Wrote a detailed post on automated leads assignment in Pipedrive
Post: https://www.amitsarda.xyz/post/pipedrive-automate-leads-assignment I appreciate any feedback and comments.
Notification based on a contract date
Hi all, I want to set an alarm which notifies x months before a contract is finishing. Could you please provide any help on how to achieve it? Thanks!
Sharing Deals between Users
How do you share deals across two users. So, for example, you have the followers and participants functions but that doesn't appear on user dashboards and I am actually not sure what either of those does other than act as a form of telling the people using the account. What would you recommend if you are trying to share…
Can we automate adding new recurring revenue ?
Hi, We are a sport leisure center and our billing is based on annual subscriptions. We'd like to track which "plan" our customers are on and when it expires. Is it possible to do that with the recurring revenue feature ? Can we automate with a Pipedrive workflow to add a new subscription to a deal (including amount, start…
Annual Subscriptions but with new deals
Hi, Our customers (see "contacts" on pipedrive) after a "deal" we have, they register to our services and pay for annual subscription, but then, they dont pay automatically every year, and sometimes, the amount changes, based on specific new needs/products. So, every year we should send a reminder for renewal of their…
Deals - On-hold
There are multiple deals on hold due to the pandemic situations. These deals affects my overall lifecycle of the Sales Process. What is the best practice to handle the deals on hold?
Fix currency conversions when deals are won
Hi, when different currencies are used, reports automatically convert deal value to the default currency of the Pipedrive account. This works well and is very useful. However, when a deal is won, it would make sense that the currency conversion would become fixed with the converted value from the date the deal was won. It…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 거래를 성사/실패 처리하려면 어떻게 하나요.
질문: 파이프드라이브 처음 사용하는데, 거래를 '성사' 또는 '실패' 처리하려면 어떻게 하나요. 답변: 거래를 '성사' 처리하려면 두가지 방법이 있습니다. * 파이프라인뷰에서 거래 항목을 마우스로 끌어서 화면 하단의 '성사'로 옮기기 * 거래 항목을 열어서 우측 상단의 '성사' 버튼을 클릭하기 마찬가지로 거래를 '실패' 처리하려면 두가지 방법이 있습니다. * 파이프라인뷰에서 거래 항목을 마우스로 끌어서 화면 하단의 '실패'로 옮기기 * 거래 항목을 열어서 우측 상단의 '실패' 버튼을 클릭하기 자세한 사항은 첨부한 동영상 참고하세요.
파이프드라이브: 거래는 어떻게 추가하나요.
질문: 파이프드라이브 처음 사용하는데, 거래는 어떻게 추가하나요. 답변: 파이프라인 뷰 화면에서 '+거래' 클릭하여 첨부한 동영상처럼 진행하세요.
Need Help - PipeDrive to Google Forms to Automate.io
Pipedrive is very weird in the things it lets you do and not do. I'm sure there is a method to the madness that I haven't learned it yet, but some of these limitations seem elementary. This may be a simple question.....we'll see: There is an "ID" tied to my deals that shows when I turn on the filter option for it. But I…
Recent Searches and/or Records
Often I find that I need to re-access Contacts, Deals, and Leads that I previously accessed. To do this you can either search for the record or go to that section of Pipedrive and cherry-pick the record from a list. Seems to me that if you place your cursor in the Search form it would be handy if the system displayed a…
Planned: Global Search 🔎 💫
Prototype. Final version may look different. We are improving the way our Search feature works and looks, to give you a smoother and more thorough experience: * Search look-and-feel will be improved * See recently modified, viewed and added items * Differentiating between similar search names will become a lot easier with…
Bulk Transfer of Deal Ownership
Hello - Is it possible (or can you please make it possible :-) to do a bulk transfer of deal ownership? For example, I am taking over a sales territory. The current owner of those deals is moving into another role/territory. He has several deals and I would prefer to transfer them all at once to me if possible. Thanks!
