how transform business in person?
New user question
Hi I'm new to Pipedrive and I have a question about how to use it. I'm an accountant and I have a cold list of 600 businesses mainly in one particular sector. I was intending to make contact through Pipedrive (emails) with the business owners to add value, provide relevant info, answer typical questions and invite to…
🧠 Set the Right Kind of Goals - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 2 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/asjT8AY5WE4In this chapter you'll learn why it's important to set activity-based sales goals and how you do it. Setting activity-based goals helps you deal better with rejection and focus on the deals that are important. It also helps you plan your day and work out what you need to do to close…
New: Goals in Insights! (gradual rollout) 🎯
Why? For the users who already enjoyed the Goals feature in the previous incarnation of Pipedrive's Reports, this needs no explanation -- and you certainly voiced how much you missed them during this transition period, for which we appreciate your patience. 🙏 For the users who already joined us in the Insights era: Goals…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 필터 설정 (성사된 거래와 진행중 거래 동시에 보기)
질문: 파이프라인에서 성사된 거래와 진행중 거래를 동시에 보려면 어떻게 해야 하나요. 답변: 필터 기능을 이용하여 원하는 조건을 조합할 수 있습니다. * 거래 상태가 '진행' * 거래 상태가 '성사' 성사된 거래와 진행중 거래를 동시에 보려면, 위 두가지 조건을 OR 로 연결하는 필터를 생성하세요. 자세한 내용은 첨부한 동영상 참고하세요. 참고 * Filtering - from Pipedrive Knowledge Base * 파이프드라이브 가이드: 고객 목록 필터링 * 파이프드라이브 가이드: '분기별 생성 진행중 거래 보기' 필터 설정
Revenue input - does it send communications to person / organisation on the deal?
I am keen to start using the revenue functionality in the deal view. Does it send outgoing messages such as emails to the organisation / person listed on the account? (I don't want it to, purely for internal reporting)
🧠 Understand the Numbers Game - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 1 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/AFvgwM9D5a0Welcome to the beginning of our Sales Pipeline Course! In this first short video, Pipedrive Co-founder Timo Rein helps you understand what a sales pipeline is and how it can help you grow your sales. Depending on your industry, these stages may be different but the principle is the…
is pipedrive support unique text custom field ?
I want to add subdomain in organisation which is unique for every organisation, can it be possible ?
初めての投稿となります。本日よりpipedriveを使用し、HubSpotのデータをインポートしました。 pipedriveの表示が、海外仕様で名姓表示になっていますが、これを姓名の順に日本表示することは可能でしょうか?
If your ever comparing pipedrive plans, the following is a great resource for video demos and I asse
See attached pdf for comparisons on a download and link for demos. https://www.pipedrive.com/en/academy/courses/full-demos
Community Roundup - Volume 9 🗣️
2021 may still be recovering from the champagne and confetti but in Community we hit the ground running. Check out this week's selection of top posts, and join in on the discussion! 🔥 Happy New Year Emails: 8 Templates for Your New Year Email Campaign 🔥 How to Use Pipedrive to Automate Estimation Workflows 🔥 Can You…
Dear Community. I wanted to ask you about your experience with implementation of pipedrive. Have you
Dear Community. I wanted to ask you about your experience with implementation of pipedrive. Have you used outsource partners to integrated pipedrive or something different? Our company have around 150 people and as you can imagine, there is a number of stakeholders to think about and to integrate (aftermarket sales,…
How does your pipeline look like?
Hi Real Estate experts! With the recent release of the new leads inbox it could be a great time to review your main pipelines. Here's one below that one of our new customers has set up. Although every company process can be unique, what feedback do you have for her, how does yours look like and why have you set it up that…
How do I delete all imports to start fresh?
How do I delete all imports to start fresh?
Estimating workflows
Hi all, I am new to pipedrive and hoping to use the platform to automate our estimating workflows including internal check sheets, resource coordination and submissions. Do you have advice on how to get started?
Alguien sabe si se puede poner primero, hasta arriba el modulo de Persona y posteriormente el de Det
Alguien sabe si se puede poner primero, hasta arriba el modulo de Persona y posteriormente el de Detalles?
Can I view LOST deals in the forecast view?
I have been struggling to get Lost deals to show in my forecast view. Can someone advise me how to do this? Possibly lost deals just can't be seen in the forecast view? (I want to be able to use that visual representation to look at recently lost deals, by month) Thanks
Move Bid from one pipeline to another
Is there a way to move a bid from one pipeline to another? We have several pipelines. I want to move a bid that has been won from the Sales Pipeline to Richard Prospecting. How can I do that?
Bulk Editing Next Activity Date
Hey everyone! Really excited to be here. I can feel this platform changing the effectiveness of my sales process already. I am wondering how to Bulk Edit the Next Activity column within the list view of my pipeline. I see how to bulk edit other categories, but for some reason I do not see anywhere to bulk edit an…
Hi Is anyone using Lusha <> Pipedrive direct integration? If so how to you avoid duplicates ? Thank
I am new to Pipedrive and would like some help formatting our lead flow. Also in new deals - how am
I am new to Pipedrive and would like some help formatting our lead flow. Also in new deals - how am I able to change the titles in the pipeline?
Pipedrive Online Meeting Lunedì 28 Dicembre!
Ciao a tutti! Ho organizzato un meeting online Lunedì 28 Dicembre: per chi già usa Pipedrive e vuole condividere la propria esperienza e migliorarne le performance e per chi non lo conosce o è alle prime armi, per chiarire dubbi e perplessità. Vi aspetto, sarà una bella occasione anche per conoscersi "dal vivo"! Per…
Tagging an email to the deal activity history
Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to tag an e-mail history (gmail) to the referred Deal (on the Activity). On SalesForce when you add its own e-mail (like a SF tag) as BCC it's automatically saved on the Opportunity activity history. Is this possible on Pipedrive too?
Ein Kontakt zwei Organisationen
Hallo Community, ich bin neu hier und habe auch gleich schon eine Frage. Ein neuer Kunde (Kontakt) hat zwei unabhängige Firmen (Organisation). Der Kunde möchte unser Produkt für seine beiden Firmen kaufen. Wie kann ich dies entsprechend im pipedrive vermerken. Ich habe versucht dem Kontakt eine zweite Organisation…
Hi, I am a beginner user of pipedrive. I would like to organise an on boarding meeting, who and how
how to sort people by interests