something exists without seeing more details, Or... ?
Hi. I waded through half a dozen CRM's before circling back to Pipedrive and signing up.I'm therefore rather disappointed at the pitifully weak handling of multiple deal participants -- this could well be a show stopper.
Notes and List-View Columns in Deals
When viewing Deals in list view... ..., there is a gear on the right side of the screen that allows me to select what columns I can display and sort for each deal (Activities to do, Contact person, Creator, Deal Closed on... etc). There is no way to view/sort the number of notes on any given deal, but it would be nice if…
'Bulk' Winning / Losing Deals
From time to time we can get a trifle tardy. Deals that have been won can accumulate and, short of import/export data manipulation, there does not seem to be a way to bulk 'win' (or lose) deals. In list view I can use a filter to select deals and perform some bulk edit functions on deals. ... eg; 'Send Group Mail' ,…