Sharing Deals between Users
How do you share deals across two users. So, for example, you have the followers and participants functions but that doesn't appear on user dashboards and I am actually not sure what either of those does other than act as a form of telling the people using the account. What would you recommend if you are trying to share…
Google and FB Ads to deals
Hi everyone. We have been using a FB ad for a while now to help generate leads. We are going to begin running several FB and Google ads. We need to be able to track which ad specifically resulted in a deal. Are there any best practices you can recommend or a 3rd party software you are using that is working well for you to…
Pipedrivers, what do you do with deals after they are completely finalized? What are the best practi
Pipedrivers, what do you do with deals after they are completely finalized? What are the best practices? Do you move them to a separate Pipeline or just a different stage and let them rot there forever? Cause that looks to me like cluttering my pipeline.. Please share your opinions. It would be very helpful to hear…
Insights on organizations
Hello, So I want to have a report on each organisations/clients of our in Pipedrive with the following information: name, nr of deals started in a custom period of time, won deals, lost deals, sum of all deals (amount won, amount lost,) ticket size. All this in just one report. It is possible in pipedrive?
Periodiserade intäkter?
Vi håller på och utvärderar olika CRM och har fastnat lite för Pipedrive. Våra säljare mäts både på fasta engångsintäkter men också på periodiska intäkter, typ 2000 kr/mån i 48 månader. Jag har sett att det går att skapa detta under Produkter men det jag undrar är om det på något sätt går att få till det att dessa 2000…
How can I set deal value through automation which should be dynamic in nature. Currently, automation
🧠 Measure Your Pipeline Progress - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 11 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/s7ejq3Ouphw?ref=community_postEven if you follow the guidance from every previous video in this series, if you don't measure your pipeline it's unlikely to ever reach its full potential. Watch this example of how measuring your pipeline will enable you to spot challenges and tackle them…
How to send automatic mails in the customer's language, with deal as trigger?
Every time I create a new deal in my pipeline I want to send a mail in the customers' language to the customer. How is this possible.
Next Activity for Lost Deals
Hello, Wanted to get everyones thoughts on the next activity pop up for lost deals. I have an organization that currently is trying to transition to working off the activity screen for daily action items but, their biggest complaint is Pipedrive requesting a next activity even if the deal is marked lost. I really…
Email visibility in deals
I love the pipeline visibility. What I'm struggling with is tracking information. My "deals" are all people. Meaning, I'm reaching out to one person per deal to move it along. Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't get all the information in one place. I make notes and track activities in the deal, but email threads are…
How do I find Partner generated revenue?
Hi, Looking at Pipedrive for our company and have a question. We have a a lot of agencies working with joint customers and referring them to us. We have the contract with the end customer. How can I get an overview of all the deals a partner has generated without looking through customer by customer.
Cold emailing structure in pipedrive - Leads or deals? Let's discuss best practises
Hi pipedrivers, I am working on new process. Basically we have list of people in PD and our salesman goes and calls these people. There is some process and at the end the response is either yes, no, not now but in future, no response. I am thinking, what is the best practise, currently there are 3 possibilities: * keep…
WOW was that difficult. Adding a new person to a Deal.
WOW was that difficult -- Adding a new person to a Deal. Am I missing something here or is this a big hole in Pipedrive. Hopefully it can be fixed. This will happen to us often. * Deal was started with Kyle who setup the sales demo. * Demo involved Jason (new) and then he got into the email thread. Jason is the main guy. *…
Please fix. I need to reply to the email I'm CC'd.
Please fix. I need to reply to the email I'm CC'd. I'm CC'd on the email. But I can't hit the reply button. Of course I want to reply within the CRM. * Reply to Email <--- PLEASE FIX. NOTE: Why can't I upload an image to the forum? I'm trying to upload a screenshot, it requires a video type or pdf type, ugg. So I made a…
🧠 Make Time For Prospecting - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 9 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/087zHpE2YT0* ?ref=community_postThe most effective way to have a healthy pipeline is to effectively manage your time. This means making time for all the essential sales activities, including prospecting. However, it can be hard to find time for prospecting, especially if you feel like you…
Hi, I'm new to Pipedrive. I'm looking to have New Deals generated from Squarespace dumped into Pipedrive and then have those new deals generate to a list in Mailchimp. Anyone have any suggestions?
Renewal deals in Pipedrive
Hello everyone, My team and I are looking to test our approach of supporting the Renewal deals in Pipedrive. We're in the early stage of defining solutions for the problem and thusly are very eager to get insights from our end users. If your company has renewal deals, please leave your comment here so that I know whom to…