Email linked to 2 deals
I would like to link an email to 2 different deals. Is this is the making @pipedrive? Would anyone else find this useful?
What do you do with Closed/Finished/Expired/Old Pipelines?
At our company, some of our Pipelines are used for recruitment into programs. Our teams recruit folks via Deals, and once enough companies have been recruited, the effort stops, Deals are marked as Won or Lost, and the Pipeline goes out of use. Since all Deals are marked as W/L, the Pipelines are empty (in Pipeline view).…
Deal Progress Report
I'm trying to create a Deal Progress report that shows how deals have changed in past 2 weeks. The existing (out of box) Deal Progress report shows when a Deal enters a stage. But that's not what we're looking for. For example we want to see that in the past 2 weeks: 5 deals moved from Stage 1 to Stage 2; 7 deals moved…
Keep WON/LOST Deals in Pipeline View
Pipedrive should add a feature, at the Pipeline level, to toggle on/off if Deals should still show up in Pipeline view when a Deal is WON or LOST. It is really difficult to continue to explain this feature to our users because to them it looks like no Deals were won/lost. Then we need to set up a List view to show them…
I've been scratching the head for a while on what to do with old deals that we didn't win? Right now
I've been scratching the head for a while on what to do with old deals that we didn't win? Right now, we move them to a "Lost but subscribed" pipeline to keep the history, and they are added to our email campaign, but this is a bit redundant cause they go on our email campaign list regardless. Are we safe to delete their…
Does anyone know if you can edit your reason of a lost deal... i would like to be more organized.
How can I change start date on subscription on a deal?
Once I have created a deal and setup the expected recurring amount and start date for the subscription, how do I then change the start date, if I am not able to close the deal before the expected start date? It seems I can only update the "Recurring amount" and set an effective date for the new recurring amount. Really a…
Pin this email to top of deal = same as pin this note function
I really like the "pin this note" function under deal = to remain on top at first sight! Would love to have the same for emails too. Quite often I experience that during the initial stage of a deal that valuable insights/scope/briefing etc. of a project are shared during enquiry stage and I would be great to have that on…
Deal idle time is wrong?
I have a deal where is says idle for less than a day.. The problem is that the deal has been idle for 15 days. Is there something I am missing? The one underneath says 10 days, but has been idle for almost a month.
Aktivitäten automatisch schließen, wenn Deal verloren
Hallo liebe Community, der Titel sagt eigentlich schon alles. Ich möchte gerne alle offenen Aktivitäten in einem Deal automatisch schließen, wenn dieser besagte Deal auf "verloren" gesetzt wurde. Ist das möglich? VG Dennis
Bulk edit button on deal level
At the moment it's only possible to bulk edit activities on de activities page. Would be great if you are able to bulk delete activities on a deal page as well.
Customize left side bar in deal section
I would like to remove the Choose a billing plan section and move the person info up to the top. Basically, I want the left-hand side bar to be customizable.
Carry fields from Deals to Projects
When we convert a deal into a project, much of the data carries over, but not all. We would like to carry the 'Value' field over, so in addition to seeing see how much potential revenue is in the deal pipeline, we can also see how much revenue is in the project pipeline. Additionally, we created a Cost Basis custom filed…
Drop down menu query
Hello Pipedrive community, Is there any way to add a drop down to a custom field when creating a new deal. This would be implemented on our Project description field. We would like the drop down like the other fields as shown above /\
Deals Layout - Is anyone experiencing the same thing?
Hi there; I have been using pipedrive for a few mouths and have a couple of suggests / comments that a pipedrive support person recommended that I post. Here they are: * On the Organization page, I would like to see of the open deals for each customer. Currently there is a 5 Deal limit that are shown on the main page. You…
Deals Endpoint Limit
Hello, I want to create a Power BI report, I have connected to Pipedrive API on the Deals endpoint, but due to the limit I am not getting the most recent data/deals. How can I do this? Thanks
CPQ - A boon or nightmare?
Anyone using CPQ solutions to optimise your sales process? What do you find difficult in your existing CPQ? * Complex to learn and implement * Not user friendly UI * Difficult to customise rule engine
Post about zip codes every day until problem is solved
Need zip codes still... Zip Code
Removing the REVENUE field from DEALS
Is there a way of remove a REVENUE field of a DEALS. I don't see a way of to make this.!
파이프드라이브 가이드: 거래 성사 시간을 변경하고 싶어요.
질문: 거래 성사 버튼을 누르면 '성공 시간'이 현재 시간으로 자동 입력되는데 다른 날짜로 수정가능한가요? 답변: 가능합니다. 첨부한 동영상 참고하세요.
Boa Tarde Pessoal, alguma empresa gerenciar multiplos produtos no pipedrive onde cada produto tem di
Boa Tarde Pessoal, alguma empresa gerenciar multiplos produtos no pipedrive onde cada produto tem diferentes tipos de precificação e estaria disposto a fazer uma breve reunião de benchmarking? / Good afternoon everyone, is there any company that manages multiple products on the pipedrive where each product has different…
Issues import database
@Inês Batata Hello! I have some issues when I import the database. Automatically the deal title takes it from the organization name. Although I select to take the lead title. I tried removing the organization name but some is accepted and others skipped. Can anybody help me?
Lead Creation - Assigned to Option
It would be great for us to be able to assign an owner for new leads as well as on the deals page. Our Customer Service team field the incoming prospective accounts and assign them to the areas sales person. Currently it will auto assign the person raising the Deal as the owner. I would like to create a workflow automation…
Attach documents when deal is won
Hi! When a deal is won we send an email directly to our accounting department with the signed offer attached. Now I want to automate this task. I tried a workflow but I can´t attach documents into the automated mail :-( is this even possible? Maybe a workaround? Thanks!
Organize uploaded files
Is there a way to organize or name files that are uploaded to a deal. we upload a lot of files to each deal and it is a mess searching for each file. Folders would be nice.
Organizing People in SaaS Sales process
Hi, we provide a SaaS solution either directly to the customer or using sales partners. Even if we sell using a sales partner, we are in direct contact with the using customer. In one extreme case, a single person at a customer is my direct contact in one project and indirect contact (via sales partner) in another project.…
Hitting Enter on Lost Popup Submits the form
Currently if you are typing in a lost reason and then hit enter. It does nothing. It would be nice if it submits this form rather than having to mouse over to the button.
What happens to deals in a deleted stage?
I want to delete some stages from a pipeline. I don't have any active deals in those stages. But what will happen to the lost and won deals that were in those stages? Should I move them to a different stage before deleting the stages?